This topic describes the status command in gfsh, the VMware Tanzu GemFire command-line interface.

Use this command to check the status of the cluster configuration service and VMware Tanzu GemFire member processes, including locators, gateway receivers, gateway senders, and servers.

status cluster-config-service

Displays the status of the cluster configuration service.

Displays the status of cluster configuration service on all the locators where enable-cluster-configuration is set to true.

Availability: Online. You must be connected in gfsh to a JMX Manager member to use this command.


status cluster-config-service

Example Commands:

status cluster-config-service

Sample Output:

gfsh>status cluster-config-service
Status of shared configuration on locators

  Name   | Status
-------- | -------
locator8 | RUNNING

status gateway-receiver

Display the status of the specified gateway receiver.

Availability: Online. You must be connected in gfsh to a JMX Manager member to use this command.


status gateway-receiver [--groups=value(,value)*] [--members=value(,value)*]

Name Description
‑‑groups Groups of Gateway Receivers for which to display status.
‑‑members Name or ID of the Gateway Receivers for which to display status.

Table 1. Status Gateway-Receiver Parameters

Example Commands:

status gateway-receiver --groups=LN-Group1
status gateway-receiver --members=server1

Sample Output:

gfsh>status gateway-receiver
Member               | Port  | Status
---------------------| ------| -------
pc13(8151)<v2>:26518 | 26837 | Running
pc13(8175)<v4>:53787 | 23753 | Running
pc13(8164)<v3>:24081 | 25457 | Running

Member                       | Error
-----------------------------| ---------------------------------------------------
pc13(Manager:8124)<v1>:52410 | GatewayReceiver is not available or already stopped
pc13(8130):8180              | GatewayReceiver is not available or already stopped

gfsh>status gateway-receiver --members=pc13(8151)<v2>:50130
Member               | Port  |  Status
-------------------- | ----- | --------
pc13(8151)<v2>:50130 | 28592 | Running

gfsh>status gateway-receiver --group=RG1
Member                 | Port  | Status
-----------------------| ------| -------
pc13(8151)<v2>:19450   | 27815 | Running
pc13(8175)<v4>:14139   | 27066 | Running
pc13(8164)<v3>:45150   | 29897 | Running

status gateway-sender

Display the status of the specified gateway sender.

Availability: Online. You must be connected in gfsh to a JMX Manager member to use this command.


status gateway-sender --id=value [--groups=value(,value)*]

Name Description
‑‑id Required. ID of the Gateway Sender.
‑‑groups Groups of Gateway Senders for which to display status. Comma separated list for multiple member groups.
‑‑members Name/ID of the Gateway Senders for which to display status.

Table 2. Status Gateway-Sender Parameters

Example Commands:

status gateway-receiver receiver1-LN --groups=LN-Group1;

Sample Output:

gfsh>status gateway-sender --id=ln_Serial
Member                 |  Type  | Runtime Policy | Status
-----------------------| -------| -------------- | -----------
 pc13(8175)<v4>:21449  | Serial | Secondary      | Not Running
 pc13(8151)<v2>:40761  | Serial | Secondary      | Not Running
 pc13(8164)<v3>:33476  | Serial | Secondary      | Not Running

Member                         | Error
------------------------------ | ------------------------------
 pc13(8130):2365               | GatewaySender is not available
 pc13(Manager:8124)<v1>:43821  | GatewaySender is not available

gfsh>status gateway-sender --id=ln_Serial --members=pc13(8151)<v2>:7411
Member               |  Type  | Runtime Policy | Status
-------------------  | ------ | -------------- | -----------
 pc13(8151)<v2>:7411 | Serial | Secondary      | Not Running

gfsh>status gateway-sender --id=ln_Serial --members=pc13(8151)<v2>:7411
Member               |  Type  | Runtime Policy | Status
------------------- -| ------ | -------------- | -------
 pc13(8151)<v2>:7411 | Serial | Primary        | Running

gfsh>status gateway-sender --id=ln_Serial --groups=Serial_Sender
Member                 |  Type  | Runtime Policy | Status
---------------------- | -------| -------------- | -----------
 pc13(8151)<v2>:44396  | Serial | Secondary      | Not Running
 pc13(8164)<v3>:29475  | Serial | Secondary      | Not Running
Member                 | Error
---------------------- | ------------------------------
 pc13(8186)<v5>:45840  | GatewaySender is not available

status locator

Displays the status of the specified locator.

The status will be one of the following:

  • started
  • online
  • offline
  • not responding

Availability: Online or offline. If you want to obtain the status of a locator while you are offline, use the --dir option.


status locator [--name=value] [--host=value] [--port=value] [--dir=value] [--security-properties-file=value]

Name Description Default Value
‑‑name Name/ID of the locator for which to display status. You must be connected to the JMX Manager to use this option. Can be used to obtain status of remote locators. See Using gfsh to Manage a Remote Cluster Over HTTP or HTTPS.  
‑‑host Hostname or IP address on which the Locator is running.  
‑‑port Port on which the locator is listening. 10334
‑‑dir Directory in which the locator was started. current directory
‑‑security‑properties‑file The properties file for configuring SSL to connect to the SSL-enabled Locator. The file’s path can be absolute or relative to the gfsh directory. current directory

Table 3. Status Locator Parameters

Example Commands:

status locator
status locator --name=locator1

status redundancy

Display the redundancy status of partitioned regions.

The default is to display the status of all partitioned regions.

Availability: Online. You must be connected in gfsh to a JMX Manager member to use this command.


status redundancy [--include-region=value(,value)*] [--exclude-region=value(,value)*]
Name Description
‑‑include‑region Partitioned Region paths to be included in redundancy status output. Includes take precedence over excludes.
‑‑exclude‑region Partitioned Region paths to be excluded in redundancy status output.

Example Commands:

status redundancy
status redundancy --include-region=/region3,/region2 --exclude-region=/region1

Sample Output:

status redundancy --include-region=/region3,/region2 --exclude-region=/region1

Number of regions with zero redundant copies = 0
Number of regions with partially satisfied redundancy = 1
Number of regions with fully satisfied redundancy = 1

Redundancy is partially satisfied for regions:
  region3 redundancy status: NOT_SATISFIED. Desired redundancy is 2 and actual redundancy is 1.

Redundancy is fully satisfied for regions:
  region2 redundancy status: SATISFIED. Desired redundancy is 1 and actual redundancy is 1.

status server

Display the status of the specified Tanzu GemFire cache server.

Availability: Online or offline. If you want to obtain the status of a server while you are offline, use the --dir option.


status server [--name=value] [--dir=value]

Name Description Default Value
‑‑name Name or ID of the Cache Server for which to display status. You must be connected to the JMX Manager to use this option. Can be used to obtain status of remote servers. See Using gfsh to Manage a Remote Cluster Over HTTP or HTTPS.  
‑‑dir Directory in which the Tanzu GemFire Cache Server was started. current directory

Table 4. Status Server Parameters

Example Commands:

status server
status server --name=server1
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