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Management utilities are Tanzu Greenplum Text command-line utilities that are used to manage the Tanzu Greenplum Text cluster. The utilities must be run on the Greenplum master as the gpadmin user.

To ensure the Tanzu Greenplum Text command-line utilities can be found on the path, source the Greenplum Database and Tanzu Greenplum Text environment scripts. The Greenplum Database environment must be set before you source the Tanzu Greenplum Text environment script. For example, if both Greenplum Database and Tanzu Greenplum Text are installed in the /usr/local/ directory, enter these commands:

$ source /usr/local/greenplum-db-<version>/
$ source /usr/local/greenplum-text-<version>/


To get help for a utility, specify the flag -h or --help. A short help message displays with a list of parameters.


To get verbose output for debugging a utility, specify the flags -v or --verbose.

Tanzu Greenplum Text Utilities

  • gptext-auth – enables user authentication for the SolrCloud user interface.
  • gptext-backup – backs up a Tanzu Greenplum Text index to a shared file system.
  • gptext-config – performs Tanzu Greenplum Text configuration options.
  • gptext-downgrade – downgrades Tanzu Greenplum Text to version 3.6.0.
  • gptext-expand – adds new Tanzu Greenplum Text nodes to existing hosts in the cluster.
  • gptext-external – manages configurations for external data sources.
  • gptext-installsql – installs or removes the gptext schema and user-defined functions in Greenplum databases.
  • gptext-migrator – installs the Tanzu Greenplum Text binaries into an upgraded Greenplum Database system.
  • gptext-rebalance - relocates replicas after expanding the Tanzu Greenplum Text cluster.
  • gptext-recover – restarts Tanzu Greenplum Text nodes that are down.
  • gptext-replica – adds or drops a replica of an index shard.
  • gptext-restore – restores a Tanzu Greenplum Text index from a backup on a shared file system.
  • gptext-shard - adds or deletes a group of shards in a GPTExt index with implicit router.
  • gptext-start – starts or restarts the Tanzu Greenplum Text cluster.
  • gptext-state – display the state of the Tanzu Greenplum Text cluster and indexes.
  • gptext-stop – shuts down the Tanzu Greenplum Text cluster.
  • gptext-uninstall – uninstalls Tanzu Greenplum Text, including data and installed files, and ZooKeeper nodes if they were installed with the Tanzu Greenplum Text installer.
  • gptext-upgrade - upgrades a Tanzu Greenplum Text system to a new Tanzu Greenplum Text version.
  • zkManager – checks the ZooKeeper cluster state. If ZooKeeper was installed with Tanzu Greenplum Text, zkManager can start or stop the ZooKeeper cluster.


Enables user authentication for the SolrCloud user interface.


gptext-auth -h

gptext-auth enable-password [-u <username>|--username=<username>] [-p <my-password>|--password=<my-password>] [-v]

gptext-auth change-password [-o <old-password>|--oldpassword=<old-password>][-n <new-password>|--newpassword=<new-password>][-v]

gptext-auth disable-password [-v]

gptext-auth status


Parameter Description
Displays a usage message and exits.
-d <database>
Specifies the database containing the Tanzu Greenplum Text schema.
-P <pool>
--pool <pool>

Sets the number of threads to add to the worker pool. If ssh/scp connections are refused or dropped because the configured maximum number of connections has been reached, use this option to set the thread pool size to a lower number, reducing the number of concurrent connections.

-u <username>
Specifies the user account to which the password change is applied. If not used, the password is set for the default user name solr.
-p <password>
Specifies the password to be created for the default solr account or for the account specified by the -u option.
-o <old-password>
Specifies the current password for the default solr account or for the account specified by the -u option.
-n <new-password>
Specifies the new password to be created for the default solr account or for the account specified by the -u option.
Displays debug output.
status Reports whether password authentication is enabled.


Backs up a Tanzu Greenplum Text index to local storage on the Greenplum Database cluster or to a shared file system.


gptext-backup -h

gptext-backup [-P <pool>] local [-p <path>] -i <index> [-v]

gptext-backup [-P <pool>] -p <path> -i <index> [-n <name>] [-v]

gptext-backup [-P <pool>] -c -p <path> -i <index> [-v]


Parameter Description
Displays a usage message and exits.
-P <pool>
--pool <pool>

Sets the number of threads to add to the worker pool. If not specified, the gptext-backup utility determines the number of worker threads needed. If ssh/scp connections are refused or dropped because the configured maximum number of connections has been reached, use this option to set the thread pool size to a lower number, reducing the number of concurrent connections gptext-backup makes. If you set the pool size too high, the utility displays a message and you must confirm to continue with the maximum number of threads allowed.

Back up configuration files only. The -c option cannot be used with the local keyword or the -n option.
local Save backup to local storage.
-p <path>
--path <path>

If the local keyword is included, this is the directory where the utility creates the backup. If no path is specified, backup files are created in the Greenplum Database master and segment data directories. The backup name and locations of the backup files are reported in the output of the command.

If the local keyword is omitted, this is the path on the shared file system where the backup will be saved. The file system must be accessible from all hosts in the cluster and it must be readable and writable by the gpadmin user.

-i <index_name>
--index <index_name>
The name of the Tanzu Greenplum Text index to back up.
-n <backup_name>
--name <backup_name>
A name for the backup on the shared file system. The -n option cannot be used with the local keyword or the -c option.


Back up an index so that you can restore it to a different Tanzu Greenplum Text system or to avoid having to reindex if the existing index becomes corrupted.

A full Tanzu Greenplum Text index backup includes index configuration files from ZooKeeper and index data up to the last transaction committed with the gptext.commit_index() function. Each index shard is backed up separately.

You can optionally back up just the index configuration files using the -c option.

You can back up an index to a shared file system or to local Greenplum Database cluster storage.

Back Up to Local Greenplum Database Cluster Storage

Use the gptext-backup local command to back up a Tanzu Greenplum Text index to local storage.

For local backups, the utility generates a backup name in the format <index-name>_<timestamp>, for example demo.wikipedia.articles_2018-05-07T17:13:32.064427. The --name option is not allowed with local backups.

On the master host, gptext-backup creates a JSON file, <backup-name>.json, containing metadata about the backup, and a directory, <backup-name>, containing copies of the ZooKeeper configuration files for the index. The default backup directory on the master host is the Greenplum Database master data directory, specified by the MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY environment variable.

gptext-backup local writes a backup file for each index shard on the host with the Tanzu Greenplum Text node managing the lead replica for the shard. These files have names in the format snapshot.<index-name>_shard<n>_<timestamp>, for example snapshot.demo.wikipedia.articles_shard1_2018-05-07T17:13:32.064427. By default, these files are saved in the segment data directories.

You can specify a backup directory for the backup with the --path (-p) option. The directory must exist on all hosts in the cluster and be writable by the gpadmin user.

This example backs up the demo.wikipedia.articles index to the default backup locations.

$ gptext-backup local -i demo.wikipedia.articles
20180504:12:35:07:006126 gptext-backup:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Execute Tanzu Greenplum Text cluster backup.
20180504:12:35:08:006126 gptext-backup:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Check zookeeper cluster state ...
20180504:12:35:10:006126 gptext-backup:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Check status of index demo.wikipedia.articles...
20180504:12:35:10:006126 gptext-backup:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Executing backup ...
20180504:12:35:10:006126 gptext-backup:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Processing ...
20180504:12:35:11:006126 gptext-backup:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Recording metadata of index "demo.wikipedia.articles" into "/data/gpmaster/gpseg-1/demo.wikipedia.articles_2018-05-04T12:35:10.594013.json" on master
20180504:12:35:11:006126 gptext-backup:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Backing up configuration of index "demo.wikipedia.articles" into "/data/gpmaster/gpseg-1/demo.wikipedia.articles_2018-05-04T12:35:10.594013" on master
20180504:12:35:12:006126 gptext-backup:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Backup "demo.wikipedia.articles_shard*_2018-05-04T12:35:10.594013" is located in "/data/gpdata1/primary" on each host
20180504:12:35:12:006126 gptext-backup:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Done.

Back Up to a Shared File System

If you back up to a shared file system, the shared file system must be mounted on all hosts with Tanzu Greenplum Text nodes and must be writable by the gpadmin user. The file system could be, for example, an NFS mount or an SSH server with sshfs support. The file system must be configured and accessible before you execute the gptext-backup utility, and it must accept connections from each host in the cluster.

The gptext-backup utility creates a new subdirectory at the specified path with the backup name specified. The command fails if the directory already exists.

When the backup is complete, the backup directory contains the following:
A text file containing three comma-separated strings: the database name, schema name, and index name for the index that was backed up.
A text file with properties that describe the backup, such as the date and time the backup started, the name of the backup, and the names of the Solr collection and collection configuration.
A directory containing the following files:
  • collection_state.json – a JSON file describing the status of the Solr collection.

