ENI has several built in performance metrics uses to identify problems on the network. Each of these metrics looks at the data and leverages machine learning and big data analytics to identify problems and suggest resolutions to the issues. The following table is a partial list of the metrics included

Client Network Experience Metrics



Client Wi-Fi performance

% of users experiencing Wi-Fi issues

Client Web performance

% of users experiencing reliable website issues

Clients not connecting - RADIUS

Clients not connecting to Wi-Fi as a result of RADIUS issues

Client protocol/latency - RADIUS

Clients experiencing latency issues with RADIUS

Clients not connecting - DHCP

Clients unable to connect due to DHCP issues

Client protocol/latency - DHCP

Clients experiencing latency with DHCP

Clients not connecting - ARP

Clients not able to connect due to ARP issues

Clients not connecting - DNS

Clients unable to use the network as a result of DNS failures

Client protocol/latency - DNS

Clients experiencing DNS latency

Client Roaming Connectivity Problem

Clients having Wi-Fi issues due to roaming problems

Client Application Experience

The client application experience is calculated for all applications being tracked in ENI with usage for the period selected including custom applications. The list of metrics will depend on the applications in use. A few examples below



Client Microsoft Office365 performance

Clients experiencing latency or connectivity issues with O365

Client Zoom Us performance

Clients experiencing issues with Zoom

Your custom app

Clients experiencing issues with your custom-defined app

Infrastructure Incident Reports



AP 5GHz noise level

% of AP's reporting high 5 GHZ noise level

AP 5GHz channel availability

% of AP's reporting low 2.4 GHZ channel availability

AP 2.4GHz noise level

% of AP's reporting high 2.4 GHZ noise level

AP 2.4GHz channel availability

% of AP's reporting low 5 GHZ channel availability

AP 5GHz clients on 2.4GHz

% of 5Ghz Capable clients on 2.4 Band

Access Points detected radar signal

% of AP's with DFS radar events

Access Points went down

% of AP's that went down and stayed down

Access Points rebootstrapped

% of AP's that rebootstrapped

Access Points rebooted

% of AP's that rebooted

AP IPSEC VPN performance

% of AP's with IPSEC VPN issues

Misc. Client Experience



Client SSID Bouncing

Clients bouncing from SSID to SSID

Client VLAN changes same SSID

Clients changing VLAN on the same SSID

Client contacted numerous TCP hosts/ports

Clients connecting to an abnormally high number of TCP ports

Client contacted numerous UDP hosts/ports

Clients connecting to an abnormally high number of UDP ports

Client contacted numerous ICMP hosts

Clients contacting an abnormally high number of hosts over ICMP

Client Congestion



Client Wi-Fi peak congestion

Clients affected by congestion at peak usage

Client peak congestion - RADIUS

Clients affected by contention to RADIUS during peak usage

Client peak congestion - DHCP

Clients affected by contention to DHCP during peak usage

Client peak congestion - DNS

Clients affected by contention to DNS during peak usage