Many applications create log files, temporary files, diagnostic folders, crash dump folders, or other items, that typically do not require that VMware Dynamic Environment Manager manage them. These items must not be saved to a user profile archive.

With the File System Auto Excludes feature you can specify folder names and filenames that, when encountered during profiling, generate exclude sections, as the following example shows.

<AppData>\Vendor\Software\Crash Reports


Without File System Auto Excludes, the complete <AppData>\Vendor\Software tree is exported, including crash reports, log files, and temporary files.

If you configure Crash Reports as a folder to exclude and *.log and *.tmp as files to exclude, Application Profiler populates the exclude sections with the appropriate paths.

The File System Auto Excludes setting is applied only if the File System Auto Excludes setting is enabled. Folders and files to be excluded are configured in the Manage Excludes dialog box.

Manage Excludes

In the Folders to exclude text box, you can specify partial folder names like Crash Reports or Diagnostics\Crash Reports, and absolute ones like <AppData>\Vendor\Software\Crash Reports.

Path components can contain wildcards, for example Diag*\Crash Reports, however, matching takes place component-by-component and folders such as Diagnostics\Troubleshooting\Crash Reports do not match in this case.

In the Files to exclude text box, you specify entries, such as *.log and *.tmp. You can only specify filenames, with wildcards supported. Path information is not supported.

If the entries in the Manage Excludes dialog box are not specific enough, they might result in the exclusion of all file system-related configuration.