Broadcom Support Portal# Verifying the VMware Tanzu Greenplum Software Download
Describes how to verify Greenplum Database software that you download from Broadcom Support Portal.
VMware generates a SHA2 fingerprint for each Greenplum Database software download available from Broadcom Support Portal. This fingerprint enables you to verify that your downloaded file is unaltered from the original.
After you download a Greenplum Database server or component software package, you can verify the integrity of the software as follows:
On Broadcom Support Portal, navigate to the Greenplum Database version and package that you downloaded.
Copy/paste the SHA2 to a local file, or keep the Broadcom Support Portal browser tab open.
On your local host, open a terminal window, navigate to the download directory, and locate the Greenplum package file that you downloaded from Broadcom Support Portal.
Compare the downloaded file name with the File name specified in the Broadcom Support Portal package information, and verify that they are the same.
Identify an OS utility that you can use to locally calculate a file checksum. On CentOS, this utility command is named sha256sum
Run the utility to display the checksum of the package file that you downloaded from Broadcom Support Portal. For example, if you downloaded the Greenplum Database Server package on CentOS:
$ sha256sum greenplum-db-6.18.0-rhel7-x86_64.rpm
If the command checksum output matches the SHA2 fingerprint specified in the Broadcom Support Portal package information, the file was downloaded intact. You can safely proceed to install the software.
Parent topic: Greenplum Database Installation Guide