You can share files between virtual machines and your Mac by using shared folders.


  1. Select Window > Virtual Machine Library.
  2. Select a virtual machine in the Virtual Machine Library window and click Settings.
  3. Under Systems Settings in the Settings window, click Sharing.
  4. Select the Enable Shared Folders check box.

    On Windows and macOS virtual machines, a VMware Shared Folders shortcut is created on the guest operating system.

  5. Click the add (+) button at the bottom of the display box.
  6. In the Finder sheet, find the location of the folder to share, select it, and click Add.
  7. In the Permissions field, set the virtual machine permission on the contents of the Mac's shared folder.



    Read & Write

    Enables the virtual machine to change the contents of the shared folder on your Mac.

    Read Only

    Prevents the virtual machine from changing the contents of the shared folder on your Mac.

    Permission settings on your Mac also determine access to files in the shared folder. Read-only permission on a file or folder takes precedence over the Shared Folder permission setting.

  8. (Optional) Click the Open in Guest button to open the shared folder in the virtual machine.

    This option is available only for Windows virtual machines that are powered on. The Open in Guest option was added in Fusion 8.1.