This topic contains the release notes for VMware GemFire for Kubernetes.

Release Date: July 19, 2022

What’s New in VMware GemFire for Kubernetes 2.0:

VMware GemFire for Kubernetes works with VMware GemFire 9.15.

GemFire clusters are now secured by default

  • GemFire clusters created by the operator now have TLS enabled by default.
  • Optional support for mutual TLS.
  • Cluster administrators can deactivate TLS to maintain consistency with 1.0 clusters.

Pause Reconciliation on a VMware GemFire Cluster

  • Pause Reconciliation enables operators to “pause” updates to an existing GemFire cluster to support troubleshooting and testing.

Support for GemFire security managers

  • GemFire for Kubernetes clusters can be configured to use a GemFire Security Manager for Client Authentication and Authorization

WAN Cluster Example Configuration for Google Cloud

  • Sample configuration for deploying two GemFire clusters on different GKE clusters.

Back up and Restore Example

  • Sample instructions to backup and restore a GemFire Kubernetes cluster containing persistent regions.
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