If you experience problems enabling resource groups in Tanzu Greenplum command center, review the following list to ensure prerequisites are met and all of the dependencies are properly configured.

  • Red Hat 6.x and 7.x and CentOS 6.x and 7.x are currently supported.
  • You must be running VMware Greenplum version 5.7.0 or later.
  • Configure the Linux cgroups kernel feature on your hosts by following the instructions at “Prerequisite” in Using Resource Groups.
  • Make sure the /etc/cgconfig.d/gpdb.conf file contains the objects perm, cpu, and cpuacct. If the document is incorrect and the gp_resource_manager configuration parameter is set to "group", VMware Greenplum can hang at startup.

    group gpdb {
      perm {
        task {
          uid = gpadmin;
          gid = gpadmin;
        admin {
          uid = gpadmin;
          gid = gpadmin;
      cpu {
      cpuacct {
  • On Red Hat 7, make sure you run cgconfigparser -L /etc/cgconfig.d to parse changes to the /etc/cgconfig.d/gpdb.conf file. This command must also be set up to run at boot time.

  • Set the VMware Greenplum gp_resource_manager server configuration parameter to "group" and restart VMware Greenplum.

    $ gpconfig -c gp_resource_manager -v "group"
    $ gpstop -ar

    Verify by showing the value of the parameter:

    $ gpconfig -s gp_resource_manager
    Values on all segments are consistent
    GUC          : gp_resource_manager
    Master  value: group
    Segment value: group
  • After installing a VMware Greenplum distribution, the shared_preload_libraries configuration parameter contains the metrics collector shared library. Make sure this library is still present:

    $ gpconfig -s shared_preload_libraries
    Values on all segments are consistent
    GUC          : shared_preload_libraries
    Master  value: metrics_collector
    Segment value: metrics_collector

    Check that the shared library exists at $GPHOME/lib/postgresql/metrics_collector.so. If the library does not exist, make sure you have installed the VMware Greenplum distribution. This extension is not available in the VMware Greenplum Open Source version.

    If the shared library file exists in the $GPHOME/lib/postgresql directory, but not in the shared_preload_libraries parameter, add it with the gpconfig command:

    $ gpconfig -c shared_preload_libraries -v 'metrics_collector'

    Note that adding metrics_collector to the shared_preload_libraries parameter does not enable the metrics_collector or gp_wlm extensions, but is a prerequisite for enabling them.

  • The gpmon user must be able to connect to databases from the Tanzu Greenplum command center host. Make sure to add a host entry like the following in the $COORDINATOR_DATA_DIRECTORY/pg_hba.conf file.

    host   all   gpmon   <IP_of_host>/32   md5
  • Check whether the gp_wlm extension is installed. The extension is added when you click Enable Workloads in the Tanzu Greenplum command center Workload Mgmt view.

    $ psql gpperfmon
    gpperfmon=# \dx
                              List of installed  extensions
           Name        | Version |   Schema   |              Description
     gp_wlm            | 0.1     | gpmetrics  | Greenplum Workload Manager Extension
     metrics_collector | 1.0     | gpmetrics  | Greenplum Metrics Collector Extension
     plpgsql           | 1.0     | pg_catalog | PL/pgSQL procedural language
    (3 rows)
  • Make sure the gpmetrics.workload_config table and functions are present in the gpperfmon database:

    gpperfmon=# \d gpmetrics.workload_config
    Table "gpmetrics.workload_config"
      Column  |  Type   | Modifiers
     dist_col | integer |
     config   | json    |
    Distributed by: (dist_col)    
    gpperfmon=# \df gpmetrics.*
                                           List of functions
      Schema   |              Name              | Result data type | Argument data types  |  Type
     gpmetrics | get_workload_config            | json             |                      | normal
     gpmetrics | metrics_collector_start_worker | void             |                      | normal
     gpmetrics | set_workload_config            | boolean          | wlm_json_config json | normal
    (3 rows)

    If the gpmetrics.workload_config table or the functions are not present, dropping and recreating the gp_wlm extension will create them. Note that any assignment rules saved in the gpmetrics.workload_config table will have to be recreated in Tanzu Greenplum command center.

    $ psql gpperfmon
    gpperfmon=# DROP EXTENSION gp_wlm;
    gpperfmon=# CREATE EXTENSION gp_wlm;
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