
The pg_authid table contains information about database authorization identifiers (roles). A role subsumes the concepts of users and groups. A user is a role with the rolcanlogin flag set. Any role (with or without rolcanlogin) may have other roles as members. See pg_auth_members.

Since this catalog contains passwords, it must not be publicly readable. pg_roles is a publicly readable view on pg_authid that blanks out the password field.

Because user identities are system-wide, pg_authid is shared across all databases in a Greenplum Database system: there is only one copy of pg_authid per system, not one per database.

column type references description
rolname name Role name
rolsuper boolean Role has superuser privileges
rolinherit boolean Role automatically inherits privileges of roles it is a member of
rolcreaterole boolean Role may create more roles
rolcreatedb boolean Role may create databases
rolcatupdate boolean Role may update system catalogs directly. (Even a superuser may not do this unless this column is true)
rolcanlogin boolean Role may log in. That is, this role can be given as the initial session authorization identifier
rolconnlimit int4 For roles that can log in, this sets maximum number of concurrent connections this role can make. -1 means no limit
rolpassword text Password (possibly encrypted); NULL if none
rolvaliduntil timestamptz Password expiry time (only used for password authentication); NULL if no expiration
rolconfig text[] Session defaults for server configuration parameters
rolresqueue oid Object ID of the associated resource queue ID in pg_resqueue
rolcreaterextgpfd boolean Privilege to create read external tables with the gpfdist or gpfdists protocol
rolcreaterexhttp boolean Privilege to create read external tables with the http protocol
rolcreatewextgpfd boolean Privilege to create write external tables with the gpfdist or gpfdists protocol
rolcreaterexthdfs boolean Privilege to create read external tables with the gphdfs protocol (deprecated)
rolcreatewexthdfs boolean Privilege to create write external tables with the gphdfs protocol (deprecated)
rolresgroup oid Object ID of the associated resource group ID in pg_resgroup

Parent topic: System Catalogs Definitions

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