Display information about existing backups, delete existing backups, or encrypt passwords for secure storage in plugin configuration files.

Note: The gpbackup_manager utility is available only in the commercial release of VMware Greenplum Backup and Restore.


gpbackup_manager [ <command> [ <option> ] ]

where command is:

delete-backup <timestamp> [--plugin-config <config-file>] [--no-prompt] [ --cascade ]
| delete-backups-before <timestamp>
| delete-replica
| display-report <timestamp>
| encrypt-password --plugin-config <config-file>
| list-backups [--show-all]
| migrate-history [ <filename> ]
| replicate-backup <timestamp> --plugin-config <config-file>
| help [<command>]


delete-backup timestamp
Deletes the backup set with the specified timestamp. When delete-backup is run, the gpbackup_manager utility checks for dependent backups and blocks their deletion, unless the --cascade option is passed in.
delete-backups-before timestamp
Deletes all backup sets older than the given timestamp.
When used together with the delete-backup timestamp command and the --plugin-config option, deletes a replicated DDBoost backup from the remote Data Domain.
display-report timestamp
Displays the backup report for a specified timestamp.
Encrypts plain-text passwords for storage in the DD Boost plugin configuration file.
Displays a list of backups that have been taken. If the backup history database does not exist, the command exits with an error message. See Table 1 for a description of the columns in this list.
migrate-history [ <filename> ]
If you do not specify the filename, gpbackup_manager loads the $MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY/gpbackup_history.yaml file into the gpbackup_history.db SQLite history database, and renames the gpbackup_history.yaml file to gpbackup_history.yaml.migrated. If you use the filename option to specify additional history files, you must include each file's full pathname.
replicate-backup timestamp
For a backup on a Data Domain server, replicates the backup to a second (remote) Data Domain server. The timestamp is the timestamp of the backup on the Data Domain server. The --plugin-config config-file option specifies the DD Boost configuration file that contains the information to access the backup and the remote Data Domain server. For information about the configuration file, see Using the DD Boost Storage Plugin with gpbackup, gprestore, and gpbackup_manager. For information about replicating backups, see Replicating Backups
help command
Displays a help message for the specified command.


Optional. When passed to the delete-backup subcommand, delete-backup can delete a backup set that other backup sets are dependent on and cascade the deletion to remove all dependent backup sets.

. This option prevents leaving behind incremental backups that are unusable because they depend upon a backup that has been deleted.

Optional. When passed to the delete-backup subcommand, the command will not prompt for manual verification when deleting a backup set.
--plugin-config config-file
This option is mandatory for the encrypt-password command and for the delete-backup command if the backup is stored in S3 or a Data Domain system.

Note: When you delete backup sets stored in a Data Domain system, you must pass in the same configuration file that was passed in when the backups were created. Otherwise, the gpbackup_manager delete-backup command will exit with an error.

Optional. When passed to the list-backups subcommand, the command will also show deleted backups.
-h | --help

Displays a help message for the gpbackup_manager command. For help on a specific gpbackup_manager command, enter gpbackup_manager help command. For example:

$ gpbackup_manager help encrypt-password


The gpbackup_manager utility manages backup sets created using the gpbackup utility. You can list backups, display a report for a backup, and delete a backup. gpbackup_manager can also encrypt passwords to store in a DD Boost plugin configuration file.

Greenplum Database must be running to use the gpbackup_manager utility.

Backup history is saved on the Greenplum Database coordinator host in the database $MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY/gpbackup_history.db. If no backups have been created yet, or if the backup history has been deleted, gpbackup_manager commands that depend on the file will display an error message and exit.


To suppress writing backup data to the history database, run gpbackup with the --no-history option.

Versions of gpbackup earlier than v1.13.0 did not save the backup duration in the backup history database. The list-backups command duration column is empty for these backups.

The encrypt-password command is used to encrypt Data Domain user passwords that are saved in a DD Boost plug-In configuration file. To use this option, the pgcrypto extension must be enabled in the Greenplum Database postgres database. See the VMware Greenplum Backup and Restore installation instructions for help installing pgcrypto.

The encrypt-password command prompts you to enter and then re-enter the password to be encrypted. To maintain password secrecy, characters entered are echoed as asterisks. If replication is enabled in the specified DD Boost configuration file, the command also prompts for a password for the remote Data Domain account. You must then copy the output of the command into the DD Boost configuration file.

The following table describes the contents of the columns in the list that is output by the gpbackup_manager list-backups command.

Table 1. Backup List Report
Column Description
timestamp Timestamp value (YYYYMMDDHHMMSS) that specifies the time the backup was taken.
date Date the backup was taken.
status Status of the backup operation, Success or Failure.
database Name of the database backed up (specified on the gpbackup command line with the --dbname option).
type Which classes of data are included in the backup. Can be one of the following:
  • full - contains all global and local metadata, and user data for the database. This kind of backup can be the base for an incremental backup. Depending on the gpbackup options specified, some objects could have been filtered from the backup.
  • incremental – contains all global and local metadata, and user data changed since a previous full backup.
  • metadata-only – contains only the global and local metadata for the database. Depending on the gpbackup options specified, some objects could have been filtered from the backup.
  • data-only – contains only user data from the database. Depending on the gpbackup options specified, some objects could have been filtered from the backup.
object filtering The object filtering options that were specified at least once on the gpbackup command line, or blank if no filtering operations were used. To see the object filtering details for a specific backup, run the gpbackup_manager report command for the backgit st
  • include-schema – at least one --include-schema option was specified.
  • exclude-schema – at least one --exclude-schema option was specified.
  • include-table – at least one --include-table option was specified.
  • exclude-table – at least one --exclude-table option was specified.
plugin The name of the binary plugin file that was used to configure the backup destination, excluding path information.
duration The amount of time (hh:mm:ss format) taken to complete the backup.


