
Verifies and validates Greenplum Database platform settings.

Note: This utility is deprecated and will be removed in the Greenplum Database 6 release.


gpcheck {{-f | --file} <hostfile_gpcheck> | {-h | --host} <host_ID>| --local } 
   [-m <master_host>] [-s <standby_master_host>] [--stdout | --zipout] 
   [--config <config_file>]

gpcheck --zipin <gpcheck_zipfile>

gpcheck -? 

gpcheck --version


The gpcheck utility determines the platform on which you are running Greenplum Database and validates various platform-specific configuration settings. gpcheck can use a host file or a file previously created with the --zipout option to validate platform settings. At the end of a successful validation process, GPCHECK_NORMAL message displays. If GPCHECK_ERROR displays, one or more validation checks failed. You can use also gpcheck to gather and view platform settings on hosts without running validation checks.

Some gpcheck validations require root privileges. If you run gpcheck as gpadmin (without root privileges), the utility displays a warning message and will not be able to perform all validations. However, running gpcheck as a user with root privileges and specifying remote hosts might require a password to log into the remote hosts. You can perform all gpcheck validations on a local host by running gpcheck with root privileges using the --local option. See Examples.


--config config_file
The name of a configuration file to use instead of the default file $GPHOME/etc/gpcheck.cnf (or ~/gpconfigs/gpcheck_dca_config on the Dell EMC Greenplum Data Computing Appliance). This file specifies the OS-specific checks to run.
{-f | --file} hostfile_gpcheck
The name of a file that contains a list of hosts that gpcheck uses to validate platform-specific settings. This file should contain a single host name for all hosts in your Greenplum Database system (master, standby master, and segments). gpcheck uses SSH to connect to the hosts.
{-h | --host} host_ID
Checks platform-specific settings on the host in your Greenplum Database system specified by host_ID. gpcheck uses SSH to connect to the host.
Checks platform-specific settings on the segment host where gpcheck is run. This option does not require SSH authentication.
-m master_host
This option is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
-s standby_master_host
This option is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
Display collected host information from gpcheck. No checks or validations are performed.
Save all collected data to a .zip file in the current working directory. gpcheck automatically creates the .zip file and names it gpcheck_timestamp.tar.gz. No checks or validations are performed.
--zipin gpcheck_zipfile
Use this option to decompress and check a .zip file created with the --zipout option. gpcheck performs validation tasks against the file you specify in this option.
-? (help)
Displays the online help.
Displays the version of this utility.


Verify and validate the Greenplum Database platform settings by entering a host file:

# gpcheck -f hostfile_gpcheck 

Save Greenplum Database platform settings to a zip file:

# gpcheck -f hostfile_gpcheck --zipout

Verify and validate the Greenplum Database platform settings using a zip file created with the --zipout option:

# gpcheck --zipin gpcheck_timestamp.tar.gz

View collected Greenplum Database platform settings:

# gpcheck -f hostfile_gpcheck --stdout

Run gpcheckas a user with root privileges on a host system to perform all gpcheck platform validations on the host. This example assumes the user has sudo access.

$ sudo -s
# source <GPDB_install_dir>/
# gpcheck --local

See Also

gpssh, gpscp, gpcheckperf

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