Disk Stores

In the VMware GemFire® Management Console™, the Disk Stores tab allow users to create and view the details of the clusters disk stores.

Create a Disk Store

To create a new disk store, click Create Disk Store in the upper right corner of the Disk Stores tab. This opens a “Create Disk Store” interface that requires you to provide information about the disk store. The only required fields are the Disk Store Name and Disk Store Directory (the directory where the disk store will be created). After entering the information for the new disk store, click Create.

Disk Stores Table

The Disk Stores table displays the disk stores that have been created for the cluster. The table includes basic disk store information. For detailed information about a disk store, click the name of the disk store.

  • Actions: Users can compact, backup, and delete the disk store.

  • Name: The name of the disk store that was used during creation.

  • Status: Whether or not the disk store is Active.

  • Configured Max Size: The maximum amount of disk space that that disk store is allowed to use. Note: Disk store space is used as needed and is not pre-allocated.

  • Member(s): Which members the disk store is present on.

  • Configured Max Queue Size: The maximum number of operations to allow into the write queue before automatically flushing the queue. A value of 0 (zero) indicates that there is no size limit.

Disk Stores Details

After clicking on a disk store name in the Name column, you will see the following disk store information:

  • Configured Max Size: The maximum amount of disk space that that disk store is allowed to use. Note: Disk store space is used as needed and is not pre-allocated.

  • Disk Usage Warning Threshold: Disk usage above this threshold generates a warning message. Set to 0 (zero) to deactivate.

  • Disk Usage Critical Threshold: Disk usage above this threshold generates an error message and shuts down the member’s cache. Set to 0 (zero) to deactivate.

  • Compaction Threshold: Percentage of live data remaining in the operation log, below which it is eligible for compaction. Falling below this percentage initiates compaction if auto-compaction activated. If not, the file is eligible for manual compaction.

  • Auto Compaction: When set to Enabled, the disk store automatically compacts a file when the live data content percentage drops below the compaction-threshold.

  • Allow Force Compaction: When set to Enabled, allows manual compaction through the API or command-line tools.

  • Disk Store Dir: The directory or directories where there the disk store is located.

  • Max Operation Log Size: The largest size, in megabytes, to allow an operation log to become before automatically rolling to a new file.

  • Configured Max Queue Size: The maximum number of operations to allow into the write queue before automatically flushing the queue. A value of 0 (zero) indicates that there is no size limit.

  • Write Buffer Size: Size of the buffer, in bytes, used to write to disk.

  • Time Interval: The number of milliseconds that can elapse before data is flushed to disk. Reaching this limit or the queue-size limit causes the queue to flush.

  • Disk Store IDs: The ID of the disk stores.

  • Regions On Disk Store: Which regions are being presisted to the disk store.

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