Start an instance of a VMware Tanzu Greenplum streaming server.


gpss [-c | --config <config.json>]
    [--debug-port <portnum> ] [--clear-job-store]
    [--color] [--csv-log]
    [-l | --log-dir <directory>] [--verbose]

gpss {-h | --help}

gpss --version 


The gpss utility starts an instance of the Tanzu Greenplum streaming server (GPSS). When you run the command, you optionally provide a JSON-formatted configuration file that defines run properties such as the GPSS server listen address, gpfdist host and port number, and encryption certificate and key files. You can also specify the directory to which GPSS writes its log files, as well as a job store.

When started, gpss waits indefinitely for client job requests. A single GPSS instance can service requests from multiple clients. Refer to the gpsscli reference page for more information about client job commands.


gpss keeps track of the status of each client job in memory. When you stop a GPSS server instance that did not specify a JobStore setting in its server configuration file, you lose all registered jobs. You must re-submit any previously-submitted jobs that you require after you restart the server instance. gpss will resume a job from the last load offset.


-c | --config config.json

The JSON-formatted configuration file that defines the run properties of a GPSS service instance. If the filename provided is not an absolute path, GPSS assumes that the file system location is relative to the current working directory. Refer to gpss.json for the format and content of the properties that you specify in this file.

If you do not provide a GPSS configuration file, VMware Tanzu Greenplum starts gpss on default port 5000 on host, starts gpfdist on default port 8080 on the local host address identified by the output of the hostname command, and does not use encryption.
--debug-port portnum

When you specify this option, gpss starts a debug server at the port identified by portnum on the local host (; additional debug information including the call stack and performance statistics is available from the server.


A debug server port number that you specify via the --debug-port option to this command takes precedence over a DebugPort that you may have configured for the gpss server instance in the gpss.json configuration file.

When you specify this option, gpss clears all jobs from the JobStore directory specified in the config.json server configuration file.

Enable the use of color when displaying front-end log messages. When specified, GPSS colors the log level in messages that it writes to stdout. Color is deactivated by default.

GPSS ignores the --color option if you also specify --csv-log.
Write front-end log messages in CSV format. By default, GPSS writes log messages to stdout using spaces between fields for a more human-readable format.
-l | --log-dir directory

Specify the directory to which GPSS writes log files. GPSS must have write permission to the directory. GPSS creates the log directory if it does not exist.

If you do not provide this option, GPSS writes gpss log files to the $HOME/gpAdminLogs directory.

The default behaviour of the command utility is to display information and error messages to stdout. When you specify the --verbose option, GPSS also outputs debug-level messages about the operation.
-h | --help
Show command help, and then exit.
Show command version, and then exit.


Start a Tanzu Greenplum streaming server instance in the background, specifying a log directory of /home/gpadmin/logs.gpss, and using the run properties defined in a configuration file named gpsscfg.json located in the current directory. Also start a GPSS debug server on port number 8915:

$ gpss --debug-port 8915 --log-dir /home/gpadmin/logs.gpss --config gpsscfg.json &

View the debug information available from the GPSS debug server:

$ curl

See Also

gpss.json, gpsscli

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