Use these advanced FlexEngine settings to configure VMware Dynamic Environment Manager in specific scenarios.

Caution: These advanced configuration settings must be used only by experienced Windows administrators when a specific functionality is required.
Setting XML Attribute Description
Symantec Endpoint Protection DirectFlex export fix DirectFlexExportFallback="1" Set the value to 1
DirectFlex compatibility fix for BeyondTrust and Avecto DirectFlexRenewHook="0" Set the value to 0
Allow processing ADMX-based settings, application blocking, privilege elevation and Horizon Smart Policies configuration during a session AllowAdmxInSession="1" Set the value to 1
Remove local profile at logoff RemoveLocalProfileAtLogoff="1"

SkipRemoveLocalProfileAtLogoffForGroupsOfUsers="User GroupNames"

SkipRemoveLocalProfileAtLogoffForGroupsOfDevices="Device GroupNames"


Note: All settings and user data stored in the user profile are deleted.
Set the value of RemoveLocalProfileAtLogoff to 1 to let Windows remove a local profile at logoff.

To skip removal of local profile at logoff for certain users or devices, specify a comma-separated list of group names.

For example, SkipRemoveLocalProfileAtLogoffForGroupsOfUsers="UserGroup1, UserGroup2"SkipRemoveLocalProfileAtLogoffForGroupsOfDevices="DeviceGroup1, DeviceGroup2"

Set the value of SkipRemoveLocalProfileAtLogoffForAdminGroup to 1 if you do not want to remove local profile at logoff for the members of the local administrators group.
Note: Enabling this feature can impact the logoff performance in some scenarios like multi-user (RDSH).
Prevent export for failed import SkipExportForFailedImport="1" Set the value to 1
Disable DirectFlex - option 1 DisableDirectFlex="1"
  • Set the value to 1 to Disable DirectFlex
  • Set the value to 2 to Disable DirectFlex and process DirectFlex config files during logon and logoff
Printer mapping - number of retries when mapping MapPrinterRetryCount="20" Set the value to any number (default 20) (decimal)
Printer mapping - number of retries when unmapping UnmapPrinterRetryCount="20" Set the value to any number (default 20) (decimal)
Special Drive Mapping Logic SpecialDriveMappingLogic="2" Set the value to 2
Disable DEM agent features - Disable during logon only UEMActionDriveMappingDuringLogon="0" Set the value to 0
Disable DEM agent features - Disable during logon only UEMActionFileTypeAssociationDuringLogon="0" Set the value to 0
Disable DEM agent features - Disable during logon only UEMActionPrinterMappingDuringLogon="0" Set the value to 0
Disable DEM agent features - Disable during logon only UEMActionShortCutDuringLogon="0" Set the value to 0
Disable DEM agent features - Disable completely UEMActionPrivilegeElevation="0" Set the value to 0
Disable DEM agent features - Disable completely UemActionAdmx="0" Set the value to 0
Disable DEM agent features - Disable completely UEMActionApplicationBlocking="0" Set the value to 0
Disable DEM agent features - Disable completely UEMActionDriveMapping="0" Set the value to 0
Disable DEM agent features - Disable completely UEMActionEnvVar="0" Set the value to 0
Disable DEM agent features - Disable completely UEMActionFileTypeAssociation="0" Set the value to 0
Disable DEM agent features - Disable completely UEMActionFolderRedirection="0" Set the value to 0
Disable DEM agent features - Disable completely UEMActionHorizonPolicy="0" Set the value to 0
Disable DEM agent features - Disable completely UEMActionImport="0" Set the value to 0
Disable DEM agent features - Disable completely UEMActionPrinterMapping="0" Set the value to 0
Disable DEM agent features - Disable completely UEMActionShortcut="0" Set the value to 0
Disable DEM agent features - Disable completely UEMActionTask="0" Set the value to 0
Disable DEM agent features - Disable completely UemActionHideDrive="0" Set the value to 0
Disable DEM agent features - Disable completely UemActionPolicy="0" Set the value to 0
Disable DEM agent features - Disable completely UemActionTriggeredTask="0" Set the value to 0
Disable DEM agent features - Disable completely UemActionMigrate="0" Set the value to 0
Environment Variable prefix EnvVarPrefix="anyvalue" Set to anyvalue
Validate .REG file ValidateRegFile="1" Set the value to 1
Compatibility fix for Sophos EndPoint Protection DirectFlexFollowJMPHook="1" Set the value to 1
Compatibility fix for VMware Horizon smartcard redirection DirectFlexHookLoadLibrary="0" Set the value to 0
Global excludes GlobalExcludesConfigFile="filename.INI" Use this setting to apply global exclusions across all Flex config files. Specify the absolute or relative path to your global excludes Flex config file here. If a relative path is specified, it is resolved against the General folder.
Diagnostics: Collect performance log PerformanceLogFilename="perflog.blg"
Enable this setting to collect a binary performance log while DEM is performing a path-based import. This log can be subsequently viewed and analyzed in Windows Performance Monitor.

