This topic describes the list
command in gfsh
, the VMware Tanzu GemFire command-line interface.
Use this command to list existing Tanzu GemFire resources such as deployed applications, disk-stores, functions, members, servers, and regions.
Display a list of async event queues for all members.
Display a list of connected clients.
Display a list of JARs that were deployed to members using the deploy command.
List all available disk stores across the Tanzu GemFire cluster
List durable client CQs associated with the specified durable client id.
Display a list of registered functions. The default is to display functions for all members.
Display the gateway senders and receivers for a member or members.
Display the list of indexes created for all members.
List all JNDI bindings, active and configured.
Display all or a subset of members.
Display a list of queries currently running in the cluster.
Display regions of a member or members. If no parameter is specified, all regions in the cluster are listed.
Display a list of async event queues for all members.
Availability: Online. You must be connected in gfsh
to a JMX Manager member to use this command.
list async-event-queues
Example Commands:
list async-event-queues
Display a list of connected clients and the servers to which they connect.
Availability: Online. You must be connected in gfsh
to a JMX Manager member to use this command.
list clients
Example Commands:
list clients
Sample Output:
gfsh>list clients
Client Name / ID | Server Name / ID
------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------------- | member=server2,port=53508; member=server1,port=56806 | member=server2,port=53508; member=server1,port=56806
Display a list of JARs that were deployed to members using the deploy command.
Availability: Online. You must be connected in gfsh
to a JMX Manager member to use this command.
list deployed [--groups=value(,value)*]
Parameters, list deployed:
Name | Description |
‑‑groups | Groups of members for which deployed JARs will be displayed. If not specified, JARs for all members are displayed. |
Example Commands:
list deployed
list deployed --groups=Group2
Sample Output:
gfsh> list deployed --groups=Group2
Member | Deployed JAR | JAR Location
--------- | -------------------- | ---------------------------------------------------
datanode1 | group1_functions.jar | /usr/local/gemfire/deploy/
datanode2 | group1_functions.jar | /usr/local/gemfire/deploy/
Error Messages:
No JAR Files Found
List all available disk stores across the Tanzu GemFire cluster.
The command also lists the configured disk directories and any Regions, Cache Servers, Gateways, PDX Serialization, and Async Event Queues using Disk Stores to either overflow or persist information to disk. Use the describe disk-store
command to see the details for a particular Disk Store.
Availability: Online. You must be connected in gfsh
to a JMX Manager member to use this command.
list disk-stores [--verbose]
Parameters, list disk-stores:
Name | Description |
‑‑verbose | Optional. Displays additional properties of the disk store. |
Property | Description |
Member Name | Name of the member hosting the disk store. |
Member ID | Host and port number of the member hosting the disk store. |
Disk Store Name | Name assigned to the disk store. |
Disk Store ID | Unique identifier assigned to the disk store. |
Disk Directory | Absolute path of the folder where the disk store files are located./td> |
Total Disk Space | Total disk space of the disk partition where the absolute path of the disk store directory is located. File.getTotalSpace() is used to obtain this value. |
Total Usable Space | Total usable disk space in the disk partition where the absolute path of the disk store directory is located File.getUsableSpace() is used to obtain this value. |
Example Commands:
list disk-stores
list disk-stores --verbose
Sample Output:
gfsh> list disk-stores
Member Name | Member Id | Disk Store Name | Disk Store ID
-------------- | ------------------------------------------| --------------- | ------------------------------------
consumerServer |<v5>:3545 | consumerData | 4029af26-fd82-4997-bd6c-33382cdbb5e9
consumerServer |<v5>:3545 | observerData | 7e0316ad-963c-49b0-9b01-8f59b8d9e29e
producerServer |<v3>:53764 | producerData | 4670e4eb-1c50-4465-b418-08ede3d5dbed
gfsh> list disk-stores --verbose
Member Name | Member Id | Disk Store Name | Disk Store ID
----------- | -------------------------------------- | --------------- | ------------------------------------
server-1 |<v1>:41977 | diskstore | 6cc9f51f-5ccf-42cf-ba60-ec8ccdbb83c2
server-2 |<v2>:45208 | diskstore | c72202f0-8496-438b-bf88-bc7e05db1e83
Member Name | Disk Store Name | Property | Value
----------- | --------------- | ------------------ | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
server-1 | diskstore | Disk Directory | /test-worker-000001/dunit/vm1/diskDirectory
| | Total Disk Space | 926.352 GiB
| | Total Usable Space | 499.023 GiB
server-2 | diskstore | Disk Directory | /test-worker-000001/dunit/vm2/diskDirectory
| | Total Disk Space | 926.352 GiB
| | Total Usable Space | 499.023 GiB
Error Messages:
No Disk Stores Found
List durable client CQs associated with the specified durable client id.
