The Self-service Branding feature allows you to customize branding for VMware Edge Network Intelligence (ENI).

Branding gets applied to the ENI portal login page, the user interface header, and configuration windows. You can modify the following:
  • Product name
  • Product login title
  • Company logos
  • Header display name

Use this procedure to customize branding for VMware Edge Network Intelligence.


  • By default, the Branding feature is not available for all companies. If your company wants to customize its branding, contact the VMware Edge Network Intelligence Support team to activate the feature and configure your branding settings.
  • Prepare your custom logo image files and save them in a location that your browser can access.


  1. Log in to the VMware Edge Network Intelligence portal.
  2. Go to Settings > Branding.
    The Branding screen appears.
  3. Click the General tab to customize branding for various text displayed all over the ENI application.
    • Product Name -.Enter a product name. The product name you enter only appears in the tab at the top of the Web browser window.
    • Product Login Title – Use the toggle button to show or hide the Custom text in the Login page and click Save Changes.
  4. Click the Logos and Header tab to customize branding for all logos/images that are displayed all over the ENI application.
  5. Click the Upload button, browse and select the appropriate image files to be uploaded.
    • Color Horizontal Logo - Allowed file types: svg, png, jpg, and jpeg; Recommended dimensions: 150px*50px.
    • Color Square Logo - Allowed file types: svg, png, jpg, and jpeg; Recommended dimensions: 80px*80px.
    • White Logo - Allowed file types: svg, png, jpg, and jpeg; Recommended dimensions: 150px*50px.
  6. In the Header Display Name field, enter the text to be displayed in the UI header.
  7. Click Save Changes to apply the customized branding settings.
  8. To restore the branding settings to default, click Restore Defaults.
  9. To discard the branding settings without saving, click Discard Changes.