  • configs/<collection-name>/ – a directory containing copies of the Solr configuration files stored in ZooKeeper for the index, for example managed-schema, solrconfig.xml, protwords.txt, stopwords.txt.

snapshot.shard0 ... snapshot.shard_N_
A directory for each shard, with the files containing content of the shard.

If the backup fails—for example if there is insufficient disk space—an error message is displayed, but the backup directory is not removed. Be sure to remove the backup directory before restarting the backup.

The following example backs up the demo.twitter.message index to the twitter subdirectory on the /mnt/nas share.

$ gptext-backup -i demo.twitter.message -p /mnt/nas -n twitter
20180508:16:34:02:027794 gptext-backup:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Execute GPText cluster backup.
20180508:16:34:03:027794 gptext-backup:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Check zookeeper cluster state ...
20180508:16:34:03:027794 gptext-backup:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Validate shared file system.
20180508:16:34:06:027794 gptext-backup:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Backup index: demo.twitter.message, into shared FS '/mnt/nas', as name: twitter.
20180508:16:34:06:027794 gptext-backup:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Processing ...
20180508:16:34:08:027794 gptext-backup:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Index backup successfully.
20180508:16:34:08:027794 gptext-backup:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Done.

Backup Configuration Files Only

The gptext-backup option -c (--backup-conf) creates a backup of just the Tanzu Greenplum Text index configuration files from ZooKeeper. You can use the -p (--path) option to specify the directory where the backup is to be created. If you omit the -p option, the backup is created in the master data directory ($MASTER_DATA_DIRECTORY). The configuration files are saved in a directory with a name in the format <index-name>_<timestamp>.

This example creates a backup of the configuration files for the demo.wikipedia.articles index. The files are saved in the default location. The backup name, which you will need to restore the backup, is reported in the output.

$ gptext-backup -c -i demo.wikipedia.articles
20180508:17:17:26:000781 gptext-backup:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Execute Tanzu Greenplum Text cluster backup.
20180508:17:17:27:000781 gptext-backup:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Check zookeeper cluster state ...
20180508:17:17:29:000781 gptext-backup:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Recording metadata of index "demo.wikipedia.articles" into "/data/gpmaster/gpseg-1/demo.wikipedia.articles_2018-05-08T17:17:29.197515.json" on master
20180508:17:17:29:000781 gptext-backup:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Backing up configuration of index "demo.wikipedia.articles" into "/data/gpmaster/gpseg-1/demo.wikipedia.articles_2018-05-08T17:17:29.197515" on master
20180508:17:17:30:000781 gptext-backup:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Done.


Performs Tanzu Greenplum Text configuration tasks:

  • Edit, append, upload, or list configuration files in ZooKeeper
  • Revert configuration file changes in ZooKeeper
  • Edit JVM configuration options
  • Upload jar files to the Tanzu Greenplum Text home directory


gptext-config -h | --help

gptext-config edit [-P <pool>] -f <file_name> -i <index_name> [-r] [-e]

gptext-config list [-P <pool>] -i <index_name> [--recursive]

gptext-config upload [-P <pool>] -l <path/local_file_name> -f <path/zookeeper_file_name> [-i <index_name>]

gptext-config append [-P <pool>]  -l <local_append_file> -f <file_name> -i <index_name>

gptext-config jar [-P <pool>] -l <path/jar_file>

gptext-config jvm [-P <pool>] -o <jvm_options>


The -f parameter is optional with gptext-config append and gptext-config upload. If you omit -f with the append command, then the local file is appended to a file of the same name in the top-level ZooKeeper directory for the index. If you omit -f with the upload command, then the utility uploads the local file to a file of the same name in the top-level ZooKeeper directory for the index.

Parameter Description
Displays a usage message and exits.
-i <index-name>
Name of the index. If the table is partitioned, specify the root partition name to include all subpartitions in the index.
-P <pool>
--pool <pool>

Sets the number of threads to add to the worker pool. If not specified, the gptext-config utility determines the number of worker threads needed. If ssh/scp connections are refused or dropped because the configured maximum number of connections has been reached, use this option to set the thread pool size to a lower number, reducing the number of concurrent connections gptext-config makes. If you set the pool size too high, the utility displays a message and you must confirm to continue with the maximum number of threads allowed.

-f <filename>
The name of a ZooKeeper configuration file to edit, append, or upload. The -i option must be included to specify the index. The following files are supported:
  • solrconfig.xml – Contains most of the parameters for configuring Solr itself (see Configuring solrconfig.xml at the Apache Solr web site).
  • schema.xml – Defines the analyzer chains that Solr uses for various different types of search fields (see Setting up Text Analyzer Chains).
  • stopwords.txt – Lists words you want to eliminate from the final index. You can also edit language specific stopwords by specifying a filename in the format stopwords_language_code.txt, where language_code is a two-character code such as en, fr, or es.
  • protwords.txt – Lists protected words that you do not want to be modified by the analyzer chain. For example, <iPhone>.
  • synonyms.txt – Lists words that you want replaced by synonyms in the analyzer chain.
  • emoticons.txt – Defines emoticons for the text_sm social media analyzer chain (see gptext-start).
  • currency.txt – Defines exchange rates between one currency and another (see Working with Currencies and Exchange Rates at the Apache Solr web site).
  • jar_file – the name of a jar file to upload to <GPText_Install_Directory>/lib/.
-e <command>
Editor to use. Choices are any editor that takes a filename on the command line as a parameter. For example, vi, vim, emacs, nano, etc. If absent, vi is used.
-l <filename> The full path of a local file to append or upload to a ZooKeeper configuration file. gptext-config append appends the named file to a configuration file and distributes the resulting files. This uses the -f and -i parameters. -f names the configuration file to which you want to append the file named (including local path) with the -l parameter.

gptext-config upload uploads the specified local file to ZooKeeper. Specify the destination ZooKeeper file name with the -f option and specify the index name with the -i option. If you omit the -i option you must supply the full path to the file in ZooKeeper with the -f option, for example -f /gptext/configs/demo.wikipedia.articles/managed-schema.

When used with the gptext-confg jar command, -l must specify a local jar file to upload to the <GPText_Install_Directory>/lib/.

--recursive Optional. Use with the gptext-config list command to recursively list all configuration files directories available in subdirectories. By default, gptext-config list displays only those index configuration files and directory names in the top-level ZooKeeper directory for an index.
--revert <filename>
Revert the named ZooKeeper file to the previous version.
-o "<JVM_Options>" Modifies JVM options. To ensure that the JVMs are restarted after changing JVM options, restart the Tanzu Greenplum Text cluster using the gptext-stop and gptext-start utilities.


Use the gptext-config utility to modify, add, or list configuration files for a specified index.

Never edit the template configuration files. If you do, every index you create after editing the templates will be created with your modified versions. Use the gptext-config utility to ensure that you are editing the configuration files for your index, rather than the template configuration files.

gptext-config automatically reindexes after modifying files if the configuration changes require it.

If you use the -f (--file) parameter to edit one of the index configuration files, Tanzu Greenplum Text automatically places the edited file in its proper directory.

To move an index configuration file from the local file system to the index configuration directory in all of the segments, use the upload command and specify the local file with the -l option and the destination ZooKeeper file with the -f (--file) option.


  1. Edit the managed-schema file in index demo.wikipedia.articles, using the vi editor:

    gptext-config edit -f managed-schema -i demo.wikipedia.articles -e vi
  2. Append the local file stopwords.add to stopwords.txt in index demo.wikipedia.articles:

    gptext-config append -l stopwords.add -f stopwords.txt -i demo.wikipedia.articles
  3. Revert file managed-schema in index demo.wikipedia.articles after editing it.

    gptext-config edit -f managed-schema -i demo.wikipedia.articles -r
  4. Upload the local file custom.txt to the ZooKeeper file custom.conf in index demo.wikipedia.articles:

    gptext-config upload -l custom.txt -f custom.conf -i demo.wikipedia.articles
  5. List all available configuration files for the index demo.wikipedia.articles:

    gptext-config list -i demo.wikipedia.articles --recursive
  6. Upload the jar file text.jar to the lib directory in the Tanzu Greenplum Text home directory:

    gptext-config jar -l text.jar
  7. Set JVM options:

    gptext-config jvm -o "-Xms256M -Xmx400M"


Downgrades the Tanzu Greenplum Text version to version 3.6.0.


gptext-downgrade [-h | --help]

gptext-downgrade [-P <pool>] [-c | --base_check] [-d <destination_path>] [-t <temp-dir>] [-v | --verbose]


Parameter Description
Displays a usage message and exits.
-P <pool>
--pool <pool>

Sets the number of threads to add to the worker pool. If not specified, the gptext-downgrade utility determines the number of worker threads needed. If ssh/scp connections are refused or dropped because the configured maximum number of connections has been reached, use this option to set the thread pool size to a lower number, reducing the number of concurrent connections gptext-downgrade makes. If you set the pool size too high, the utility displays a message and you must confirm to continue with the maximum number of threads allowed.

