When you create a Linux virtual machine, you can use the Fusion Linux Easy Install feature to install the Linux operating system you provide and to install VMware Tools in your virtual machine.

Unless you specify a file location for a virtual machine when you create it, Fusion saves the virtual machine package to a default location, which can vary. See Default File Location of a Virtual Machine.


You must obtain the operating system installation image. Fusion does not include any operating systems to install in virtual machines that you create.


  1. Select File > New.
    A dialog box appears with the Select the Installation Method panel showing.
  2. Insert the operating system installation CD into your Mac.
    Fusion detects it and asks for confirmation that it is the operating system to install.
  3. If it is the correct operating system, ensure that Install this operating system is selected and click Continue to go to the Linux Easy Install panel.
  4. In the Linux Easy Install dialog box, select the Use Easy Install option, provide the appropriate information, and click Continue.
    1. Enter your Display Name, Account Name, and Password.
    2. Select Make your home folder accessible to the virtual machine to have Linux Easy Install configure your home folder as a shared folder, so you can share files between the virtual machine and your Mac.
  5. (Optional) If you selected to make your home folder accessible, select either Read only or Read & Write for your virtual machine.
  6. In the Finish panel, you can use default settings or customize the settings before powering on the virtual machine to start the operating system installation.
    Option Action
    To create the virtual machine according to the specifications listed in the Finish panel
    1. Click Finish.
    2. Indicate the location to save the virtual machine to or accept the default, such as the your home directory/Virtual Machines folder.
    3. (Optional) To share the virtual machine with other users on the Mac host, save the virtual machine to the Shared folder and select the Share this virtual machine with other users on this Mac check box. Deselect the check box to save to the Shared folder but not share the virtual machine with other users on the Mac host. See Creating a Shared Virtual Machine in Fusion.
    To change disk size or other standard settings of the virtual machine
    1. Click Customize Settings.
    2. Save the new virtual machine.
    3. Make changes to the virtual machine’s disk size, processor usage, removable devices, and other configurations on the Settings window.


Fusion starts the new virtual machine, installs the operating system, and installs VMware Tools.