$PXF_BASE/conf includes these user-customizable configuration files:

  • pxf-application.properties - PXF Service application configuration properties
  • pxf-env.sh - PXF command and JVM-specific runtime configuration properties
  • pxf-log4j2.xml - PXF logging configuration properties
  • pxf-profiles.xml - Custom PXF profile definitions

Modifying the PXF Configuration

When you update a PXF configuration file, you must synchronize the changes to all hosts in the Greenplum Database cluster and then restart PXF for the changes to take effect.


  1. Update the configuration file(s) of interest.

  2. Synchronize the PXF configuration to all hosts in the Greenplum Database cluster:

    gpadmin@gpmaster$ pxf cluster sync
  3. (Re)start PXF on all Greenplum hosts:

    gpadmin@gpmaster$ pxf cluster restart


The pxf-application.properties file exposes these PXF Service application configuration properties:

Parameter Description Default Value
pxf.connection.timeout The Tomcat server connection timeout for read operations (-1 for infinite timeout). 5m (5 minutes)
pxf.connection.upload-timeout The Tomcat server connection timeout for write operations (-1 for infinite timeout). 5m (5 minutes)
pxf.max.threads The maximum number of PXF tomcat threads. 200
pxf.task.pool.allow‑core‑thread‑timeout Identifies whether or not core streaming threads are allowed to time out. false
pxf.task.pool.core-size The number of core streaming threads. 8
pxf.task.pool.queue-capacity The capacity of the core streaming thread pool queue. 0
pxf.task.pool.max-size The maximum allowed number of core streaming threads. pxf.max.threads if set, or 200
pxf.log.level The log level for the PXF Service. info
pxf.fragmenter-cache.expiration The amount of time after which an entry expires and is removed from the fragment cache. 10s (10 seconds)

To change the value of a PXF Service application property, you may first need to add the property to, or uncomment the property in, the pxf-application.properties file before you can set the new value.


The pxf-env.sh file exposes these PXF JVM configuration properties:

Parameter Description Default Value
JAVA_HOME The path to the Java JRE home directory. /usr/java/default
PXF_LOGDIR The PXF log directory. $PXF_BASE/logs
PXF_RUNDIR The PXF run directory. $PXF_BASE/run
PXF_JVM_OPTS The default options for the PXF Java virtual machine. -Xmx2g -Xms1g
PXF_OOM_KILL Activate/deactivate PXF auto-termination on OutOfMemoryError (OOM). true (activated)
PXF_OOM_DUMP_PATH The absolute path to the dump file that PXF generates on OOM. No dump file (empty)
PXF_LOADER_PATH Additional directories and JARs for PXF to class-load. (empty)
LD_LIBRARY_PATH Additional directories and native libraries for PXF to load. (empty)

To set a new value for a PXF JVM configuration property, you may first need to uncomment the property in the pxf-env.sh file before you set the new value.


The pxf-log4j2.xml file configures PXF and subcomponent logging. By default, PXF is configured to log at the info level, and logs at the warn or error levels for some third-party libraries to reduce verbosity.

The Logging advanced configuration topic describes how to enable more verbose client-level and server-level logging for PXF.


PXF defines its default profiles in the pxf-profiles-default.xml file. If you choose to add a custom profile, you configure the profile in pxf-profiles.xml.

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