Availability: Online. You must be connected in gfsh
to a JMX Manager member to use this command.
list durable-cqs --durable-client-id=value
[--members=value(,value)*] [--groups=value(,value)*]
Parameters, list durable-cqs:
Name | Description |
‑‑durable-client-id | Required. The ID used to identify the durable client. |
‑‑members | Name or Id of the members for which the durable client is registered and durable CQs will be displayed. |
‑‑groups | Groups of members for which the durable client is registered and durable CQs will be displayed. |
Example Commands:
list durable-cqs --durable-client-id=client1
Sample Output:
gfsh>list durable-cqs --durable-client-id=client1
member | durable-cq-name
------- | ---------------
server3 | cq3
| cq1
| cq2
server4 | cq3
| cq1
Error Messages:
Unable to list durable-cqs for durable-client-id : "client1" due to following reasons.
No client found with client-id : client1
Occurred on members
Display a list of registered functions. The default is to display functions for all members.
Availability: Online. You must be connected in gfsh
to a JMX Manager member to use this command.
list functions [--matches=value] [--groups=value(,value)*]
Parameters, list functions:
Name | Description |
‑‑matches | Pattern that the function ID must match in order to be included. Uses Java pattern matching rules, not UNIX. For example, to match any character any number of times use “.*” rather than “*”. |
‑‑groups | Groups of members for which functions will be displayed. Use a comma separated list for multiple groups. |
‑‑members | Name or ID of the members for which functions will be displayed. Use a comma separated list for multiple members. |
Example Commands:
list functions
list functions --matches=reconcile.*
Sample Output:
gfsh> list functions
Member | Function
--------- | --------------------------
camelot | loadDataFromExternalSource
camelot | reconcileWeeklyExpenses
excalibur | loadDataFromExternalSource
excalibur | reconcileDailyExpenses
Example of list functions
with a “matches” filter:
gfsh> list functions --matches=reconcile.*
Member | Function
--------- | -----------------------
camelot | reconcileWeeklyExpenses
excalibur | reconcileDailyExpenses
Error Messages:
No Functions Found
Display the gateway senders and receivers for a member or members.
Availability: Online. You must be connected in gfsh
to a JMX Manager member to use this command.
list gateways [--members=value(,value)*] [--groups=value(,value)*] [--senders-only | --receivers-only]
Parameters, list gateways:
Name | Description |
‑‑members | Members whose gateways senders and receiver display. |
‑‑groups | Groups of members for which Gateway Senders and Receivers will be displayed. Use a comma separated list for multiple groups. |
‑‑senders‑only | List only gateway senders. This parameter cannot be used together with --receivers-only . |
‑‑receivers‑only | List only gateway receivers. This parameter cannot be used together with --senders-only . |
Example Commands:
list gateways
list gateways --senders-only
list gateways --receivers-only
Sample Output:
gfsh>list gateways
GatewaySender Section
GatewaySender Id | Member | Remote Cluster Id | Type | Status | Queued Events | Receiver Location
---------------- | --------------------------- | ----------------- | -------- | ------- | ------------- | -----------------
ln | mymac(ny-1:88641)<v2>:33491 | 2 | Parallel | Running | 0 | mymac:5037
ln | mymac(ny-2:88705)<v3>:29329 | 2 | Parallel | Running | 0 | mymac:5064
ln | mymac(ny-3:88715)<v4>:36808 | 2 | Parallel | Running | 0 | mymac:5132
ln | mymac(ny-4:88724)<v5>:52993 | 2 | Parallel | Running | 0 | mymac:5324
GatewayReceiver Section
Member | Port | Sender Count | Senders Connected
--------------------------- | ---- | ------------ | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
mymac(ny-1:88641)<v2>:33491 | 5057 | 9 |["mymac(ln-1:88651)<v2>:48277","mymac(ln-4:88681)<v5>:42784","mymac(ln-3:88672)<v4>:43675","mymac(ln-2:88662)<v3>:12796"]
mymac(ny-2:88705)<v3>:29329 | 5082 | 4 |["mymac(ln-1:88651)<v2>:48277","mymac(ln-4:88681)<v5>:42784","mymac(ln-3:88672)<v4>:43675"]
mymac(ny-3:88715)<v4>:36808 | 5371 | 4 |["mymac(ln-1:88651)<v2>:48277","mymac(ln-4:88681)<v5>:42784","mymac(ln-3:88672)<v4>:43675"]
mymac(ny-4:88724)<v5>:52993 | 5247 | 3 |["mymac(ln-1:88651)<v2>:48277","mymac(ln-4:88681)<v5>:42784","mymac(ln-3:88672)<v4>:43675"]
Display the list of indexes created for all members.