By default, gptext-downgrade checks that the Tanzu Greenplum Text environment can be upgraded and reports any items that must be corrected before upgrading. When the -c or --base-check option is supplied, the environment check is omitted.
-d Destination path for the installation of the Tanzu Greenplum Text version the user has downgraded to.
-t <temp-dir>
Specifies the file system location for the temporary directory that Tanzu Greenplum Text uses to extract or process intermediate files required by the downgrade operation. The default location is the /tmp directory. Set this option if disk space or permissions issues prevent the use of /tmp for this purpose. The directory must exist on every Greenplum Database host and be writable by the gpadmin user.
Displays debug output when executing the command.


Expands a Tanzu Greenplum Text cluster by adding new Tanzu Greenplum Text nodes to existing hosts in a Tanzu Greenplum Text cluster or to hosts added by the Greenplum Database gpexpand management utility. Replicas for indexes created after the new Tanzu Greenplum Text nodes are added will be distributed across the new and existing nodes. Documents must be reindexed to rebalance replicas on existing hosts or, after expanding the Greenplum cluster, to redistribute the index to new shards. Use gptext-rebalance to have Tanzu Greenplum Text relocate replicas to new nodes automatically.


gptext-expand -h

gptext-expand [-P <pool>] -e -p <paths> [-d <database>] [-t <temp-dir>] [-v]

gptext-expand [-P <pool>] -H <new-hosts> [-d <database>] [-t <temp-dir>] [-v]


Parameter Description
Displays a usage message and exits.
-P <pool>
--pool <pool>

Sets the number of threads to add to the worker pool. If not specified, the gptext-expand utility determines the number of worker threads needed. If ssh/scp connections are refused or dropped because the configured maximum number of connections has been reached, use this option to set the thread pool size to a lower number, reducing the number of concurrent connections gptext-expand makes. If you set the pool size too high, the utility displays a message and you must confirm to continue with the maximum number of threads allowed.

Adds Tanzu Greenplum Text nodes to existing hosts in the Tanzu Greenplum Text cluster. The -p option must also be supplied to specify the data directories for the new nodes.
Specifies paths to directories where the new Tanzu Greenplum Text nodes' data directories are to be created. These directories should be parallel to the Greenplum Database segment data directories. If there is more than one directory, place them in a comma-delimited list, for example -p /data1/nodes,/data1/nodes,/data2/nodes. Required when expanding on existing hosts.
Specifies the new hosts on which Tanzu Greenplum Text is to be installed. Place multiple host names in a comma-delimited list, for example -H host1,host2,host3. See Notes for requirements for new hosts.
Specifies the name of a database containing the Tanzu Greenplum Text schema. If the gptext-expand utility fails to find a database containing the Tanzu Greenplum Text schema because the user cannot access a database, use this option to specify an accessible database that contains the Tanzu Greenplum Text schema.
-t <temp-dir>
Specifies the file system location for the temporary directory that Tanzu Greenplum Text uses to extract or process intermediate files required by the expand operation. The default location is the /tmp directory. Set this option if disk space or permissions issues prevent the use of /tmp for this purpose. The directory must exist on every Greenplum Database host and be writable by the gpadmin user.
Displays debug output.


  • The -p and -d options cannot be used together.

  • When new hosts are added to the Greenplum Database cluster, ensure that the following Tanzu Greenplum Text prerequisites are installed before running gpexpand:

    • Java 1.8
    • Python 2.6 or greater
    • Linux lsof utility
    • All hosts in the cluster must be able to reach the new and existing hosts.
  • Existing replicas are not automatically redistributed.

  • When expanding to new hosts, you must reindex to redistribute the index among existing and new shards. You can also use the gptext-rebalance command to rebalance replicas among the expanded Tanzu Greenplum Text cluster.


Manages configurations in ZooKeeper for external document sources.


gptext-external -h

gptext-external [-P <pool>] upload -t <type> -c <config-name> -p <config-dir> [-d <database>] [-v]

gptext-external [-P <pool>] list -t <type> [-d <database>] [-v]

gptext-external [-P <pool>] delete -t <type> -c <config-dir> [-d <database>] [-v]


Parameter Description
Displays a usage message and exits.
-P <pool>
--pool <pool>

Sets the number of threads to add to the worker pool. If not specified, the gptext-external utility determines the number of worker threads needed. If ssh/scp connections are refused or dropped because the configured maximum number of connections has been reached, use this option to set the thread pool size to a lower number, reducing the number of concurrent connections gptext-external makes. If you set the pool size too high, the utility displays a message and you must confirm to continue with the maximum number of threads allowed.

Specifies the type of the external document source. The valid types are 'ftp', 'hdfs', or 's3'.
A name for this external document source configuration. Use this name to reference the configuration in the gptext.external_login() function.
Specifies the path to a directory containing the configuration files to upload to ZooKeeper. See the Notes section for a list of the required configuration files.
Specifies the name of a database containing the Tanzu Greenplum Text schema. If the gptext-external utility fails to find a database containing the Tanzu Greenplum Text schema because the user cannot access a database, use this option to specify an accessible database that contains the Tanzu Greenplum Text schema.
Displays debug output.


To index documents stored in an external document source that requires authentication, such as a Hadoop file system (hdfs), ftp server, or Amazon S3 or other S3-compatible storage, you first upload the configuration and authentication files Tanzu Greenplum Text needs to connect to the document source. Assemble the files in a local directory and then use the gptext-external upload command to upload the contents of the directory to ZooKeeper.

For ftp connections, create a local directory containing a single file, `login.txt`.

The login.txt file has three lines:

Line 1: The name of the user to log in to the ftp server.

Line 2: The user's password. Enter the clear-text password in this file. The password is base64-encoded when Tanzu Greenplum Text stores it in ZooKeeper.

Line 3: The maximum number of connections to create to the FTP server, an integer. If this line is omitted, each Tanzu Greenplum Text node connects to the FTP server. If the number of connections exceeds the server's maximum allowed connections Tanzu Greenplum Text FTP connections will fail.

For hdfs connections, create a local directory containing the following files.
  • The core-site.xml and hdfs-site.xml configuration files from the Hadoop server.
  • A file named user.txt. This file contains a single line identifying the username to use to log in to Hadoop. The user must have read permission in hdfs for the documents you want to index. If Kerberos is enabled in the Hadoop cluster, the username is the name of the Kerberos principal for the user.
  • If the Hadoop cluster is secured with Kerberos, also include the user's keytab file and the krb5.conf file for the Kerberos realm.
For s3 connections, create a local directory containing a single file, `credential`. Add two lines to the `credential` file:

Line 1: The access key id.

Line 2: The secret access key.

Upload the configuration files with the gptext-external upload command:

$ gptext-external upload -t <type> -c <config-name> -p <config-dir>

You can delete the configuration file directory after you upload the configuration directory to protect the user's credentials.

To make changes to configuration files, edit the configuration files in the local directory and upload the directory again.

Run gptext-external list -t <type> to list configurations of the specified type.

Run gptext-external delete -t <type> -c <config-name> to remove the configuration from ZooKeeper.


Installs or removes the Tanzu Greenplum Text schema and user-defined functions in databases.


gptext-installsql -h

gptext-installsql [-c] [-v] <db_name> [<db2_name>...]


Parameter Description
Removes the Tanzu Greenplum Text schema and UDFs from the specified databases.
Displays a usage message and exits.
Displays debug output.


The gptext schema is reserved for use by Tanzu Greenplum Text. The gptext-installsql utility drops and recreates the schema. If you add any database objects to the schema they will be lost when you reinstall the schema or upgrade the Tanzu Greenplum Text system.

The gptext schema cannot be installed in the system databases postgres, template0, or template1.


  1. Install Tanzu Greenplum Text UDFs in the gpadmin and demo databases.

    $ gptext-installsql gpadmin demo
    20170927:11:06:11:024015 gptext-installsql:gpdb:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Install GPText udf ...
    20170927:11:06:11:024015 gptext-installsql:gpdb:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Creating 'gptext' schema and UDFs in database gpadmin...
    20170927:11:06:11:024015 gptext-installsql:gpdb:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Creating 'gptext' schema and UDFs in database demo...
    20170927:11:06:12:024015 gptext-installsql:gpdb:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Validating gptext installation
    20170927:11:06:12:024015 gptext-installsql:gpdb:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Done.
  2. Delete Tanzu Greenplum Text UDFs in database gpadmin.

