This topic explains how to configure VMware Tanzu GemFire peer-to-peer communication topology.

Use peer-to-peer configuration to set member discovery and communication within a single cluster.

Configure Peer-to-Peer Discovery

Peer members discover each other using one or more locators.

Note: Locator settings must be consistent throughout a cluster.

Allow Peer-to-Peer Discovery

To allow peer members to discover each other, add a list of your locators to the file as a comma-separated list in the following format:



  • LOCATOR-1-ADDRESS is the address of one of your locators.
  • PORT-1 is the port number to use of the locator at this address.
  • LOCATOR-2-ADDRESS is the address of another of your locators.
  • PORT-2 is the port number to use of the locator at this address.



Disallow Peer-to-Peer Discovery

To run a standalone member, remove the value of the locators key in the file ass follows:


Organize Peers into Logical Member Groups

You can use logical member groups to deploy JAR applications across multiple members or to execute functions across a member group.

  1. To add a peer to a member group, do one of the following:

    • Add the member group names to the file for the member. For example:

      A member can belong to more than one member group. To specify multiple member groups for a member, use a comma-separated list.

    • Use the gfsh command interface to start the member, providing the group name or group names as a parameter.

      Example gfsh command to start a server and associate it with member groups:

      gfsh>start server --name=server1 \

      Example gfsh command to start a locator and associate it with member groups:

      gfsh>start locator --name=locator1 \
  2. After organizing peers into a member group, you can use the member group name to perform tasks such as deploy applications or execute functions.

    For example, run the following gfsh command to deploy an application across a member group:

    gfsh>deploy --jar=group1_functions.jar --group=ManagementGroup1
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