When you create a Microsoft Windows virtual machine, you can use the Fusion Windows Easy Install feature to install the Windows operating system you supply and to install VMware Tools in your virtual machine.


  • If you are installing the guest operating system from an image file, verify that the ISO image file is in a directory that is accessible to the host system.

  • If you are installing the guest operating system from a physical disc, insert the operating system installation disc into your Mac.


Fusion does not include any operating systems to install in virtual machines that you create. You must obtain the operating system and any necessary product keys.


  1. Select File > New.

    The Create a New Virtual Machine assistant starts.

  2. Click Install from disc or image.
  3. Select the disc or ISO image.



    ISO image file

    1. Click Use another disc or disc image, browse to the .iso file for the operating system, and click Open to identify the file.

    2. Select the file from the list in the Create a New Virtual Machine window, and click Continue.

    Physical disc

    Select the disc you inserted into the Mac from the list and click Continue.

    If the disc does not appear in the list, click Use another disc or disc image and browse to the location of the disc.

  4. In the Windows Easy Install panel, select Use Easy Install.
  5. Type the following information and click Continue.
    • Display Name or Account Name

      For Windows XP and earlier, the entry in the Display Name text box appears in Info windows as the name your Windows software is registered to. It is not the Windows user name.

    • Password (optional)

      The entry in the Password text box is the password for the Windows administrator account only.

    • Windows Product key

      Fusion does not provide the product key. The product key is included in the materials from the Windows operating system vendor.

  6. In the Integration panel, indicate how basic file sharing is handled in the new virtual machine.



    More Seamless

    Fusion shares the documents and applications on your Mac with Windows. Files on your Mac that Windows supports open in Windows. Windows can modify your Mac’s documents, so install and regularly update Windows antivirus software.

    More Isolated

    Fusion does not share the documents and applications on your Mac with Windows. To copy files between your Mac and Windows, use drag and drop.

    You can change these settings after the virtual machine is created by selecting Virtual Machine > Settings and using the Sharing panel.

  7. In the Finish panel, you can use default settings to finish the virtual machine creation, or you can customize the settings before the creation is finished.



    To create the virtual machine according to the specifications listed in the Finish panel

    1. Click Finish.

    2. Indicate the folder in which to save the virtual machine. The default is your user/Documents/Virtual Machines folder.

    3. To share the virtual machine with other users on the Mac host, save the virtual machine to the Shared folder and select the Share this virtual machine with other users on this Mac check box. Deselect the check box to save to the Shared folder but not share the virtual machine with other users on the Mac host. See Creating a Shared Virtual Machine in Fusion.

    To change disk size or other standard settings of the virtual machine

    1. Click Customize Settings.

    2. Save the new virtual machine.

    3. Make changes to the virtual machine’s disk size, processor usage, removable devices, and other configurations on the Settings window.


Fusion starts the new virtual machine, installs the operating system, and installs VMware Tools.