
Creates a new database role.


createuser [<connection_option> ...] [<role_attribute> ...] [-e] <role_name>

createuser --help 

createuser --version


createuser creates a new Greenplum Database role. You must be a superuser or have the CREATEROLE privilege to create new roles. You must connect to the database as a superuser to create new superusers.

Superusers can bypass all access permission checks within the database, so superuser privileges should not be granted lightly.

createuser is a wrapper around the SQL command CREATE ROLE.


The name of the role to be created. This name must be different from all existing roles in this Greenplum Database installation.
-c number | --connection-limit number
Set a maximum number of connections for the new role. The default is to set no limit.
-D | --no-createdb
The new role will not be allowed to create databases. This is the default.
-d | --createdb
The new role will be allowed to create databases.
-e | --echo
Echo the commands that createuser generates and sends to the server.
-E | --encrypted
Encrypts the role's password stored in the database. If not specified, the default password behavior is used.
-i | --inherit
The new role will automatically inherit privileges of roles it is a member of. This is the default.
-I | --no-inherit
The new role will not automatically inherit privileges of roles it is a member of.
-l | --login
The new role will be allowed to log in to Greenplum Database. This is the default.
-L | --no-login
The new role will not be allowed to log in (a group-level role).
-N | --unencrypted
Does not encrypt the role's password stored in the database. If not specified, the default password behavior is used.
-P | --pwprompt
If given, createuser will issue a prompt for the password of the new role. This is not necessary if you do not plan on using password authentication.
-r | --createrole
The new role will be allowed to create new roles ( CREATEROLE privilege).
-R | --no-createrole
The new role will not be allowed to create new roles. This is the default.
-s | --superuser
The new role will be a superuser.
-S | --no-superuser
The new role will not be a superuser. This is the default.

Connection Options

-h host | --host host
The host name of the machine on which the Greenplum master database server is running. If not specified, reads from the environment variable PGHOST or defaults to localhost.
-p port | --port port
The TCP port on which the Greenplum master database server is listening for connections. If not specified, reads from the environment variable PGPORT or defaults to 5432.
-U username | --username username
The database role name to connect as. If not specified, reads from the environment variable PGUSER or defaults to the current system role name.
-w | --no-password
Never issue a password prompt. If the server requires password authentication and a password is not available by other means such as a .pgpass file, the connection attempt will fail. This option can be useful in batch jobs and scripts where no user is present to enter a password.
-W | --password
Force a password prompt.


Create a role named joe using the default options:

createuser joe
Shall the new role be a superuser? (y/n) n
Shall the new role be allowed to create databases? (y/n) n
Shall the new role be allowed to create more new roles? (y/n) n

To create the same role joe using connection options and avoiding the prompts and taking a look at the underlying command:

createuser -h masterhost -p 54321 -S -D -R -e joe

To create the role joe as a superuser, and assign password admin123 immediately:

createuser -P -s -e joe
Enter password for new role: admin123
Enter it again: admin123

In the above example, the new password is not actually echoed when typed, but we show what was typed for clarity. However the password will appear in the echoed command, as illustrated if the -e option is used.

See Also

CREATE ROLE in the Greenplum Database Reference Guide

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