Availability: Online. You must be connected in gfsh
to a JMX Manager member to use this command.
list indexes [--with-stats(=value)?]
Parameters, list indexes:
Name | Description | Default Value |
‑‑with-stats | Specifies whether statistics should also be displayed. | false |
Example Commands:
list indexes
list indexes --with-stats
Sample Output:
gfsh>list indexes
Member Name | Member ID | Region Path | Name | Type | Indexed Expression | From Clause
-------------- | ----------------------------------------- | ----------- | -------- | ----- | ------------------ | -----------
consumerServer | | /consumers | cidIdx | KEY | id | /consumers
consumerServer | | /consumers | cnameIdx | RANGE | name | /consumers
producerServer | | /producers | pidIdx | RANGE | id | /producers
Example of ‘list indexes’ with stats printed:
gfsh>list indexes --with-stats
Member Name | Member ID | Region Path | Name | Type | Indexed Expression | From Clause | Uses | Updates | Update Time | Keys | Values
------------ | --------- | ----------- | -------- | ----- | ------------------ | ----------- | ---- | ------- | ----------- | ---- | ------
cs... | 192... | /consumers | cidIdx | KEY | id | /consumers | 2512 | 0 | 0 | 5020 | 5020
cs... | 192... | /consumers | cnameIdx | RANGE | name | /consumers | 0 | 5020 | 421224000 | 0 | 5020
ps... | 192... | /producers | pidIdx | RANGE | id | /producers | 0 | 5031 | 497872000 | 5031 | 5031
Error Messages:
No Indexes Found
List all JNDI bindings, active and configured. An active binding is one that is bound to the server’s JNDI context and is also listed in the cluster configuration. A configured binding is one that is listed in the cluster configuration, but may not be active on the servers.
Availability: Online. You must be connected in gfsh
to a JMX Manager member to use this command.
list jndi-binding
Sample Output:
gfsh>list jndi-binding
Configured JNDI bindings:
Group Name | JNDI Name | JDBC Driver Class
---------- | --------- | ------------------------------------
cluster | jndi1 | org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver
Active JNDI bindings found on each member:
Member | JNDI Name | JDBC Driver Class
--------------- | ----------------------- | ----------------------------------------------------
land-gifted-gun | java:UserTransaction | org.apache.geode.internal.jta.UserTransactionImpl
land-gifted-gun | java:TransactionManager | org.apache.geode.internal.jta.TransactionManagerImpl
Display all or a subset of members, with the option of displaying additional information about each member.
Within the output, the membership coordinator is listed.
, N will be zero or a positive interger.
, with the exception of the redundancy-zone column. If the redundancy zone is not set or cannot retrieved, it will be denoted by a blank space.
