When you select a file in your virtual machine, you can open it with the appropriate application on your Mac.


Verify that the following conditions are met:
  • You turned on Shared Folders in the Sharing panel of the virtual machine Settings window.
  • You enabled Open your Windows files and web links using Mac applications in the Default Applications panel of the Settings window.
  • You selected a folder or folders to share.
  • The file to open is located in one of the shared folders.


  • To open a file one time, right-click the file, select Open With and select Default Host Application.
    Fusion determines the appropriate application on the Mac and uses that application to open the file.
  • To always open a particular file with the Mac application, right-click the file, select Properties, click Change for Opens With, and select Default Host Application in the Open With dialog box.

    Whenever you open this file, it opens in the Mac application.

  • To always open files of this type with the Mac application, right-click the file, select Open With, select Default Host Application > Choose Program, and select Always use the selected program to open this kind of file.
    Fusion determines the appropriate application on the Mac and uses that application whenever you open any file of this type.