You can quickly add multiple virtual machines to the Virtual Machine Library by initiating a scan.

You can manually add one or more virtual machines at a time to the Virtual Machine Library. For information about various actions you can perform in the Virtual Machine Library, see Perform Actions on Your Virtual Machines from the Virtual Machine Library Window. Alternatively, you can initiate a scan that automates the process of adding virtual machines to the library. Using a scan to search for virtual machines eliminates the need for you to search for or remember the location of each virtual machine.

Fusion scans the preselected folders and all subfolders within the preselected folders. In the context of a scan, files with the .vmx extension are considered virtual machines.

You can preselect which folders Fusion searches during a scan. When you initiate the scan, Fusion adds all the new virtual machines it finds in the preselected folders to the Virtual Machine Library.


  1. Select File > Scan for Virtual Machines.
  2. Add and delete folders as necessary until the list of folders in the Scan for Virtual Machines dialog box meets your needs.
    Option Description
    1. Click +.
    2. Search as necessary and select a folder to add.
    3. Click Open.

      The selected folder path is added to the Scan for Virtual Machines dialog box.

    1. Click a folder path in the Scan for Virtual Machines dialog box.
    2. Click -.

      The selected folder path is deleted from the Scan for Virtual Machines dialog box.

  3. Click Scan.
    A message appears that reports the number of virtual machines found and added to the Virtual Machine Library.
  4. To view the list of virtual machines in the Virtual Machine Library, select Window > Virtual Machine Library.