Experimental Features documents “experimental” features.. Tanzu GemFire includes these features to allow interested developers to experiment in their own development systems.

Feedback will help drive development of these features, and they may be supported in future versions of the product.

These features may change in or be removed from future versions of the product.

  • Cluster Management Service

    The cluster management service enables you to change the configuration of the cluster (for example, create/destroy regions, indexes, or gateway receivers/senders), and have these changes replicated on all the applicable servers and persisted in the cluster configuration service.

  • Micrometer

    GemFire has been instrumented with a set of Micrometer provided meters, called binders, which contain one or many individual meters with pre-defined types and tags. GemFire-specific meters have been instrumented to allow developers to monitor certain aspects of the GemFire cluster.

  • Automated Rebalancing of Partitioned Region Data

    The automated rebalance feature triggers a rebalance operation based on a time schedule.

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