This topic describes the upgrade offline-disk-store command in gfsh, the VMware Tanzu GemFire command-line interface.

Use this command to upgrade offline disk-stores used in Tanzu GemFire 6.5 or 6.6 installations to a format that is compatible with Tanzu GemFire 7.0 or later.

If the disk store is large, additional memory may need to be allocated to the process using the --J=-Xmx### parameter.

Availability: Offline.


upgrade offline-disk-store --name=value --disk-dirs=value(,value)*
[--max-oplog-size=value] [--J=value(,value)*]

Name Description Default Value
–name Required. Name of the offline disk store to be upgraded.
–disk-dirs Required. Directories where data for the disk store was previously written.
–max-oplog-size Maximum size (in megabytes) of the oplogs created by the upgrade. A value of -1 indicates that there is no maximum size limit for oplogs. -1
–J Arguments passed to the Java Virtual Machine performing the upgrade operation on the disk store.

Table 1. Parameters

Example Commands:

upgrade offline-disk-store --name=DiskStore1 --disk-dirs=/Disks/DiskStore1
upgrade offline-disk-store --name=DiskStore1 --disk-dirs=/Disks/DiskStore1 --J=-DXmx512
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