Placeholders use the [Flex#%var%] format, where var is the name of an environment variable or a reference to either an Active Directory attribute or a Horizon Client property. You can use placeholders in filenames and folder names, and in text files.

To reference an Active Directory attribute in a placeholder, use the %{AD$attributeName}% or%{ADc$attributeName}% format. See Referencing Active Directory Attributes. For example, placeholder [Flex#%{AD$department}%] resolves to the department name of the user.

To reference a Horizon Client property in a placeholder, use %{ViewClient_propertyName}%. For example, placeholder [Flex#%{ViewClient_Protocol}%] resolves to the connection protocol. See VMware Horizon product documentation, specifically information about client system information sent to remote desktops.

Note: The Flex string in a placeholder is case-sensitive, but the name of the environment variable is not. Also, the AD, ADc, and ViewClient parts of the references are case-sensitive, but the referenced attribute names and property names are not.

When importing a predefined settings file, FlexEngine automatically replaces placeholders in filenames and folder names with the value of the specified environment variable or reference. If you use placeholders in the Registry\Flex Profiles.REG file, or in any .INI, .TXT, or .XML files in your predefined settings, FlexEngine automatically replaces those placeholders, too. If you use placeholders in any other file, the name of that file must contain [Flex#] to instruct FlexEngine to process the file contents. The [Flex#] token is removed on import and does not affect the filename.

  • When you use placeholders in .REG files, use the [Flex#%var%#reg] format to escape any backslashes and double quotes in the value of the specified environment variable or reference, in accordance with the .REG format.
  • For applications that refer to users through their security identifier (SID), use [Flex#%SID%].
  • When processing placeholders in text files, FlexEngine tries to determine the text encoding automatically. If the attempt fails, select the correct code page by using [Flex#codepage] in the filename.