This topic contains the release notes for VMware Tanzu GemFire for Kubernetes.

What’s New in VMware Tanzu GemFire for Kubernetes 2.4:

Release Date: August 5, 2024

  • Zone-Aware Scheduling: The Tanzu GemFire Operator now supports zone-aware scheduling, which allows data in the GemFire cluster to be distributed across different zones using the redundancy-zone GemFire property. This feature enhances data redundancy and availability, providing improved fault tolerance and disaster recovery by spreading data across multiple zones. For more information, see Zone Aware with a VMware Tanzu GemFire Cluster.

  • Cache.xml Loading Support: This version introduces support for loading cluster configuration from a GemFire cache.xml file. This enhancement provides a familiar way to apply configurations across the cluster and ensures that you can use existing configuration files. For more information, see Create a Tanzu GemFire Cluster Configured With Cache.xml.

  • PVC Resizing: The Tanzu GemFire Operator now supports resizing of Persistent Volumes if the underlying storage class permits it. Use this feature to dynamically increase the size of persistent volumes without downtime. This feature ensures that storage can be adjusted in response to changing application requirements.

What’s New in VMware Tanzu GemFire for Kubernetes 2.3:

Release Date: September 1, 2023

This version of VMware Tanzu GemFire for Kubernetes works with VMware Tanzu GemFire versions 10.0 and 9.15.

  • Tanzu GemFire 10.0: The Tanzu GemFire Operator has been certified to ensure full compatibility with Tanzu GemFire version 10.0. This ensures that users can leverage the latest Tanzu GemFire features and enhancements seamlessly within a Kubernetes environment.

  • Support for Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaling (HPA): The Tanzu GemFire Operator now seamlessly integrates with HPA, allowing for dynamic adjustments to the number of server pods based on key metrics such as CPU utilization or user-defined custom metrics. This enhancement empowers users to efficiently manage their Tanzu GemFire clusters in response to varying workloads. For more information, see Horizontal Pod Autoscaling with a Tanzu GemFire Cluster.

  • Automated Persistent Volume Claims Deletion: Addition of an optional Custom Resource Definition (CRD) field that automates the deletion of Persistent Volume Claims (PVC) associated with servers, locators, or both upon the termination of a Tanzu GemFire cluster. This feature simplifies cluster management by automating cleanup processes and enhancing resource efficiency. For more information, see spec.persistentVolumeClaim.deleteOnShutdown in The Custom Resource Definition.

  • Enhanced Scaling Down: The Tanzu GemFire Operator now includes the capability to remove server services and TLSRoutes when scaling down a Tanzu GemFire cluster. This enhancement streamlines the scaling-down process, ensuring the efficient and secure management of cluster resources.

What’s New in VMware Tanzu GemFire for Kubernetes 2.2:

Release Date: March 10, 2023

This version of VMware Tanzu GemFire for Kubernetes works with Tanzu GemFire versions 10.0 and 9.15.

  • Kubernetes off-platform feature: This new VMware Tanzu GemFire for Kubernetes feature enables Tanzu GemFire client applications outside of a Kubernetes cluster to connect to Tanzu GemFire cluster members (locators and servers) inside of a Kubernetes cluster. The feature focuses on the following:

    • Installing a Kubernetes Gateway API controller that handles TLSRoutes to the Kubernetes cluster for ingress routing to the Tanzu GemFire servers.
  • This version of VMware Tanzu GemFire for Kubernetes is not compatible with Tanzu GemFire 10.0.0-beta.1

  • The previous operator had the Java Garbage Collection logs turned on, which caused Tanzu GemFire to emit more logging than customers are used to. If Garbage Collection debugging is needed, the Java option can be enable by using the CRD jvmOptions in the locator and server overrides section.

What’s New in VMware Tanzu GemFire for Kubernetes 2.1:

Release Date: October 12, 2022

This version of VMware Tanzu GemFire for Kubernetes works with Tanzu GemFire 9.15.

  • Added support for Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), Microsoft Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) and Red Hat OpenShift.
  • Added the imagePullSecretName property to allow setting the name of the Kubernetes secret to access an image registry.

What’s New in VMware Tanzu GemFire for Kubernetes 2.0:

Release Date: July 18, 2022

This version of VMware Tanzu GemFire for Kubernetes works with Tanzu GemFire 9.15.

Tanzu GemFire clusters are now secured by default

  • Tanzu GemFire clusters created by the operator now have TLS enabled by default.
  • Optional support for mutual TLS.
  • Cluster administrators can deactivate TLS to maintain consistency with 1.0 clusters.

Pause Reconciliation on a Tanzu GemFire Cluster

  • Pause Reconciliation enables operators to “pause” updates to an existing Tanzu GemFire cluster to support troubleshooting and testing.

Support for Tanzu GemFire security managers

  • VMware Tanzu GemFire for Kubernetes clusters can be configured to use a Tanzu GemFire Security Manager for Client Authentication and Authorization

WAN Cluster Example Configuration for Google Cloud

  • Sample configuration for deploying two Tanzu GemFire clusters on different GKE clusters.

Back Up and Restore Example

  • Sample instructions to back up and restore a Tanzu GemFire cluster containing persistent regions.
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