DirectFlex imports the settings of an application when the application is started.

DirectFlex improves FlexEngine efficiency. Without DirectFlex, all profile settings are read during login and saved during logout, which can slow down these processes if many settings are configured. If DirectFlex is activated, application settings are read when an application is started rather than at login. Changes to the settings are saved when the application is closed, instead of when the user logs out. During a user session with DirectFlex activated, only those applications that are used cause the profile settings to be read or saved.

FlexEngine starts when the user logs in. It reads the application and user environment settings from the configuration share and loads personalization information from the user profile archives share. When the user starts an application while logged in, DirectFlex directs FlexEngine to load and apply the settings related to the application. When the user closes the application, DirectFlex directs FlexEngine to save the settings to the user profile archives share. When the user logs out, FlexEngine saves remaining Windows personalization information to the user profile archives share.

Note: Do not use DirectFlex for applications that are used as middleware or as plug-ins and for Flex configuration files that contain Windows settings.

Application paths or names cannot occur more than once in Flex configuration files, as FlexEngine uses them to determine which configuration file to process. To validate for conflicts use Validate DirectFlex.