    $ gptext-installsql --clean gpadmin
    20170927:11:10:34:024325 gptext-installsql:gpdb:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Clean GPText udf ...
    20170927:11:10:35:024325 gptext-installsql:gpdb:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Connecting to database gpadmin
    20170927:11:10:35:024325 gptext-installsql:gpdb:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Dropping 'gptext' schema and UDFs...
    20170927:11:10:35:024325 gptext-installsql:gpdb:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Validating clean operation
    20170927:11:10:35:024325 gptext-installsql:gpdb:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Done.


Migrates the current Tanzu Greenplum Text system into an upgraded Greenplum Database cluster.


gptext-migrator [-h | --help]

gptext-migrator [-P <pool>] [-v | --verbose]


The gptext-migrator utility relocates the current Tanzu Greenplum Text system to a new Greenplum Database release.

The utility determines the destination Greenplum Database release from the environment. If the Tanzu Greenplum Text system has already been migrated, or if the destination Greenplum release is unsupported, gptext-migrator outputs a message and quits.

If you are upgrading Tanzu Greenplum Text and Greenplum Database at the same time, complete the Greenplum Database upgrade first, and then use gtext-migrator to add the current Tanzu Greenplum Text version to the new Greenplum Database installation. Finally, use gptext-upgrade to upgrade the system to the new Tanzu Greenplum Text version.


Parameter Description
Displays a usage message and exits.
-P <pool>
--pool <pool>

Sets the number of threads to add to the worker pool. If not specified, the gptext-migrator utility determines the number of worker threads needed. If ssh/scp connections are refused or dropped because the configured maximum number of connections has been reached, use this option to set the thread pool size to a lower number, reducing the number of concurrent connections gptext-migrator makes. If you set the pool size too high, the utility displays a message and you must confirm to continue with the maximum number of threads allowed.

Displays debug output.


gptext-rebalance index rebalances replicas for a specified index across all Tanzu Greenplum Text nodes.

gptext-rebalance leader rebalances leaders for a specified index across the replica nodes.

gptext-rebalance node relocates replicas to a new or underutilized node (deprecated in Tanzu Greenplum Text 3.4.3).


gptext-rebalance -h

gptext-rebalance index -i <index_name> [-P <pool>] [ --show_plan_only] [-v]

gptext-rebalance leader -i <index_name>

# deprecated
gptext-rebalance node -n <node> [-v]


Parameter Description
Displays a usage message and exits.

The name of the index to rebalance.


The node to be rebalanced. The node is specified in the format <host>:<port>_solr. This could be a node newly added using the gptext-expand command or any node that is currently underutilized.

-P <pool>
--pool <pool>

The thread number of a thread pool. This number controls how many replicas can be moved concurrently.


Shows the calculated plan for rebalancing the index and exits without executing the plan. For each replica to be relocated, lists the name of the replica, the current location of the replica, and the location where the replica is to be moved.

Displays debug output.


The gptext-rebalance command checks the cluster status and exits if any replicas are down.

The gptext-rebalance index command relocates the replicas for a specified index to nodes in the cluster to achieve balance. The command generates a plan to add and delete replicas that satisfies these rules:

  • The total number of replicas for the index are the same on each node.
  • Replicas for a shard are on different physical hosts.
  • Replicas are added from the local leader for the shard.
  • Relocated replicas are added at the new node before they are deleted from the original node.

The optional --show_plan_only option displays a list of replicas to be relocated but does not execute the plan.


Recovers Tanzu Greenplum Text nodes.


gptext-recover -h

gptext-recover [-P <pool>] -f [-t <temp-dir>] [-v]

gptext-recover [-P <pool>] -H <new-host1>,<new-host2>,... [-t <temp-dir>] [-v]

gptext-recover [-P <pool>] -r [-t <temp-dir>] [-v]


Parameter Description
Displays a usage message and exits.
-P <pool>
--pool <pool>

Sets the number of threads to add to the worker pool. If not specified, the gptext-recover utility determines the number of worker threads needed. If ssh/scp connections are refused or dropped because the configured maximum number of connections has been reached, use this option to set the thread pool size to a lower number, reducing the number of concurrent connections gptext-recover makes. If you set the pool size too high, the utility displays a message and you must confirm to continue with the maximum number of threads allowed.

Forces recovery for any Tanzu Greenplum Text nodes that are down. If the node is unrecoverable, deletes the node, creates a new node, and recreates replicas.
Recover down nodes on new hosts. For example "host1,host2". The number of new hosts must be equal to the number of failed hosts.
Recover replicas, but do not recover any down nodes.
-t <temp-dir>
Specifies the file system location for the temporary directory that Tanzu Greenplum Text uses to extract or process intermediate files required by the recover operation. The default location is the /tmp directory. Set this option if disk space or permissions issues prevent the use of /tmp for this purpose. The directory must exist on every Greenplum Database host and be writable by the gpadmin user.
Displays debug output.


The -f and -H options cannot be used at the same time.

If shards are down, gptext-recover advises you to reindex.

If no shards are down, gptext-recover restores any replicas that are down.

The -f option forces Solr to drop any nodes that are down and create new ones on the same hosts. This option should be used only if you are unable to restart nodes using gptext-start [-s]. The -f option requires that most of the nodes and replicas are healthy. If any index is in a red state (see gptext-state), gptext-recover -f will display a message and exit.

If any Tanzu Greenplum Text nodes recovered using the -f or -H options fail to start, the replicas cannot be recovered. If this should happen, resolve the startup problem with the newly created nodes, and then recover the replicas using the gptext-recover -r option. It is important to recover replicas when all Tanzu Greenplum Text nodes are healthy so that replicas will be distributed evenly among the nodes.


Add or delete a replica for an index shard.


gptext-replica -h

gptext-replica add -i <index-name> -s <shard> [-n <node>]

gptext-replica drop -i <index-name> -s <shard> -r <replica> [-o]


Parameter Description
Displays a usage message and exits.
-i <index-name>
Name of the index.
-f <filename>
The name of a file to edit, append, or upload. The -i option must be included to specify the index. The following files are supported:
  • solrconfig.xml – Contains most of the parameters for configuring Solr itself (see SolrConfigXml).
  • schema.xml – Defines the analyzer chains that Solr uses for various different types of search fields (see Setting up Text Analyzer Chains).
  • stopwords.txt – Lists words you want to eliminate from the final index. You can also edit language specific stopwords by specifying a filename in the format stopwords_language_code.txt, where language_code is a two-character code such as en, fr, or es.
  • protwords.txt – Lists protected words that you do not want to be modified by the analyzer chain. For example, <iPhone>.
  • synonyms.txt – Lists words that you want replaced by synonyms in the analyzer chain.
  • emoticons.txt – Defines emoticons for the text_sm social media analyzer chain. See gptext-start.
  • currency.txt – Defines exchange rates between one currency and another (see Working with Currencies and Exchange Rates at the Apache Solr web site).
  • jar_file – the name of a jar file to upload to <GPText_Install_Directory>/lib/.
-e <command>
Editor to use. Choices are any editor that takes a filename on the command line as a parameter. For example, vi, vim, emacs, nano, etc. If absent, vi is used.
-a <filename>
--append= <filename>
Appends a named file to a configuration file and distributes the resulting files. Requires the -f and -i parameters. -f names the configuration file to which you want to append the file named (including local path) with the -a parameter.
--revert <filename>
Revert named file to previous version.
-i <index>
--index= <index>
Required. The name of the index.
-s <shard>
Required. The name of the shard to add a replica to.
-n <node>
Optional. The node where the replica is to be added.
-r <replica>
Required for the drop command only. The name of the replica to drop.
Optional. Used only with the drop command. Only drop the replica if it's down.


To find the name of a replica to drop, check gptext.index_status(). The name is core_nodeX where X is a number.


  1. Add a replica for index demo.wikipedia.articles in shard shard0, on node node1.

    gptext-replica add -i demo.wikipedia.articles -s shard0 -n node1
  2. Drop the replica named core_node1 for index demo.wikipedia.articles in shard shard0 if the replica is down.

    gptext-replica drop -i demo.wikipedia.articles -s shard0 -r core_node3 -o


Restore a Tanzu Greenplum Text index from a backup saved to local storage on the Greenplum Database cluster or to a shared file system mounted on all Greenplum Database cluster hosts.


gptext-restore -h

gptext-restore [-P <pool>] -c -p <path> [-v]

gptext-restore [-P <pool> local -p <backup-name> [-v]


Parameter Description
Displays a usage message and exits.
-P <pool>
--pool <pool>

Sets the number of threads to add to the worker pool. If not specified, the gptext-restore utility determines the number of worker threads needed. If ssh/scp connections are refused or dropped because the configured maximum number of connections has been reached, use this option to set the thread pool size to a lower number, reducing the number of concurrent connections gptext-restore makes. If you set the pool size too high, the utility displays a message and you must confirm to continue with the maximum number of threads allowed.

