You can configure this setting to store profile archive files and logs in OneDrive for Business instead of the profile archive SMB share.

Setting Value

0 or Not configured - Disable OneDrive for Business integration

1 - Enable OneDrive for Business integration

OneDriveLogDirectory Enter a log directory location inside the user profile. For example, %LOCALAPPDATA%\OneDriveLog
Note: Using a local path improves login and logoff performance.
MaxOneDriveLogFileSize Set the maximum log file size in kB
Note: Ensure to set maximum log file size to avoid logs to expand indefinitely and affect login performance.


Set the value to 1 to enable copying profile archives to OneDrive for Business.

Set the value to 0 to copy profile archives to SMB share only.

For more information about this setting, see Copy Profile Archives to OneDrive for Business.