Windows Common Settings are Flex configuration definitions for standard Windows and Internet Explorer features. Instead of defining the registry or file system configuration entries manually, you can manage the user preferences by selecting one of the built-in settings in VMware Dynamic Environment Manager.


  1. Start the VMware Dynamic Environment Manager Management Console and click Create Config File.
  2. Select Use a Windows Common Setting and click Next.
  3. Select the Windows Common Setting you want to use and click Next.
    Option Description
    Active Setup Active Setup configuration, as used by Internet Explorer for example.
    App-V 5 User Integrations App-V 5 publishing information.
    Default applications - File type associations and protocols

    File type associations and protocols.

    After you select this option, you can prevent messages from occasionally appearing asking users if they want to "keep using this app" when they attempt to open a file. Use the Group Policy Management Editor as follows. Navigate to the File Explorer folder, for example, Computer Configuration > Policies > Administrative Templates > Windows Components > File Explorer. Next, enable the Do not show the 'new application installed' notification setting.

    Default printer The default printer.
    DPI settings Text size (DPI) settings.
    Internet Explorer – Personal Settings Internet Explorer configuration items, such as favorites, cookies, and proxy settings.
    Internet Explorer - WebCache Internet Explorer versions 10 and 11 use the WebCache file to store cookies, history, pointers, and more. Configuring this setting has some impact on login and logout times, because the WebCache file expands in size over time.
    Internet Explorer 7-11 – AutoComplete passwords

    The AutoComplete passwords that Internet Explorer stores for login forms.

    There are two different AutoComplete password settings, depending on whether folder-redirection is configured for the Application Data folder. Select the setting that applies to your situation.

    Keyboard Keyboard-related settings, such as the keyboard layout, repeat speed, and the pointer blink rate.
    Mapped network drives

    Mapped network drives.

    Microsoft Edge

    Microsoft Edge configuration items.

    • Settings apply to Microsoft Edge Legacy only.
    • Settings are not compatible between different versions of Microsoft Edge Legacy. To support multiple versions, manage the settings through separate version-specific Flex configuration files.
    Mouse Mouse-related settings, such as pointer speed, mouse pointers, and swapping the primary and secondary buttons.
    Multilanguage User Interface settings The Multilanguage User Interface (MUI) language, also known as the display language.
    ODBC – User DSNs ODBC data source name configuration.
    Personal Certificates

    The certificates used to encrypt files (the Encrypt contents to secure data check box in the Windows Explorer file attributes).

    There are two different personal certificates settings, depending on whether folder redirection is configured for the Application Data folder. Select the setting that applies to your situation.

    Printers Mapped network printers and default printer.
    Regional settings Date, time, and currency formats settings.
    Screensaver settings Screensaver-related settings.
    Taskbar and list of recent items Taskbar settings, such as taskbar locking and pinning applications to the taskbar, and recently opened items.
    Typed History History of URLs entered in Internet Explorer, and paths entered in Windows Explorer.

    Wallpaper-related settings, including desktop slideshows on Windows 7.

    There are two different wallpaper settings, depending on whether folder redirection is configured for the Application Data folder. Select the setting that applies to your situation.

    Windows Explorer and view settings Explorer layout and details pane.
    Windows 10 Start Menu Start menu layout on Windows 10 Version 1703 and later.
  4. Browse to and select a location for the configuration file.
  5. Enter a name for the configuration file.
  6. (Optional) Enter a title and description.
  7. Click Finish.


You successfully created a Flex configuration file with a Windows Common Setting.