This topic describes the configure command in gfsh, the VMware Tanzu GemFire command-line interface.

Use this command to configure Portable Data eXchange (PDX) for all of the caches in the cluster.

configure pdx

This command configures GemFire’s Portable Data eXchange for all caches in the cluster and persists the PDX configuration in the locator with the cluster configuration service.

For consistent results, PDX should be configured before any servers have started. A server that is running at the time PDX is configured will not adopt the new configuration until it has been restarted.

Availability: Online.


configure pdx [--read-serialized=value] [--ignore-unread-fields=value]
    [--disk-store(=value)?] [--auto-serializable-classes=value(,value)*]

Parameters, configure pdx:

Name Description Default
‑‑read-serialized When true, PDX deserialization produces a PdxInstance instead of an instance of the domain class. false
‑‑ignore-unread-fields Controls whether PDX ignores fields that were unread during deserialization. The default is to preserve unread fields by including their data during serialization. However, if you configure the cache to ignore unread fields, then their data will be lost during serialization. You should set this attribute to true only if you know this member will only be reading cache data. In this use case you do not need to pay the cost of preserving the unread fields, since you will never be reserializing PDX data. false
‑‑disk-store Named disk store where the PDX type data will be stored. If specified without a value, then “DEFAULT” is used. none
‑‑auto-serializable-classes Configures ReflectionBasedAutoSerializer as the PDX serializer for member classes. Specifies patterns to be matched against domain class names to determine whether they should be auto-serialized. Classes are not checked for portability to non-java languages (equivalent to check-portability=false). none
‑‑portable-auto-serializable-classes Configures ReflectionBasedAutoSerializer as the PDX serializer for member classes. Specifies patterns to be matched against domain class names to determine whether they should be serialized. Serialization done by the PDX autoserializer will throw an exception if the object of these classes are not portable to non-Java languages (equivalent to check-portability=true). none

Example Commands:

gfsh>configure pdx --read-serialized=true

Sample Output:

gfsh>configure pdx --read-serialized=true
persistent = false
read-serialized = true
ignore-unread-fields = false

gfsh>configure pdx --disk-store=/home/username/server4/DEFAULT.drf
persistent = true
disk-store = /home/username/server4/DEFAULT.drf
read-serialized = false
ignore-unread-fields = false

Error Messages:

Configure pdx failed because cluster configuration is deactivated.
"Failed to persist the configuration changes due to this command, Revert the command to maintain consistency.
Please use "status cluster-config-service" to determining whether Cluster configuration service is RUNNING."
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