-c Restore index configuration and create an empty index.
local Restore an index that was backed up to local Tanzu Greenplum Text cluster storage. If the local keyword is not included, the index is restored from a shared filesystem mounted on all hosts.
-p <path>
--path <path>
The path to the backup directory on each host.


Use the gptext-restore utility to restore a Tanzu Greenplum Text index backup. You can restore the backup to a new Tanzu Greenplum Text system, or you can restore the backup to the same system in order to recover from a corrupted Tanzu Greenplum Text index. With the -c option, you can restore the configuration files and create an empty index without restoring the index data from the backup.

The index you are restoring must not exist. The gptext-restore utility creates a new index and reloads the backed up data into it. If you are restoring in order to repair a corrupted index, you must first delete the existing index with the gptext.drop_index() function. If the index you want to restore exists, gptext-restore outputs an error and quits.

Restore From Local Tanzu Greenplum Text Cluster Storage

Use the gptext-restore local command to restore a Tanzu Greenplum Text index from local storage. Supply the path to the backup directory on the master host using the --path (-p) option. The argument to the --path option is the path to the backup directory that was created with gptext-backup, including the timestamp.

The following example restores a backup that was created using this gptext-backup command: gptext-backup local -i -p gptext-backups

$ gptext-restore local -p gptext-backups/\:17\:54.493448
20180511:11:04:31:026221 gptext-restore:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Execute GPText cluster restore.
20180511:11:04:32:026221 gptext-restore:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Check zookeeper cluster state ...
20180511:11:04:32:026221 gptext-restore:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Reading metadata from file /home/gpadmin/gptext-backups/ ...
20180511:11:04:32:026221 gptext-restore:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Executing restore ...
20180511:11:04:32:026221 gptext-restore:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Creating index ...
20180511:11:04:35:026221 gptext-restore:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Add replica into shard shard2 for index
20180511:11:04:35:026221 gptext-restore:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Processing ...
20180511:11:04:37:026221 gptext-restore:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-The replica is added, data recovering ...
20180511:11:04:37:026221 gptext-restore:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Data recovered, replica becomes active.
20180511:11:04:38:026221 gptext-restore:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Restoring replica from backup
20180511:11:04:38:026221 gptext-restore:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Add replica into shard shard3 for index
20180511:11:04:38:026221 gptext-restore:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Processing ...
20180511:11:04:40:026221 gptext-restore:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-The replica is added, data recovering ...
20180511:11:04:40:026221 gptext-restore:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Data recovered, replica becomes active.
20180511:11:04:41:026221 gptext-restore:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Restoring replica from backup
20180511:11:04:41:026221 gptext-restore:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Add replica into shard shard0 for index
20180511:11:04:41:026221 gptext-restore:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Processing ...
20180511:11:04:43:026221 gptext-restore:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-The replica is added, data recovering ...
20180511:11:04:43:026221 gptext-restore:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Data recovered, replica becomes active.
20180511:11:04:44:026221 gptext-restore:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Restoring replica from backup
20180511:11:04:44:026221 gptext-restore:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Add replica into shard shard1 for index
20180511:11:04:44:026221 gptext-restore:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Processing ...
20180511:11:04:46:026221 gptext-restore:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-The replica is added, data recovering ...
20180511:11:04:47:026221 gptext-restore:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Data recovered, replica becomes active.
20180511:11:04:47:026221 gptext-restore:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Restoring replica from backup
20180511:11:04:47:026221 gptext-restore:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Processing ...
20180511:11:04:48:026221 gptext-restore:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Adding 1 replica(s) to
20180511:11:04:48:026221 gptext-restore:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Add replica into shard shard2 for index
20180511:11:04:48:026221 gptext-restore:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Processing ...
20180511:11:04:51:026221 gptext-restore:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-The replica is added, data recovering ...
20180511:11:04:55:026221 gptext-restore:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Data recovered, replica becomes active.
20180511:11:04:55:026221 gptext-restore:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Adding 1 replica(s) to
20180511:11:04:55:026221 gptext-restore:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Add replica into shard shard3 for index
20180511:11:04:55:026221 gptext-restore:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Processing ...
20180511:11:04:57:026221 gptext-restore:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-The replica is added, data recovering ...
20180511:11:05:01:026221 gptext-restore:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Data recovered, replica becomes active.
20180511:11:05:02:026221 gptext-restore:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Adding 1 replica(s) to
20180511:11:05:02:026221 gptext-restore:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Add replica into shard shard0 for index
20180511:11:05:02:026221 gptext-restore:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Processing ...
20180511:11:05:05:026221 gptext-restore:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-The replica is added, data recovering ...
20180511:11:05:09:026221 gptext-restore:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Data recovered, replica becomes active.
20180511:11:05:09:026221 gptext-restore:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Adding 1 replica(s) to
20180511:11:05:09:026221 gptext-restore:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Add replica into shard shard1 for index
20180511:11:05:09:026221 gptext-restore:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Processing ...
20180511:11:05:12:026221 gptext-restore:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-The replica is added, data recovering ...
20180511:11:05:16:026221 gptext-restore:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Data recovered, replica becomes active.
20180511:11:05:16:026221 gptext-restore:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Done.

This example restores the configuration files and creates the Tanzu Greenplum Text index without reloading the data. Note the local keyword is omitted.

$ gptext-restore -c -p gptext-backups/\:17\:54.493448
20180511:11:16:50:028171 gptext-restore:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Execute GPText cluster restore.
20180511:11:16:51:028171 gptext-restore:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Check zookeeper cluster state ...
20180511:11:16:51:028171 gptext-restore:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Reading metadata from file /home/gpadmin/gptext-backups/ ...
20180511:11:16:51:028171 gptext-restore:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Executing restore ...
20180511:11:16:51:028171 gptext-restore:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Creating index ...
20180511:11:16:59:028171 gptext-restore:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Done.

Restore From a Shared File System

Use the --path option to restore a backup from a shared file system. The shared file system must be mounted on all hosts with Tanzu Greenplum Text nodes and must be readable by the gpadmin user. Each host in the cluster must be able to access the file system.

The Tanzu Greenplum Text index to restore must not already exist.

The following example restores the demo.twitter.message index from a shared file system mounted on each host at /mnt/nas. The backup was created with the name twitter, so the backup files were saved in the /mnt/nas/twitter directory.

$ gptext-restore --path /mnt/nas/twitter
20180510:17:22:46:008054 gptext-restore:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Execute GPText cluster restore.
20180510:17:22:48:008054 gptext-restore:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Check zookeeper cluster state ...
20180510:17:22:48:008054 gptext-restore:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Validate shared file system.
20180510:17:22:50:008054 gptext-restore:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Restore index: demo.twitter.message, from shared FS '/mnt/nas', backup name: twitter.
20180510:17:22:50:008054 gptext-restore:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Processing ...
20180510:17:23:10:008054 gptext-restore:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Checking leader replicas of collection demo.twitter.message.
20180510:17:23:16:008054 gptext-restore:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Validate replica state ...
20180510:17:23:19:008054 gptext-restore:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Index restore successfully.
20180510:17:23:19:008054 gptext-restore:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Done.


Add or delete a group of shards in a Tanzu Greenplum Text index.


gptext-shard -h

gptext-shard batch-add -i|--index <index-name> [-f|--force]

gptext-shard batch-del -i|--index <index-name> [--del-latest] [--del-non-empty] [-f|--force]


Parameter Description
Displays a usage message and exits.
-i <index-name>
--index <index‑name>
Specifies the affected index.
--del‑latest Deletes the most recently added shard group.
--del‑non‑empty Deletes a shard group that is not empty.
Skips the confirmation messages.


The gptext-shard command may be repeated more than once. Each batch-add command adds a number of shards equal to the number of segments in the Greenplum Database cluster. The number of shards per Tanzu Greenplum Text index should not exceed three times the segment number. The maximum recommended number of total shards in a Greenplum Database cluster is 500.

The command batch-del by default deletes the oldest group of shards in an index. The --del-latest option deletes the most recently added group.


  1. In a Greenplum Database cluster with 16 segment nodes, for index1, the shard configuration is similar to:

    seg0 -> index1_shard0
    seg1 -> index1_shard1
    seg15 -> index1_shard15

    Use gptext-shard to add a group of shards to index1:

    $ gptext-shard batch-add -i index1

    The new configuration will be similar to:

    seg0 -> index1_shard0, index1_shard16
    seg1 -> index1_shard1, index1_shard17
    seg15 -> index1_shard15, index1_shard31
  2. Delete the oldest group of shards in index1 and skip user confirmation:

    $ gptext-shard batch-del -i index1 --force
  3. Delete the most recently added group of shards from index1 even if they are not empty:

    $ gptext-shard batch-del --del-latest --del-non-empty -i index1


Starts or restarts the Tanzu Greenplum Text cluster.


gptext-start -h

gptext-start [-P <pool>] [-r] [-s] [-v]

gptext-start [-n <node>]


Parameter Description
Displays a usage message and exits.

