You can set preferences for how Fusion virtual machines appear in both single window mode and full screen mode.

These preferences apply by default to all of your virtual machines. You can change these settings for specific virtual machines. For more information, see Configuring Display Resolution Settings.


  1. Select VMware Fusion > Preferences.
  2. Select Display.
  3. Select the Single Window resolution setting.
    This setting specifies how all virtual machines appear in single window mode.
    Option Description
    Stretch the virtual machine in the window When the virtual machine window is resized, the virtual machine display is stretched to fill the window with the resolution unchanged.
    Resize the virtual machine and the window The virtual machine display is resized to fit the single window.
  4. Select the Full Screen resolution setting.
    This setting specifies how all virtual machines appear in full screen mode.
    Option Description
    Center the virtual machine in the screen When the virtual machine enters Full Screen view mode, the virtual machine display is centered on the screen with the resolution unchanged.
    Stretch the virtual machine in the screen When the virtual machine enters Full Screen view mode, the virtual machine display is stretched to fill the screen space with the resolution unchanged.
    Resize the virtual machine to fit the screen The virtual machine display is resized to fit the full screen.