Availability: Online. You must be connected in gfsh
to a JMX Manager member to use this command.
list members [--group=value] [--verbose] [--sort-column=value]
Parameters, list members:
Name | Description |
‑‑group | Group name for which members will be displayed. |
‑‑verbose | Displays additional information about the members. |
‑‑sort-column | The column name on which the result table is sorted. If two or more values in the sorted column are the same, then the members with the same values are be sorted by their names. NOTE: Port column cannot be sorted because multiple ports may be present. NOTE: If no sort column is provided, then the results are sorted by values in the Type column. |
Column | Description |
Name | The name of the member. |
ID | The unique ID created by GemFire and assigned to the member. The member that is assigned as the cluster coordinator will include [Coordinator] in the ID. For more information about cluster coordinators, see Membership Coordinators, Lead Members, and Member Weighting. |
Type | The type of the member. The type will be either Locator or Server . |
Status | The current status of the member. The status will be one of the following:
describe member command to see the member startup lifecycle. |
Host | The host of the member. |
Port | The port number of the member. |
LoadAverage1 | The average number of threads on the host machine that are in the run queue or are waiting for disk I/O over the last minutes. This value is retrieved from /proc/loadavg and helps determine if the load on the system is too high for the number of CPUs. In a multi-processor system, the load is proportional to the number of processor cores in use. For example, "100% utilization" corresponds to load average of 1.0 on a single-core system, 2.0 on a dual-core system, 4.0 on a quad-core system, etc. and means that, on average, one CPU core has been fully utilized during that period, providing insights into system activity and performance. |
Max-Heap | The maximum amount of memory, in megabytes (MB), that can be allocated to the member's heap space. |
Used-Heap | The current usage of heap space by the member, in megabytes (MB). |
Cache-Entries | The total number of entries in the cache. |
Redundancy-Zone | The name of the redundancy zone that has been configured for the member. If no redundancy zone has been configured for the member, this field is empty. |
Uptime | The duration for which the member has been running continuously without any restarts. |
Example Commands:
list members
list members --group=Group1
list members --verbose
list members --sort-column=Name
list members --verbose --sort-column=Uptime
Sample Output:
gfsh>list members
Name | Id | Type
--------- | -------------------------------------------------------------------| ---—---
locator-0 |<ec><v0>:42586 [Coordinator] | Locator
locator-1 |<ec><v1>:42863 | Locator
server-2 |<v2>:47137 | Server
server-3 |<v3>:44209 | Server
server-4 |<v4>:52532 | Server
gfsh>list members --sort-column=Name
Name | Id | Type
--------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------ | —------
locator-0 |<ec><v0>:42586 [Coordinator] | Locator
locator-1 |<ec><v1>:42863 | Locator
server-2 |<v2>:47137 | Server
server-3 |<v3>:44209 | Server
server-4 |<v4>:52532 | Server
gfsh>list members --verbose
Name | Id | Type | Status | Host | Port | LoadAverage1 | Max-Heap | Used-Heap | Cache-Entries | Redundancy-Zone | Uptime
--------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | ------- | ------ | ------------ | ----- | -------------- | --------- | ----------- | ------------- | --------------- | ----------
locator-0 |<ec><v0>:49006 [Coordinator] | Locator | Ready | | 20004 | 41.48291015625 | 473.5 MiB | 251.253 MiB | 1 | | 21 seconds
locator-1 |<ec><v1>:59945 | Locator | Ready | | 20007 | 41.48291015625 | 472.5 MiB | 201.81 MiB | 1 | | 21 seconds
server-2 |<v2>:57010 | Server | Ready | | 20010 | 41.48291015625 | 491 MiB | 165.408 MiB | 0 | RACK-1 | 21 seconds
server-3 |<v3>:55582 | Server | Ready | | 20014 | 41.48291015625 | 491 MiB | 168.577 MiB | 0 | RACK-1 | 21 seconds
server-4 |<v4>:46713 | Server | Ready | | 20018 | 41.48291015625 | 491 MiB | 164.213 MiB | 0 | RACK-2 | 7 seconds
gfsh>list members --verbose --sort-column=Type
Name | Id | Type | Status | Host | Port | LoadAverage1 | Max-Heap | Used-Heap | Cache-Entries | Redundancy-Zone | Uptime
--------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------- | ------- | ------ | ------------ | ----- | -------------- | --------- | ----------- | ------------- | --------------- | ----------
locator-0 |<ec><v0>:49006 [Coordinator] | Locator | Ready | | 20004 | 41.48291015625 | 473.5 MiB | 251.253 MiB | 1 | | 21 seconds
locator-1 |<ec><v1>:59945 | Locator | Ready | | 20007 | 41.48291015625 | 472.5 MiB | 201.81 MiB | 1 | | 21 seconds
server-2 |<v2>:57010 | Server | Ready | | 20010 | 41.48291015625 | 491 MiB | 165.408 MiB | 0 | RACK-1 | 21 seconds
server-3 |<v3>:55582 | Server | Ready | | 20014 | 41.48291015625 | 491 MiB | 168.577 MiB | 0 | RACK-1 | 21 seconds
server-4 |<v4>:46713 | Server | Ready | | 20018 | 41.48291015625 | 491 MiB | 164.213 MiB | 0 | RACK-2 | 7 seconds
Display a list of queries currently running in the cluster.
