
The view pg_stat_activity shows one row per server process with details about the associated user session and query. The columns that report data on the current query are available unless the parameter stats_command_string has been turned off. Furthermore, these columns are only visible if the user examining the view is a superuser or the same as the user owning the process being reported on.

The maximum length of the query text string stored in the column current_query can be controlled with the server configuration parameter pgstat_track_activity_query_size.

column type references description
datid oid pg_database.oid Database OID
datname name Database name
procpid integer Process ID of the server process
sess_id integer Session ID
usesysid oid pg_authid.oid Role OID
usename name Role name
current_query text Current query that process is running
waiting boolean True if waiting on a lock, false if not waiting
query_start timestamptz Time query began execution
backend_start timestamptz Time backend process was started
client_addr inet Client address
client_port integer Client port
application_name text Client application name
xact_start timestamptz Transaction start time
waiting_reason text Reason the server process is waiting. The value can be:lock, replication, or resgroup
rsgid oid pg_resgroup.oid Resource group OID or 0
See Note.
rsgname text pg_resgroup.rsgname Resource group name or unknown.
See Note.
rsgqueueduration interval For a queued query, the total time the query has been queued.

Note: When resource groups are enabled. Only query dispatcher (QD) processes will have a rsgid and rsgname. Other server processes such as a query executer (QE) process or session connection processes will have a rsgid value of 0 and a rsgname value of unknown. QE processes are managed by the same resource group as the dispatching QD process.

Parent topic: System Catalogs Definitions

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