The Retina display options control the appearance of virtual machines on displays with high pixel density.


  • Verify that you are using a Retina display or another high-pixel density display.

  • Verify that you are using hardware version 11 or later. Hardware version 14 is recommended.

  • Verify that the latest version of VMware Tools is installed.

  • For best appearance and performance, in the Display pane of System Preferences on the Mac host, select Best for Display in OS X 10.9.5 or Default for Display in OS X 10.10 and later.


  1. Select Window > Virtual Machine Library.
  2. Select a virtual machine in the Virtual Machine Library window and click Settings.
  3. Under System Settings in the Settings window, click Display.
  4. Select the Use full resolution for Retina display check box.

    When the Use full resolution for Retina display option is on, the virtual machine resolution is set to the full Retina display resolution.

    When the Use full resolution for Retina display option is off, the virtual machine resolution is set to half of the Retina display resolution. This setting matches the non-Retina display size, but might appear pixelated.

  5. Select the options for Scaled high resolution.

    This option takes effect when an external non-Retina display is connected to a Mac with Retina display. The option adjusts the user-interface size on an extended non-Retina display to match the user-interface size on the Retina display.



    Unity Only

    Use high resolution scaling for Unity View only.

    Unity and Full Screen

    Use high resolution scaling for Unity View and Full Screen modes.

    Unity and Single Window

    Use high resolution scaling for Unity View and Single Window modes.

    All View Modes

    Use high resolution scaling for all view modes.

  6. (Optional) Select the Automatically adjust user interface size in the virtual machine check box.

    Applies to Windows virtual machines only.