You use a bind address configuration to send network traffic through non-default network cards and to distribute the load of network traffic for VMware GemFire across multiple cards. If no bind address setting is found, VMware GemFire uses the host machine’s default address.

Host machines transmit data to the network and receive data from the network through one or more network cards, also referred to as network interface cards (NIC) or LAN cards. A host with more than one card is referred to as a multi-homed host. On multi-homed hosts, one network card is used by default. You can use bind addresses to configure your VMware GemFire members to use non-default network cards on a multi-homed host.

Note: When you specify a non-default card address for a process, all processes that connect to it need to use the same address in their connection settings. For example, if you use bind addresses for your server locators, you must use the same addresses to configure the server pools in your clients.

Use IPv4 or IPv6 numeric address specifications for your bind address settings. For information on these specifications, see Choosing Between IPv4 and IPv6. Do not use host names for your address specifications. Host names resolve to default machine addresses.

Peer and Server Communication

You can configure peer, and server communication so that each communication type uses its own address or types use the same address. If no setting is found for a specific communication type, VMware GemFire uses the host machine’s default address.

Note: Bind addresses set through the APIs, like CacheServer and DistributedSystem, take precedence over the settings discussed here. If your settings are not working, check to make sure there are no bind address settings being done through API calls.

This table lists the settings used for peer and server communication, ordered by precedence. For example, for server communication, VMware GemFire searches first for the cache-server bind address, then the gfsh start server server-bind-address setting, and so on until a setting is found or all possibilities are exhausted.

Property Setting Ordered by Precedence Peer Server Gateway Receiver Syntax
cache.xml <cache-server> bind-address X <cache-server>bind-address=address
gfsh start server command-line ‑‑server-bind-address X X gfsh start server ‑‑server-bind-address=address server-bind-address X X server-bind-address=address bind-address X X X bind-address=address

For example, a member started with these configurations in its and cache.xml files will use two separate addresses for peer and server communication:

// setting for peer communication
//cache.xml settings

// Server communication
  <cache-server bind-address="" ...

  <region ...

Gateway Receiver Communication

If you are using multi-site (WAN) topology, you can also configure gateway receiver communication (in addition to peer and server communication) so that each communication type uses its own address.

This table lists the settings used for peer, server, and gateway receiver communication, ordered by precedence. For example, for gateway receiver communication, VMware GemFire searches first for a cache.xml <gateway-receiver> bind-address setting. If that is not set, VMware GemFire searches for the gfsh start server server-bind-address setting, and so on until a setting is found or all possibilities are exhausted.

Property Setting Ordered by Precedence Peer Server Gateway Receiver Syntax
cache.xml <gateway-receiver> bind-address X <gateway-receiver>bind-address=address
cache.xml <cache-server> bind-address X <cache-server>bind-address=address
gfsh start server command-line ‑‑server-bind-address X X gfsh start server ‑‑server-bind-address=address server-bind-address X X server-bind-address=address bind-address X X X bind-address=address

For example, a member started with these configurations in its and cache.xml files will use three separate addresses for peer, server, and gateway receiver communication:

// setting for peer communication
//cache.xml settings
// Gateway receiver configuration
  <gateway-receiver start-port="1530" end-port="1551" bind-address=""/>

// Server communication
  <cache-server bind-address="" ...

  <region ...

Locator Communication

Set the locator bind address using one of these methods:

  • On the gfsh command line, specify the bind address when you start the locator, the same as you specify any other address:

    gfsh>start locator --name=my_locator --bind-address=ip-address-to-bind --port=portNumber
  • Inside a VMware GemFire application, take one of the following actions:

    • Automatically start a co-located locator using the gemfire property start-locator, and specifying the bind address for it in that property setting.
    • Use org.apache.geode.distributed.LocatorLauncher API to start the locator inside your code. Use the LocatorLauncher.Builder class to construct an instance of the LocatorLauncher, use the setBindAddress method to specify the IP address to use and then use the start() method to start a Locator service embedded in your Java application process.

If your locator uses a bind address, make sure every process that accesses the locator has the address as well. For peer-to-peer access to the locator, use the locator’s bind address and the locator’s port in your locators list. For server discovery in a client/server installation, use the locator’s bind address and the locator’s port in the locator list you provide to in the client’s server pool configuration.

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