Execute functions on members or regions.

execute function

Execute the function with the specified ID. By default, the function executes on all members.

Availability: Online. You must be connected in gfsh to a JMX Manager member to use this command.


execute function --id=value [--groups=value(,value)*]
[--members=value(,value)*] [--region=value] 
[--arguments=value] [--result-collector=value] [--filter=value]

‑‑id Required. ID of the function to execute.
‑‑groups One or more groups of members on which this function should be executed.
‑‑members Name/ID of the member(s) on which the function will be executed.
‑‑region Region on which the data dependent function will be executed.
‑‑arguments Arguments to the function in comma-separated string format.
‑‑result-collector Fully qualified class name of the ResultCollector to instantiate for gathering results.
‑‑filter Key list which causes the function to only be executed on members which have entries with these keys.

Table 1. Execute Function Parameters

Example Commands:

execute function --id=InterestCalculations --region=/InterestRegion
execute function --id=InterestCalculations --members=server1
execute function --id=InterestCalculations --groups=Group1

Note: The execute function passes the value of --arguments as a String Array to any executed function. This differs from the behavior of FunctionExecutionService API. FunctionExecutionService API passes the value of the argument as an Object.

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