Read data for the region. The optional limit URL query parameter specifies the number of values from the Region that will be returned. The default limit is 50. If the user specifies a limit of “ALL”, then all entry values for the region will be returned.

Resource URL



Parameter Description Example Values
limit Optional. Specify a limit to the number of region entries to return. If the limit parameter is not specified, the default is to return 50 results.

Default: 50



Example Request

GET /geode/v1/orders/
Accept: application/json

Example Success Response

Response Payload: application/json

200 OK
Server: Apache-Coyote/1.1
Content-Location: http://localhost:8080/geode/v1/orders/3,1
Content-Type: application/json
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Date: Sat, 18 Jan 2014 21:03:08 GMT

  "orders" : [ {
     "purchaseOrderNo" : 1112,
     "customerId" : 102,
     "description" :  "Purchase order for  company - B",
     "orderDate" :  "02/10/2014",
     "deliveryDate" :  "02/20/2014",
     "contact" :  "John Doe",
     "email" :  "[email protected]",
     "phone" :  "01-2048096",
     "items" : [ {
       "itemNo" : 1,
       "description" :  "Product-AAAA",
       "quantity" : 10,
       "unitPrice" : 20.0,
       "totalPrice" : 200.0
    }, {
       "itemNo" : 2,
       "description" :  "Product-BBB",
       "quantity" : 15,
       "unitPrice" : 10.0,
       "totalPrice" : 150.0
    } ],
     "totalPrice" : 350.0
  }, {
     "purchaseOrderNo" : 111,
     "customerId" : 101,
     "description" :  "Purchase order for  company - A",
     "orderDate" :  "01/10/2014",
     "deliveryDate" :  "01/20/2014",
     "contact" :  "Jane Doe",
     "email" :  "[email protected]",
     "phone" :  "020-2048096",
     "items" : [ {
       "itemNo" : 1,
       "description" :  "Product-1",
       "quantity" : 5,
       "unitPrice" : 10.0,
       "totalPrice" : 50.0
    }, {
       "itemNo" : 1,
       "description" :  "Product-2",
       "quantity" : 10,
       "unitPrice" : 15.5,
       "totalPrice" : 155.0
    } ],
     "totalPrice" : 205.0
  } ]

Error Codes

Status Code Description
400 BAD REQUEST Limit parameter X is not valid! The specified limit value must be ALL or an integer.
404 NOT FOUND Returned if region does not exist.
500 INTERNAL ERROR Error encountered at VMware GemFire server. Check the HTTP response body for a stack trace of the exception.
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