With the Profile Cleanup editor, you can remove individual settings from roaming or local profiles when you start managing them with VMware Dynamic Environment Manager.

By using VMware Dynamic Environment Manager, you can achieve an easy transition from conventional roaming profiles to well-managed user profiles. Individual applications can be migrated from roaming profiles to VMware Dynamic Environment Manager at any time.

In addition, you can use the Profile Cleanup editor to clean profile fragments left by uninstalled applications, which increase login and logout times. When using the Profile Cleanup feature, roaming profiles are less prone to challenges created by profile growth. You can enter the registry and file system information to be deleted at logout from the Profile Cleanup tab.

You can use the following section headers in the Profile Cleanup editor:

Table 1. File System-Related Profile Cleanup Section Headers.
Option Description
[DeleteFolderTrees] Deletes files and subfolders in the specified folder. Each entry refers to a folder and must start with a folder token. Wildcards are not supported.
[DeleteFiles] Deletes the specified file or if the filename contains wildcards, files in the folder. Each entry refers to a file and must start with a folder token. Wildcards are supported in the filename, but not in the path.
[DeleteFilesRecursively] Deletes the specified file or if the filename contains wildcards, files in the folder and subfolders. Each entry refers to a file and must start with a folder token. Wildcards are supported in the filename, but not in the path.

All entries for the registry-related profile cleanup section headers must start with HKCU and do not support wildcards.

Table 2. Registry-Related Profile Cleanup Section Headers
Option Description
[DeleteRegistryTrees] Deletes the values and subkeys of the specified key.

Deletes the specified value.

Note: Use a trailing backslash to indicate the default value.