Several log files are written by the various parts of the session management code.

  • catalina.log. Log file written by the tc server
  • cacheserver.log. Log file written by the VMware GemFire server process.
  • gemfire_modules.log. Log file written by the VMware GemFire cache client.

Adding FINE Debug Logging to catalina.log

To add VMware GemFire-specific FINE logging to the catalina.log file, add the following lines to your <instance>/conf/ file:

org.apache.geode.modules.session.catalina.DeltaSessionManager.level = FINE
org.apache.geode.modules.session.catalina.DeltaSession.level = FINE

These configurations will add FINE logging to the catalina.DATE.log file. The following is an example of FINE logging:

06-Sep-2011 15:59:47.250 FINE org.apache.geode.modules.session.catalina.DeltaSessionManager.start 
regionName=gemfire_modules_sessions; regionAttributesId=PARTITION_REDUNDANT]: Starting

06-Sep-2011 15:59:47.254 FINE org.apache.geode.modules.session.catalina.DeltaSessionManager.registerJvmRouteBinderValve 
regionName=gemfire_modules_sessions; regionAttributesId=PARTITION_REDUNDANT]: Registering JVM route binder valve

06-Sep-2011 15:59:47.351 FINE org.apache.geode.modules.session.catalina.ClientServerSessionCache.createOrRetrieveRegion 
Created session region: org.apache.geode.internal.cache.LocalRegion[path='/gemfire_modules_sessions';
scope=LOCAL';dataPolicy=EMPTY; gatewayEnabled=false]

Add Session State Logging to the VMware GemFire Server Log

To add session-state-specific logging to the VMware GemFire server log file, add the following property to the file for the tc Server instance:


Adding this configuration will print logging in the server log such as the following:

[info 2011/09/06 15:18:27.749 PDT  <ServerConnection on port 40404 Thread 3> tid=0x32] DebugCacheListener: Received 
CREATE for key=5782ED83A3D9F101BBF8D851CE4E798E; value=DeltaSession[id=5782ED83A3D9F101BBF8D851CE4E798E; 
sessionRegionName=gemfire_modules_sessions; operatingRegionName=unset]

[info 2011/09/06 15:18:27.769 PDT  <ServerConnection on port 40404 Thread 3> tid=0x32] DebugCacheListener: Received UPDATE 
for key=5782ED83A3D9F101BBF8D851CE4E798E; value=DeltaSession[id=5782ED83A3D9F101BBF8D851CE4E798E; 
sessionRegionName=gemfire_modules_sessions; operatingRegionName=unset]

[info 2011/09/06 15:19:36.729 PDT  <Timer-2> tid=0x24] DebugCacheListener: Received EXPIRE_DESTROY for 

Adding Additional Debug Logging to the VMware GemFire Server Log

To add fine-level logging to the VMware GemFire cache server, add the ‘log-level’ property to the server process. For example:

gfsh> start server --name=server1 --cache-xml-file=../conf/cache-server.xml 

This will add fine-level logging to the server.log file.

Note: This will help debug VMware GemFire server issues, but it adds a lot of logging to the file.

Add Debug Logging to gemfire_modules.log

To add fine-level logging to the VMware GemFire Cache Client, add the ‘log-level’ property to the Listener element in the tc Server or Tomcat server.xml file. For example:

<Listener log-level="fine" 

This will add fine-level logging to the file defined by the ${geode-cs.log.file} property. The default log file name is gemfire_modules.log.

Note: This will help debug VMware GemFire client issues, but it adds a lot of logging to the file.

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