If only the performance log filename is configured, the following performance counters are collected.

  • \Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time
  • \System\Context Switches/sec
  • \System\Processor Queue Length
  • \PhysicalDisk(_Total)\Avg. Disk Queue Length
  • \PhysicalDisk(_Total)\Disk Reads/sec
  • \PhysicalDisk(_Total)\Disk Writes/sec
  • \PhysicalDisk(_Total)\Avg. Disk sec/Transfer
  • \Memory\% Committed Bytes In Use
  • \Memory\Page Faults/sec
If performance counters are configured, only the configured counters are collected.
Diagnostics: Log CPU and I/O statistics at logon and logoff LogProcessStatsAtLogonAndLogoff="1" Set the value to 1 to log CPU and I/O statistics at logon and logoff
Diagnostics: Log CPU and I/O statistics for registry import LogProcessStatsForRegistryImport="1" Set the value to 1 to log CPU and I/O statistics for registry import
Diagnostics: Log CPU consumption CpuConsumptionLimit="threshold" Enable this setting to log CPU consumption of other processes that were running while DEM performed a path-based import or export. CPU usage is logged for each process that consumed more CPU than the configured threshold (in milliseconds)
Diagnostics: Log slow calls CallTimeLimit="threshold" Enable this setting to configure how long certain calls can take (in milliseconds) before a warning is logged
Diagnostics: Enable verbose logging for ADMX-based settings, application blocking, privilege elevation and Horizon Smart Policies AdmxLogging="1" Set the value to 1
DFS namespace support for application blocking (requires DEM 2111 or later) ApplicationBlockingSupportDFSPath="1" Set the value to 1
Disable undo at logoff (requires DEM 2111 or later) FolderRedirectionUndo="0" Set the value to 0
Folder redirection - Disable folder name localization (requires DEM 2111 or later) FolderRedirectionLocalization="0" Set the value to 0
Multiple concurrent sessions - Perform single import and export MultiSession="0" Set the value to 0
Multiple concurrent sessions - Apply Horizon Smart Policies in every session HorizonSmartPoliciesMultiSession="0" Set the value to 0
Only perform path-based export (requires DEM 2111 or later) ExportOnly="1" Set the value to 1
Override existing user policy registry settings (requires DEM 2111 or later) AllowAdmxOverride="1" Set the value to 1
Silo-specific Flex config files SiloIniFilePath="path" Specify the absolute path with silo-specific configuration files
Silo-specific suffix SiloSuffix="suffix" Specify silo suffix to use. It defaults to last component of silo-specific Flex config files path
Process environment variable settings before folder redirection (requires DEM 2203 or later) ProcessEnvVarBeforeFolderRedirection="1" Set the value to 1 to process DEM environment variables settings before folder redirection settings
Override previously hidden drive letters (requires DEM 2203 or later) OverrideHideDrives="1" Set the value to 1 to override the existing Hide Drives Settings.
Custom Commands
Custom command to run before path-based import PreExecutionCommand="command" Specify the command to run
Custom command to run after path-based import (requires DEM 2111 or later) PostLogonCommand="command" Specify the command to run
Custom command to run before path-based export (requires DEM 2111 or later) PreLogoffCommand="command" Specify the command to run
Custom command to run after path-based export (requires DEM 2111 or later) PostLogoffCommand="command" Specify the command to run
Expand environment variables in custom command settings (requires DEM 2203 or later) ExpandCustomCommands="1" Set the value to 1
Custom commands as SYSTEM
Custom command to run before path-based import (requires DEM 2303 or later) PreLogonCommandAsSystem="command" Specify the command to run. This command is executed before its PreExecutionCommand user counterpart.
Custom command to run after path-based import (requires DEM 2303 or later) PostLogonCommandAsSystem="command" Specify the command to run. This command is executed after its PostLogonCommand user counterpart.
Custom command to run before path-based export (requires DEM 2303 or later) PreLogoffCommandAsSystem="command" Specify the command to run. This command is executed before its PreLogoffCommand user counterpart.
Custom command to run after path-based export (requires DEM 2303 or later) PostLogoffCommandAsSystem="command" Specify the command to run. This command is executed after its PostLogoffCommand user counterpart.
Expand environment variables in custom command settings ran as SYSTEM (requires DEM 2303 or later) ExpandCustomCommandsAsSystem="1" Set the value to 1
Use built-in registry parser (requires DEM 2206 or later) EnableRegParser="1"

Set the value to 1 to use the built-in registry parser instead of regedit.exe or reg.exe to import registry settings.

License location (requires DEM 2206 or later) LicenseLocation="path to FlexEngine.lic" Set the value to the fully-qualified absolute path of the license file, to override the default location where the DEM agent expects to find its license.

For example, LicenseLocation="C:\Users\test\Desktop\License.xml"

By default, the DEM agent finds its license in the General\FlexRepository\AgentConfiguration\License.xml file on the config share.

Disable import and export (requires DEM 2209 or later)



Specify a comma-separated list of group names to disable import and export for certain users or devices.

For example,

