This topic describes the describe command in gfsh, the VMware Tanzu GemFire command-line interface.

Use this command to display details of a member’s configuration, shell connection, disk-stores, members, or regions.

describe client

Displays details about a specified client.

Availability: Online. You must be connected in gfsh to a JMX Manager member to use this command.


describe client --clientID=value

Parameters, describe client:

Name Description
‑‑clientID Required. ID of the client. To find a client ID, you can use the list clients command to display a list of connected clients and their IDs.

Example Commands:

describe client --clientID=

Sample Output:

gfsh>describe client --clientID=
Primary Servers                :<v1>:15189
Secondary Servers              :<v2>:39082
CPU                            : 0
Number of Cache Listner Calls  : 0
Number of Gets                 : 0
Number of Misses               : 0
Number of Puts                 : 0
Number of Threads              : 0
Process CPU Time (nanoseconds) : 0
Queue size                     : 1
UP Time (seconds)              : 67
Is Durable                     : No

describe config

Display the configuration of a member.

Availability: Online. You must be connected in gfsh to a JMX Manager member to use this command.


describe config --member=value [--hide-defaults(=value)?]

Parameters, describe config:

Name Description Default Value
‑‑member Name or ID of a member whose configuration is to be shown.  
‑‑hide-defaults Whether to hide configuration information for properties with the default value. true

Example Commands:

describe config --member=Member1;

Sample Output:

gfsh>describe config --member=server1
Configuration of member : "server1"

JVM command line arguments

GemFire properties defined using the API
log-file                                 :
name                                     : server1

GemFire properties defined at the runtime
log-level                                 : finest
statistic-sampling-enabled                : true

Cache attributes
is-server        : true

Cache-server attributes
 . bind-address         : localhost

describe connection

Display connection information details.

Availability: Online. You must be connected in gfsh to a JMX Manager member to use this command.


describe connection

Example Commands:

describe connection

Sample Output:

gfsh>describe connection
Connection Endpoints

describe disk-store

Display information about a member’s disk store.

Availability: Online. You must be connected in gfsh to a JMX Manager member to use this command.


describe disk-store --member=value --name=value

Parameters, describe disk-store:

Name Description
‑‑member Required. Name/ID of the member with the disk store to be described.
‑‑name Required. Name of the disk store to be described.

Example Commands:

describe disk-store --member=server1 --name=DiskStore1

Sample Output:

gfsh>describe disk-store --name=disk1 --member=server1
Disk Store ID                      : a531bc7b-5188-4510-85d7-de7de30c6671
Disk Store Name                    : disk1
Member ID                          : ubuntu(server1:7467)<v1>:35249
Member Name                        : server1
Allow Force Compaction             : No
Auto Compaction                    : Yes
Compaction Threshold               : 50
Max Oplog Size                     : 1024
Queue Size                         : 0
Time Interval                      : 1000
Write Buffer Size                  : 32768
Disk Usage Warning Percentage      : 90
Disk Usage Critical Percentage     : 99
PDX Serialization Meta-Data Stored : No

        Disk Directory          | Size
------------------------------- | ----------
/home/user/server1/DiskStore1 | 2147483647

describe jndi-binding

Print the configuration information that describes a JDBC connection.

Availability: Online. You must be connected in gfsh to a JMX Manager member to use this command.


describe jndi-binding --name=value

Parameters, describe jndi-binding:

Name Description
‑‑name Required. Name of the JNDI binding to be described.

Example Commands:

describe jndi-binding --name=jndi1

Sample Output:

gfsh>describe jndi-binding --name=jndi1
    Property      | Value
----------------- | ------------------------------------
type              | SimpleDataSource
jndi-name         | jndi1
jdbc-driver-class | org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver
user-name         |
connection-url    | jdbc:derby:newDB

describe member

Display details of a member with given name/id.

Availability: Online. You must be connected in gfsh to a JMX Manager member to use this command.


describe member --name=value

Parameters, describe member:

Name Description
‑‑name Required. Display information about a member, including name, ID, groups, regions, etc.

Example Commands:

describe member --name=server1

Sample Output:

gfsh>describe member --name=server1
Name        : server1
Id          : GemFireUser(server1:240)<v1>:64871
Host        :
Regions     : region4

PID         : 240
Groups      :
Used Heap   : 5M
Max Heap    : 123M
Working Dir : c:\VMwareGemFire100\Latest\server1
Log file    : C:\VMwareGemFire100\Latest\server1\
Locators    : localhost[10334]

Server Bind        : localhost
Server Port        : 40404
Running            : true
Client Connections : 0

describe offline-disk-store

Display information about an offline member’s disk store.

Availability: Online. You must be connected in gfsh to a JMX Manager member to use this command.


describe offline-disk-store --name=value --disk-dirs=value(,value)* [--pdx=value] [--region=value]

Parameters, describe offline-disk-store:

Name Description
‑‑name Required. Name of the disk store to be described.
‑‑disk-dirs Required. Directory that contains the disk store files.
‑‑pdx If set (or set to true), display all the pdx types stored in the disk store.
‑‑region Name and path of the region in the disk store to be described.

Example Commands:

describe offline-disk-store --name=DiskStore1\

describe offline-disk-store --name=DiskStore1 --disk-dirs=/DiskDir1  --pdx=true

Sample Output:

gfsh>describe offline-disk-store --name=DiskStore1 --disk-dirs=/DiskDir1 --pdx=true
Regions in the disk store:
  /PdxTypes: -lru=none -concurrencyLevel=16 -initialCapacity=16 -loadFactor=0.75 -compressor=none -statisticsEnabled=false
  /Region1: -lru=none -concurrencyLevel=16 -initialCapacity=16 -loadFactor=0.75 -compressor=none -statisticsEnabled=false
PDX Types: id=1
    long avg20DaysVol;
    String bondRating;
    double convRatio;
    String country;
    double delta;
    long industry;
    long issuer;
    double mktValue;
    double qty;
    String secId; // identity
    String secIdIndexed;
    String secLinks;
    double sharesOutstanding;
    String underlyer;
    long volatility;
    int pid;
    int portfolioId; id=2
    int ID; // identity
    String pkid;
    Object position1;
    Object position2;
    Object positions;
    Object collectionHolderMap;
    String type;
    String status;
    String[] names;
    String description;
    long createTime;
    Object[] position3;
    Object aDay;
    Date date;
PDX Enums:$Day.Monday

describe query-service

Print the information that describes the current configuration of the query service.

Availability: Online. You must be connected in gfsh to a JMX Manager member to use this command.


describe query-service

Example Commands:

describe query-service

Sample Output:

gfsh>describe query-service
Method Authorizer Class :

describe region

Display the attributes and key information of a region.

Availability: Online. You must be connected in gfsh to a JMX Manager member to use this command.


describe region --name=value

Parameters, describe region:

Name Description
‑‑name Required. Name/Path of the region to be described.

Example Commands:

describe region --name=region1

Sample Output:

gfsh>describe region --name=Region1
Name : Region1
Data Policy : persistent replicate
Hosting Members : server-5

Non-Default Attributes Shared By Hosting Members 

Type   | Name            | Value
------ | --------------- | --------------------
Region | data-policy     | PERSISTENT_REPLICATE
       | disk-store-name | DiskStore1
       | size            | 0
       | scope           | distributed-ack

Name             : Region1
Data Policy      : empty
Accessor Members : server-1

Non-Default Attributes Shared By Accessor Members  

 Type  |    Name     | Value
------ | ----------- | ---------------
Region | data-policy | EMPTY
       | size        | 0
       | scope       | distributed-ack
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