Configure certain applications to be started with administrator privileges, when a user is not a member of the administrator group.


  1. Start the VMware Dynamic Environment Manager Management Console.
  2. On the User Environment tab, select Privilege Elevation.
  3. Click Create.
  4. Enter a name for the setting definition.
  5. Select the privilege-elevation type from the Type drop-down under Privilege Elevation Settings.
    • You can only use folders for user-installed applications.
    • If you are configuring path-based settings that reference network paths, specify UNC paths instead of drive letters. When users launch these applications, they should access them from the UNC path.
  6. Click Add in the Elevate section and select the folders or applications to add to the list.
  7. (Optional) If you are elevating an application, select whether to elevate child processes as well.
  8. Click Save.