  1. Display a list of the existing backups.

    gpadmin@mdw:$ gpbackup_manager list-backups
                timestamp        date                       status    database   type            object filtering   plugin                    duration   date deleted
                20210721191330   Wed Jul 21 2021 19:13:30   Success   sales      full                               gpbackup_ddboost_plugin   00:20:25   In progress
                20210721191201   Wed Jul 21 2021 19:12:01   Success   sales      full                               gpbackup_ddboost_plugin   00:15:21   Plugin Backup Delete Failed
                20210721191041   Wed Jul 21 2021 19:10:41   Success   sales      full                               gpbackup_ddboost_plugin   00:10:25   Local Delete Failed
                20210721191022   Wed Jul 21 2021 19:10:22   Success   sales      full            include-schema                               00:02:35   Wed Jul 21 2021 19:24:59
                20210721190942   Wed Jul 21 2021 19:09:42   Success   sales      full            exclude-schema                               00:01:11
                20210721190826   Wed Jul 21 2021 19:08:26   Success   sales      data-only                                                    00:05:17
                20210721190818   Wed Jul 21 2021 19:08:18   Success   sales      metadata-only                                                00:01:01
                20210721190727   Wed Jul 21 2021 19:07:27   Success   sales      full                                                         00:07:22
  2. Display the backup report for the backup with timestamp 20190612154608.

    $ gpbackup_manager display-report 20190612154608
    Greenplum Database Backup Report
    Timestamp Key: 20190612154608
    GPDB Version: 5.14.0+dev.8.gdb327b2a3f build commit:db327b2a3f6f2b0673229e9aa164812e3bb56263
    gpbackup Version: 1.11.0
    Database Name: sales
    Command Line: gpbackup --dbname sales
    Compression: gzip
    Plugin Executable: None
    Backup Section: All Sections
    Object Filtering: None
    Includes Statistics: No
    Data File Format: Multiple Data Files Per Segment
    Incremental: False
    Start Time: 2019-06-12 15:46:08
    End Time: 2019-06-12 15:46:53
    Duration: 0:00:45
    Backup Status: Success
    Database Size: 3306 MB
    Count of Database Objects in Backup:
    Aggregates                   12
    Casts                        4
    Constraints                  0
    Conversions                  0
    Database GUCs                0
    Extensions                   0
    Functions                    0
    Indexes                      0
    Operator Classes             0
    Operator Families            1
    Operators                    0
    Procedural Languages         1
    Protocols                    1
    Resource Groups              2
    Resource Queues              6
    Roles                        859
    Rules                        0
    Schemas                      185
    Sequences                    207
    Tables                       431
    Tablespaces                  0
    Text Search Configurations   0
    Text Search Dictionaries     0
    Text Search Parsers          0
    Text Search Templates        0
    Triggers                     0
    Types                        2
    Views                        0
  3. Delete the local backup with timestamp 20190620145126.

    $ gpbackup_manager delete-backup 20190620145126
    Are you sure you want to delete-backup 20190620145126? (y/n)y
    Deletion of 20190620145126 in progress.
    Deletion of 20190620145126 complete.
  4. Delete a backup stored on a Data Domain system. The DD Boost plugin configuration file must be specified with the --plugin-config option.

    $ gpbackup_manager delete-backup 20190620160656 --plugin-config ~/ddboost_config.yaml
    Are you sure you want to delete-backup 20190620160656? (y/n)y
    Deletion of 20190620160656 in progress.
    Deletion of 20190620160656 done.
  5. Encrypt a password. A DD Boost plugin configuration file must be specified with the --plugin-config option.

    $ gpbackup_manager encrypt-password --plugin-config ~/ddboost_rep_on_config.yaml
    Please enter your password ******
    Please verify your password ******
    Please enter your remote password ******
    Please verify your remote password ******
    Please copy/paste these lines into the plugin config file:
    password: "c30d04090302a0ff861b823d71b079d23801ac367a74a1a8c088ed53beb62b7e190b7110277ea5b51c88afcba41857d2900070164db5f3efda63745dfffc7f2026290a31e1a2035dac"
    password_encryption: "on"
    remote_password: "c30d04090302c764fd06bfa1dade62d2380160a8f1e4d1ff0a4bb25a542fb1d31c7a19b98e9b2f00e7b1cf4811c6cdb3d54beebae67f605e6a9c4ec9718576769b20e5ebd0b9f53221"
    remote_password_encryption: "on"

See Also

gprestore, Parallel Backup with gpbackup and gprestore and Using the S3 Storage Plugin with gpbackup and gprestore

Parent topic:Backup Utility Reference

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