The node or nodes to be started. The nodes are specified in the format <host>:<port>_solr, for example "mdw:18983_solr, sdw1:18983_solr". When specifying a list of comma-separated node names, enclose the list in double quotations.

-P <pool>
--pool <pool>

Sets the number of threads to add to the worker pool. If not specified, the gptext-start utility determines the number of worker threads needed. If ssh/scp connections are refused or dropped because the configured maximum number of connections has been reached, use this option to set the thread pool size to a lower number, reducing the number of concurrent connections gptext-start makes. If you set the pool size too high, the utility displays a message and you must confirm to continue with the maximum number of threads allowed.

Restarts the Tanzu Greenplum Text cluster.
Restarts the Tanzu Greenplum Text cluster by starting nodes one at a time.
Displays debug output.


The gptext-start -r command calls the solr restart command to stop and restart all of the Solr instances in the cluster. The Tanzu Greenplum Text utility determines if the processes are running before it completes, but it cannot verify that all of the Solr processes were stopped. If it is important to be certain that Solr processes were stopped, for example if you have changed the JVM options, use gptext-stop followed by gptext-start instead of gptext-start -r.

The -s (--slow-start) option is recommended if you have a large number of indexes. By default, when a Solr cluster starts all of the cluster's nodes are started at once. With a large number of indexes, the number of initial ZooKeeper requests can result in timeout errors and possibly prevent the cluster from starting in a clean state. With the -s option, Tanzu Greenplum Text performs a rolling start, starting nodes one at a time, to reduce ZooKeeper contention and allow a more stable startup. If you have more than 50 indexes and do not specify the -s option, gptext-start displays a warning message and requires you to confirm. With the -s option, gptext-start does not return until all nodes have been started; without the -s option, the gptext-start command returns immediately.


  1. Start the Tanzu Greenplum Text cluster.

  2. Restart the Tanzu Greenplum Text cluster.

    gptext-start -r


Displays the state of the Tanzu Greenplum Text cluster and Tanzu Greenplum Text indexes.


gptext-state -h

gptext-state [-P <pool>][-d <db-name>] [-D] [-v]

gptext-state [-P <pool>] -i <index-name> [-d <db-name>] [-c <col1,...>] [-v]

gptext-state [-P <pool>] list [-d <db-name>] [-v]

gptext-state [-P <pool>] healthcheck [-d <db-name>] [-f <percent>] [-v]

gptext-state [-P <pool>] configs

gptext-state [-P <pool>] stats [-i <index-name>]

gptext-state [nodes]


Parameter Description
Displays a usage message and exits.
-P <pool>
--pool <pool>

Sets the number of threads to add to the worker pool. If not specified, the gptext-state utility determines the number of worker threads needed. If ssh/scp connections are refused or dropped because the configured maximum number of connections has been reached, use this option to set the thread pool size to a lower number, reducing the number of concurrent connections gptext-state makes. If you set the pool size too high, the utility displays a message and you must confirm to continue with the maximum number of threads allowed.

-d <db-name>
The name of a database containing the Tanzu Greenplum Text schema.

gptext-state searches all databases for the functions it needs to run. If the user does not have access permission to the database it begins with, it fails. In this case, use the --database= parameter to specify an accessible database to search.

List the status for each Tanzu Greenplum Text index. When omitted, gptext-state lists counts of the numbers of indexes with Green, Yellow, and Red statuses.
-i <index-name>
The name of an index. Displays statistics for the specified index. If the index is for a partitioned table, displays child partitions. This option cannot be used with the list or healthcheck subcommands.
-c <column-list>
Used with the -i or --index option, specifies a comma-separated list of statistics to display. The list may contain replication_factor, max_shards_per_node, num_docs, size_in_bytes, and last_modified. If no -c or --stats_columns option is supplied, all five statistics are displayed.
-f <diskfree>
Used with the healthcheck command, specifies the percentage disk free required per host to report a healthy Tanzu Greenplum Text cluster. The default is 10.

Reports the status of all Solr nodes.


All parameters are optional, except that -i (--index) is required when you specify --c (--stats_columns).

If you specify the name of a subpartition with the -i option, and there is a Tanzu Greenplum Text index on the root partition, gptext-state displays the name of the parent table or partition from which the partition inherits. If you specify the name of a table with child partitions, gptext-state lists them.

When executed with no arguments, gptext-state displays the Tanzu Greenplum Text version and counts of indexes in the Green, Yellow, and Red states.

  • A Green state means that all shards and replicas are healthy.
  • A Yellow state means that all shards are available, but one or more replicas is down.
  • A Red state means that one more more shards is down.

With the -D (--details) option specified, gptext-state lists all Tanzu Greenplum Text indexes with the columns database, index_name, and state. The state column displays the status of the index as Green, Yellow, or Red.

The gpstate configs command shows the host names, ports, and data directories for the Solr and ZooKeeper nodes. It also shows the configured minimum and maximum JVM memory sizes for Tanzu Greenplum Text nodes.

If any index has a Yellow or Red status, gptext-state returns a non-zero value.

The gptext-state command can appear to hang while waiting on a lock if Solr is performing recovery. The command outputs timeout messages if the recovery lasts a long time; the timeout period is 600 seconds by default. When the recovery is complete, gptext-state displays the report.

The max_supported_docs statistic returned by gptext-state stats reports the maximum number of documents a user can store in the index. The docs_capacity statistic returned by gptext-state -i reports how close a user is to reaching the maximum number of stored documents allowed in the index, as a percentage between 0 and 100.

The gptext-state nodes command reports the following information for each Solr node:

  • node_name: the name of the node
  • state: the current state of the node: active, down, or unknown
  • used_jvm: the jvm size in use, in MB
  • max_jvm: the maximum permitted jvm size, in MB
  • jvm_usage: used_jvm divided by max_jvm
  • replica_nums: the number of replicas on the node


  1. Show the Tanzu Greenplum Text cluster state.

    $ gptext-state
    20161216:14:01:32:029224 gptext-state:gpsne:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Check zookeeper cluster state ...
    20161216:14:01:32:029224 gptext-state:gpsne:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Check GPText cluster status...
    20161216:14:01:33:029224 gptext-state:gpsne:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Current GPText Version: 2.0.0
    20161216:14:01:33:029224 gptext-state:gpsne:gpadmin-[INFO]:-All nodes are up and running.
    20161216:14:01:34:029224 gptext-state:gpsne:gpadmin-[INFO]:------------------------------------------------
    20161216:14:01:34:029224 gptext-state:gpsne:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Index state.
    20161216:14:01:34:029224 gptext-state:gpsne:gpadmin-[INFO]:------------------------------------------------
    20161216:14:01:34:029224 gptext-state:gpsne:gpadmin-[INFO]:-   state    index count
    20161216:14:01:34:029224 gptext-state:gpsne:gpadmin-[INFO]:-   Green   	4
  2. Show the Tanzu Greenplum Text cluster state with details, specifying demo as a database containing the Tanzu Greenplum Text schema.

    $ gptext-state -D -d demo
    20170929:15:18:21:000872 gptext-state:gpdb:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Execute GPText state ...
    20170929:15:18:21:000872 gptext-state:gpdb:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Check zookeeper cluster state ...
    20170929:15:18:21:000872 gptext-state:gpdb:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Check GPText cluster status...
    20170929:15:18:21:000872 gptext-state:gpdb:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Current GPText Version: 2.1.3
    20170929:15:18:21:000872 gptext-state:gpdb:gpadmin-[INFO]:-All nodes are up and running.
    20170929:15:18:22:000872 gptext-state:gpdb:gpadmin-[INFO]:------------------------------------------------
    20170929:15:18:22:000872 gptext-state:gpdb:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Index state details.
    20170929:15:18:22:000872 gptext-state:gpdb:gpadmin-[INFO]:------------------------------------------------
    20170929:15:18:22:000872 gptext-state:gpdb:gpadmin-[INFO]:-   database   index name                state
    20170929:15:18:22:000872 gptext-state:gpdb:gpadmin-[INFO]:-   demo       demo.twitter.message      Green
    20170929:15:18:22:000872 gptext-state:gpdb:gpadmin-[INFO]:-   demo       demo.wikipedia.articles   Green
    20170929:15:18:22:000872 gptext-state:gpdb:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Done.
  3. Show the Tanzu Greenplum Text cluster configuration.