Availability: Online. You must be connected in gfsh
to a JMX Manager member to use this command.
list queries [--limit=value] [--(member|members)=value(,value)*]
Parameters, list queries:
Name | Description |
‑‑limit | Maximum number of queries to display. |
‑‑member or --members | Name or ID of the members for which queries will be displayed. If this is not specified then queries from all members will be displayed. |
Example Commands:
list queries
list queries --members=server1,server3
list queries --limit=5
list queries --limit=5 --members=server1,server3
Sample Output:
gfsh>list queries
Query ID | Elapsed Time | Query String
------------------------------------ | -------------| ---------------------
93b228ea-717a-4ec3-8208-ac1e3faa1c34 | 01:25:15.545 | SELECT * FROM /region
faf13b3b-0da1-4b75-885f-2dc1a010f080 | 00:34:14:222 | SELECT * FROM /region
[Time format is hh:mm:ss.sss.]
Elapsed Time shown is the maximum elapsed time in seconds from all members where the query is being executed, or for the members as specified by the --member
or --members
Display regions of a member or members, with the option of displaying additional information about each region. If no parameter is specified, all regions in the cluster are listed.
list regions [--groups=value(,value)*] [--members=value(,value)*] [--verbose] [--sort-column=value]
Parameters, list regions:
Name | Description |
‑‑groups | Groups of members for which regions will be displayed. |
‑‑members | Name or ID of the members for which regions will be displayed. |
‑‑verbose | Displays additional information about the regions. |
‑‑sort-column | The column name on which the result table is sorted. If two or more values in the sorted column are the same, then the regions with the same values are be sorted by their names. |
Column | Description |
Name | The name of the region. |
Status | The current status of the region. The status will be one of the following:
Data-Policy | How local cache will handle the data for the region. |
Number-of-Entries | The number of entries present in the cache for the region. |
Size-of-Values | The size of the values in the cache for the region. |
Disk-Store | The name of the disk store associated with the region. |
Redundancy | Redundancy state of the entries in the region, if satisfied or not. |
Example Commands:
list regions
list regions --groups=G1
list regions --members=member1
list regions --verbose
Sample Output:
gfsh>list regions
List of regions
gfsh>list regions --verbose
Name | Status | Data-Policy | Number-of-Entries | Size-of-Values | Disk-Store | Redundancy
----------------------------------- | ------ | ----------- | ----------------- | -------------- | ---------- | -------------
regionWithSubregions | Ready | PRELOADED | 1 | 2.109 KiB | | Not Available
regionWithSubregions/localSubregion | Ready | PRELOADED | 1000 | 2.06 MiB | | Not Available
gfsh>list regions --verbose --sort-column=Size-of-Values
Name | Status | Data-Policy | Number-of-Entries | Size-of-Values | Disk-Store | Redundancy
----------------------------------- | ------ | ----------- | ----------------- | -------------- | ---------- | -------------
regionWithSubregions/localSubregion | Ready | PRELOADED | 1000 | 2.06 MiB | | Not Available
regionWithSubregions | Ready | PRELOADED | 1 | 2.109 KiB | | Not Available