    $ gptext-state configs
    20181112:12:38:26:018080 gptext-state:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Execute Tanzu Greenplum Text state ...
    20181112:12:38:27:018080 gptext-state:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Check zookeeper cluster state ...
    20181112:12:38:27:018080 gptext-state:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Cluster Configurations.
    20181112:12:38:27:018080 gptext-state:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:----------------------------------------------------------
    20181112:12:38:27:018080 gptext-state:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-JVM Min  |  Max    		 Xms1024M  |  Xmx2048M
    20181112:12:38:27:018080 gptext-state:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Node information
    20181112:12:38:27:018080 gptext-state:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:----------------------------------
    20181112:12:38:27:018080 gptext-state:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-   Host   Node Name         Port    Solr Dir
    20181112:12:38:27:018080 gptext-state:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-   sdw1   sdw1_solr:18983   18983   /data/gptext/solr0
    20181112:12:38:27:018080 gptext-state:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-   sdw1   sdw1_solr:18984   18984   /data/gptext/solr1
    20181112:12:38:27:018080 gptext-state:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-   sdw2   sdw2_solr:18983   18983   /data/gptext/solr0
    20181112:12:38:27:018080 gptext-state:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-   sdw2   sdw2_solr:18984   18984   /data/gptext/solr1
    20181112:12:38:27:018080 gptext-state:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Zookeeper information
    20181112:12:38:27:018080 gptext-state:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:----------------------------------
    20181112:12:38:27:018080 gptext-state:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-   Host   Port   Zookeeper Dir
    20181112:12:38:27:018080 gptext-state:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-   mdw    2189   /data/zoo/zoo0
    20181112:12:38:27:018080 gptext-state:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-   sdw2   2189   /data/zoo/zoo0
    20181112:12:38:27:018080 gptext-state:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-   sdw1   2189   /data/zoo/zoo0
    20181112:12:38:27:018080 gptext-state:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Done.
  4. Show statistics for the Tanzu Greenplum Text index demo.public.t1.

    $ gptext-state -i demo.public.t1
    20210512:03:52:07:051248 gptext-state:test-server-radar:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Execute GPText state ...
    20210512:03:52:08:051248 gptext-state:test-server-radar:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Check zookeeper cluster state ...
    20210512:03:52:09:051248 gptext-state:test-server-radar:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Check GPText cluster statistics...
    20210512:03:52:10:051248 gptext-state:test-server-radar:gpadmin-[INFO]:-   Replicas Up:   16
    20210512:03:52:10:051248 gptext-state:test-server-radar:gpadmin-[INFO]:------------------------------------------------
    20210512:03:52:10:051248 gptext-state:test-server-radar:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Index demo.public.t1 statistics.
    20210512:03:52:10:051248 gptext-state:test-server-radar:gpadmin-[INFO]:------------------------------------------------
    20210512:03:52:10:051248 gptext-state:test-server-radar:gpadmin-[INFO]:-   replication_factor   num_docs   docs_capacity   size in bytes   last_modified
    20210512:03:52:10:051248 gptext-state:test-server-radar:gpadmin-[INFO]:-   2                    32         0.0000001863%   29070           2021-04-16T10:24:41.363Z
    20210512:03:52:10:051248 gptext-state:test-server-radar:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Done.
  5. List all indexes.

    $ gptext-state list
    20170929:15:19:02:001023 gptext-state:gpdb:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Execute GPText state ...
    20170929:15:19:03:001023 gptext-state:gpdb:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Check zookeeper cluster state ...
    20170929:15:19:03:001023 gptext-state:gpdb:gpadmin-[INFO]:----------------------------------------------------------
    20170929:15:19:03:001023 gptext-state:gpdb:gpadmin-[INFO]:- Index list
    20170929:15:19:03:001023 gptext-state:gpdb:gpadmin-[INFO]:----------------------------------------------------------
    20170929:15:19:03:001023 gptext-state:gpdb:gpadmin-[INFO]:-  demo.twitter.message
    20170929:15:19:03:001023 gptext-state:gpdb:gpadmin-[INFO]:-  demo.wikipedia.articles
    20170929:15:19:03:001023 gptext-state:gpdb:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Done.
  6. List configurations.

    20180822:20:38:39:005702 gptext-state:gpdb:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Execute GPText state ...
    20180822:20:38:39:005702 gptext-state:gpdb:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Check zookeeper cluster state ...
    20180822:20:38:39:005702 gptext-state:gpdb:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Cluster Configurations.
    20180822:20:38:39:005702 gptext-state:gpdb:gpadmin-[INFO]:----------------------------------------------------------
    20180822:20:38:39:005702 gptext-state:gpdb:gpadmin-[INFO]:-JVM Min | Max           Xms256M  |  Xmx1024M
    20180822:20:38:39:005702 gptext-state:gpdb:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Node information
    20180822:20:38:39:005702 gptext-state:gpdb:gpadmin-[INFO]:----------------------------------
    20180822:20:38:39:005702 gptext-state:gpdb:gpadmin-[INFO]:-   Host           Node Name                 Port    Solr Dir
    20180822:20:38:39:005702 gptext-state:gpdb:gpadmin-[INFO]:-   sdw1           sdw1:18983                18983   /data/primary/solr0
    20180822:20:38:39:005702 gptext-state:gpdb:gpadmin-[INFO]:-   sdw2           sdw2:18984                18984   /data/primary/solr1
    20180822:20:38:39:005702 gptext-state:gpdb:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Zookeeper information
    20180822:20:38:39:005702 gptext-state:gpdb:gpadmin-[INFO]:----------------------------------
    20180822:20:38:39:005702 gptext-state:gpdb:gpadmin-[INFO]:-   Host           Port   Zookeeper Dir
    20180822:20:38:39:005702 gptext-state:gpdb:gpadmin-[INFO]:-   smdw           2188   /data/master/zoo0
    20180822:20:38:39:005702 gptext-state:gpdb:gpadmin-[INFO]:-   sdw1           2189   /data/master/zoo1
    20180822:20:38:39:005702 gptext-state:gpdb:gpadmin-[INFO]:-   sdw2           2190   /data/master/zoo2
    20180822:20:38:39:005702 gptext-state:gpdb:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Done.
  7. Perform a health check with a 20% free disk requirement.

    $ gptext-state healthcheck -f 20 -d demo
    20170927:13:03:53:030843 gptext-state:gpdb:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Execute GPText state ...
    20170927:13:03:53:030843 gptext-state:gpdb:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Check zookeeper cluster state ...
    20170927:13:03:53:030843 gptext-state:gpdb:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Execute healthcheck on GPText cluster!
    20170927:13:03:53:030843 gptext-state:gpdb:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Check GPText binary and utilities version match ...
    20170927:13:03:53:030843 gptext-state:gpdb:gpadmin-[INFO]:-GOOD
    20170927:13:03:53:030843 gptext-state:gpdb:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Check GPText config files ...
    20170927:13:03:55:030843 gptext-state:gpdb:gpadmin-[INFO]:-GOOD
    20170927:13:03:55:030843 gptext-state:gpdb:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Check GPText index status ...
    20170927:13:03:55:030843 gptext-state:gpdb:gpadmin-[INFO]:-GOOD
    20170927:13:03:55:030843 gptext-state:gpdb:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Checking for required disk space...
    20170927:13:03:56:030843 gptext-state:gpdb:gpadmin-[INFO]:-GOOD
    20170927:13:03:56:030843 gptext-state:gpdb:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Checking for required user privileges...
    20170927:13:03:57:030843 gptext-state:gpdb:gpadmin-[INFO]:-GOOD
    20170927:13:03:57:030843 gptext-state:gpdb:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Checking for indexes and database consistency...
    20170927:13:03:58:030843 gptext-state:gpdb:gpadmin-[INFO]:-GOOD
    20170927:13:03:58:030843 gptext-state:gpdb:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Done.
  8. Check the status of a partitioned table.

    $ gptext-state -i demo.twitter.message
    20180615:15:49:33:029252 gptext-state:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Execute GPText state ...
    20180615:15:49:34:029252 gptext-state:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Check zookeeper cluster state ...
    20180615:15:49:34:029252 gptext-state:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Check GPText cluster statistics...
    20180615:15:49:35:029252 gptext-state:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-   Replicas Up:   8
    20180615:15:49:35:029252 gptext-state:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:------------------------------------------------
    20180615:15:49:35:029252 gptext-state:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Index demo.twitter.message statistics.
    20180615:15:49:35:029252 gptext-state:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:------------------------------------------------
    20180615:15:49:35:029252 gptext-state:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-   replication_factor   max_shards_per_node   num_docs   size in bytes   last_modified
    20180615:15:49:35:029252 gptext-state:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-   2                    4                     1730       821125          2018-06-15T20:34:12.660Z
    20180615:15:49:35:029252 gptext-state:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Child partition indexes:
    20180615:15:49:35:029252 gptext-state:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-   demo.twitter.message_1_prt_1
    20180615:15:49:35:029252 gptext-state:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-   demo.twitter.message_1_prt_2
    20180615:15:49:35:029252 gptext-state:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-   demo.twitter.message_1_prt_3
    20180615:15:49:35:029252 gptext-state:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-   demo.twitter.message_1_prt_4
    20180615:15:49:35:029252 gptext-state:mdw:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Done.
  9. List statistics for all GPText indexes.

    $ gptext-state stats
    20210512:07:03:01:064275 gptext-state:test-server-radar:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Execute GPText state ...
    20210512:07:03:02:064275 gptext-state:test-server-radar:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Check zookeeper cluster state ...
    20210512:07:03:04:064275 gptext-state:test-server-radar:gpadmin-[INFO]:------------------------------------------------
    20210512:07:03:04:064275 gptext-state:test-server-radar:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Index Statistics.
    20210512:07:03:04:064275 gptext-state:test-server-radar:gpadmin-[INFO]:------------------------------------------------
    20210512:07:03:04:064275 gptext-state:test-server-radar:gpadmin-[INFO]:-   index name       num_docs   max_supported_docs   size in bytes
    20210512:07:03:04:064275 gptext-state:test-server-radar:gpadmin-[INFO]:-   demo.public.t1   32         17179867128          29070
    20210512:07:03:04:064275 gptext-state:test-server-radar:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Done.


Stop the Tanzu Greenplum Text cluster nodes.


gptext-stop -h

gptext-stop [-P <pool>] [-v] [-f]

gptext-stop [--force_commit]

gptext-stop [-n <node>]


Parameter Description
Displays a usage message and exits.

The node or nodes to be stopped. The nodes are specified in the format <host>:<port>_solr, for example "mdw:18983_solr, sdw1:18983_solr". When specifying a list of comma-separated node names, enclose the list in double quotations.

-P <poole>
--pool <pool>

Sets the number of threads to add to the worker pool. If not specified, the gptext-stop utility determines the number of worker threads needed. If ssh/scp connections are refused or dropped because the configured maximum number of connections has been reached, use this option to set the thread pool size to a lower number, reducing the number of concurrent connections gptext-stop makes. If you set the pool size too high, the utility displays a message and you must confirm to continue with the maximum number of threads allowed.

Displays debug output.
Forcefully stops all Solr processes.


Use the option --force_commit to ensure that all indexes perform a hard commit before the cluster stops. This option ensures a faster restart and prevents any data loss in cases where indexing is finished but indexes are not committed. The option prints out the indexes that are committed as part of the process, similar to:

$ gptext-stop --force_commit
20200417:09:14:14:720429 gptext-stop:test-server-:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Execute GPText cluster stop.
20200417:09:14:15:720429 gptext-stop:test-server-:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Check zookeeper cluster state ...
Do you want to force commit all indexes ? (y/n): y
20200417:09:14:18:720429 gptext-stop:test-server-:gpadmin-[INFO]:-3 indexes are commited, force commit operation is finished.
20200417:09:14:19:720429 gptext-stop:test-server-:gpadmin-[INFO]:-------------------------------------------------
20200417:09:14:19:720429 gptext-stop:test-server-:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Stop SolrCloud instances.
20200417:09:14:19:720429 gptext-stop:test-server-r:gpadmin-[INFO]:-------------------------------------------------
20200417:09:14:19:720429 gptext-stop:default-[INFO]:-   Host                 Solr Dir
20200417:09:14:19:720429 gptext-stop:default-[INFO]:-   radar-test-server2   /data/primary/solr0
20200417:09:14:19:720429 gptext-stop:default-[INFO]:-   radar-test-server2   /data/primary/solr1


  1. Stop the Tanzu Greenplum Text cluster.

  2. Force stop the Tanzu Greenplum Text cluster.

    gptext-stop -f


Uninstalls Tanzu Greenplum Text, including data and installed files. Uninstalls ZooKeeper nodes if they were installed with the Tanzu Greenplum Text installer.

  • Stops any running Tanzu Greenplum Text instances.
  • Deletes all Solr directories in segment directories.
  • Deletes the installation directory.
  • Removes all Tanzu Greenplum Text schemas and indexes from all databases.
  • Uninstalls ZooKeeper if it was installed with the Tanzu Greenplum Text installer.


gptext-uninstall -h | --help

gptext-uninstall [-P <pool>] [-v | --verbose]


Parameter Description
Displays a usage message and exits.
-P <pool>
--pool <pool>

Sets the number of threads to add to the worker pool. If not specified, the gptext-uninstall utility determines the number of worker threads needed. If ssh/scp connections are refused or dropped because the configured maximum number of connections has been reached, use this option to set the thread pool size to a lower number, reducing the number of concurrent connections gptext-uninstall makes. If you set the pool size too high, the utility displays a message and you must confirm to continue with the maximum number of threads allowed.

Displays debug output.


  • To use gptext-uninstall, you must have superuser permissions on all databases with Tanzu Greenplum Text schemas.
  • gptext-uninstall runs only if there is at least one database with a Tanzu Greenplum Text schema.


  1. Uninstall Tanzu Greenplum Text.



Upgrades the current Tanzu Greenplum Text system to a new Tanzu Greenplum Text release.


gptext-upgrade [-h | --help]

gptext-upgrade [-P <pool>] [-c | --base_check] [-t <temp-dir>] [-v | --verbose]


Parameter Description
Displays a usage message and exits.
-P <pool>
--pool <pool>

Sets the number of threads to add to the worker pool. If not specified, the gptext-upgrade utility determines the number of worker threads needed. If ssh/scp connections are refused or dropped because the configured maximum number of connections has been reached, use this option to set the thread pool size to a lower number, reducing the number of concurrent connections gptext-upgrade makes. If you set the pool size too high, the utility displays a message and you must confirm to continue with the maximum number of threads allowed.

By default, gptext-upgrade checks that the Tanzu Greenplum Text environment can be upgraded and reports any items that must be corrected before upgrading. When the -c or --base-check option is supplied, the environment check is omitted.
-t <temp-dir>
Specifies the file system location for the temporary directory that Tanzu Greenplum Text uses to extract or process intermediate files required by the upgrade operation. The default location is the /tmp directory. Set this option if disk space or permissions issues prevent the use of /tmp for this purpose. The directory must exist on every Greenplum Database host and be writable by the gpadmin user.
Displays debug output when executing the command.


Checks the ZooKeeper cluster state. If ZooKeeper was installed with Tanzu Greenplum Text, zkManager can start or stop the ZooKeeper cluster.


zkManager [-h | --help]

zkManager state [-v | --verbose]

zkManager start [-v | --verbose]

zkManager stop [-v | --verbose] [-f | --force]


Parameter Description
Display a usage message and quit.
When used with the stop command, performs a forced stop.
Displays debug output when executing the command.


  • The zkManager start and zkManager stop commands are only available if the ZooKeeper cluster was installed by the Tanzu Greenplum Text installer.
  • By default, all gptext-* utilities check the ZooKeeper cluster state. If the cluster is not healthy, the ZooKeeper state information is displayed to warn the user.
  • The nc (netcat) command must be installed on the master host. Run nc in a terminal to ensure the command is installed.


  1. Start the ZooKeeper cluster, if ZooKeeper was installed by the Tanzu Greenplum Text binary:

    zkManager start
  2. Stop the ZooKeeper cluster, if ZooKeeper was installed by the Tanzu Greenplum Text binary:

    zkManager stop
  3. Force stop the ZooKeeper cluster, if ZooKeeper was installed by the Tanzu Greenplum Text binary:

    zkManager stop -f
  4. Check the state of the ZooKeeper cluster:

    $ zkManager state
    20160603:14:17:01:307386 zkManager:gpdb-sandbox:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Execute zookeeper state process.
    20160603:14:17:01:307386 zkManager:gpdb-sandbox:gpadmin-[INFO]:-   Host                       port   Latency min/avg/max   Mode
    20160603:14:17:01:307386 zkManager:gpdb-sandbox:gpadmin-[INFO]:-   gpdb-sandbox.localdomain   2188   0/0/17                follower
    20160603:14:17:01:307386 zkManager:gpdb-sandbox:gpadmin-[INFO]:-   gpdb-sandbox.localdomain   2189   0/0/17                leader
    20160603:14:17:01:307386 zkManager:gpdb-sandbox:gpadmin-[INFO]:-   gpdb-sandbox.localdomain   2190   0/0/70                follower
    20160603:14:17:06:307386 zkManager:gpdb-sandbox:gpadmin-[INFO]:-Done.
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