gpv config

Manage the configuration of a Greenplum Database on vSphere cluster.


gpv config init [<file_name>]
gpv config list
gpv config set <options>


The gpv config command allows you to configure a Greenplum cluster on VMware vSphere, import an external configuration, and list the current configuration.

Required Inputs

The following table lists all the information you require in order to configure the a base virtual machine template using the gpv utility. Be sure you have this information available before you start with the configuration.

Configuration Description
vSphere Configuration parameters for vSphere
vSphere admin username An administrator account with enough permissions to deploy the Greenplum cluster
vSphere admin password The password for the administrator account
vCenter address The FQDN or IP address of the vCenter (do not include https://)
Datacenter name The virtual data center name
Compute cluster name The virtual compute cluster name
Storage type The storage provider type (powerflex or vsan)
Storage name The datastore name for this deployment
Storage policy The storage policy name
vSphere distributed switch MTU size The Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU) configured for the vSphere distributed switch*
Database Configuration parameters for Greenplum Database
Deployment type Greenplum deployment type (mirrored or mirrorless)
Greenplum database cluster prefix Prefix to prepend to the resource pool and virtual machine names. Default is gpv
Base-vm Configuration parameters for the base virtual machine
Base VM network type Available options are dhcp or static IP for the base virtual machine only.
- For dhcp, the DHCP server assigns the network settings
- For static IP, you must specify the virtual machine IP, the gateway IP, and the netmask
Base VM IP The IP to use if the network type is static
Base VM gateway IP The gateway to use if the network type is static
Base VM netmask The Netmask to use if the network type is static
gp-virtual-external Configuration parameters for the routable network
gp-virtual-external CIDR The Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) of the routable network connected to the mdw and smdw virtual machines to provide the Greenplum database service to the user clients
gp-virtual-external available IPs The space separated IP addresses used for mdw and smdw. The second IP (for smdw) is only required for mirrored deployment.
gp-virtual-external DNS servers Space separated IP addresses of the DNS servers on the routable network
gp-virtual-external NTP servers Space separated addresses of the NTP servers
gp-virtual-external gateway IP The gateway IP address
gp-virtual-internal Configuration parameters for the Greenplum internal network
gp-virtual-internal CIDR The internal network The Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) for the interconnect communications between Greenplum virtual machines
gp-virtual-etl-bar Configuration parameters for the ETL-BAR network
gp-virtual-etl-bar CIDR The network The Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) for Extraction Transformation Load (etl) and/or Backup and Restore (bar) network. Usually this network is not routable to the database user clients, but routable to the backup or staging servers. This network allows access to all segments within the Greenplum cluster to ensure maximum throughput for heavy data movement workloads.
Virtual machine options Configuration parameters for the virtual machines
base-VM-name The name of the base virtual machine, provisioned in the next section
boot password for the root user The password for the root user on the base virtual machine
boot password for the gpadmin user The password for the gpadmin user on the base virtual machine. The gpadmin user is required for the Greenplum cluster initialization and management.
Number of primary segment VMs The number of virtual machines for the primary segments. For mirrored, use number of primary segments * 2 + 2. For mirrorless, use number of primary segments + 1.

*Greenplum performs best with jumbo frames. The recommended MTU is 9000 if the vSphere distributed switch supports it. If it is less than 9000, you must adjust the server configuration parameter gp_max_packet_size manually. See Configuring Your Systems for more information about MTU.


The available sub-commands for gpv config are init, list, and set.


Initialize a configuration interactively or import an external configuration from a file. The gpv config init command creates the configuration for deploying a Greenplum Database cluster. You may speficy the configuration parameters entering each value interactively, or from an existing configuration yaml file, file_name.

gpv config init [<file_name>]


Start a new configuration from scratch:

gpv config init

Import an existing configuration from a file:

gpv config init /tmp/config.yaml


List the current configuration settings. The gpv config list command displays the current configuration for deploying Greenplum on vSphere.


Set an individual configuration setting.

gpv config set database <setting>
gpv config set network base-vm <setting>
gpv config set network gp-virtual-etl-bar <setting>
gpv config set network gp-virtual-external <setting>
gpv config set network gp-virtual-internal <setting>
gpv config set vm <setting>
gpv config set vsphere <setting>

The available options for gpv config set are:


Configure the settings for the Greenplum Database.

gpv config set database <setting>

Where setting can be one of the following:

deployment-type <type_name>
Specifies whether the Greenplum deployment uses mirror segments or not. Valid values of <type_name> include mirrored and mirrorless. For example: gpv config set database deployment-type mirrored.
prefix <prefix_name>
Specifies a label which serves as a prefix for the names of the resource pool and the virtual machines in the Greenplum cluster. For example, gpv config set database prefix gpdb prepends gpdb to virtual machines and resource pool names.

network base-vm

Configure the network settings for the base virtual machine

gpv config set network base-vm <setting>

Where setting can be one of the following:

  • gateway-ip <IP>: Set the gateway IP address for the base virtual machine when network-type is set to static. For example: gpv config set network base-vm gateway-ip
  • ip <IP>: Set the static IP address for the base virtual machine when network-type is set to static. For example: gpv config set network base-vm ip
  • netmask <NETMASK>: Set the netmask for the base virtual machine when network-type is set to static. For example: gpv config set network base-vm netmask
  • network-type <TYPE>: Set the network type for base virtual machine. The possible values are static and dhcp. For example: gpv config set network base-vm network-type dhcp.

network gp-virtual-etl-bar

Configure the network settings for the ETL, backup and restore traffic.

gpv config set network gp-virtual-etl-bar cidr <CIDR>

Set the Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) for the gp-virtual-etl-bar network. For example: gpv config set network gp-virtual-etl-bar cidr

network gp-virtual-external

Configure the network settings for the routable network for Greenplum clients.

gpv config set network gp-virtual-external <setting>

Where setting can be one of the following:

  • cidr <CIDR>: Set the CIDR for the gp-virtual-external network. For example: gpv config set network gp-virtual-external cidr
  • dns-servers <DNS server1> <DNS server 2>: Set the DNS servers of the gp-virtual-external network. For example: gpv config set network gp-virtual-external dns-servers
  • gateway-ip <IP>: Set the gateway IP of the gp-virtual-external network. For example: gpv config set network gp-virtual-external gateway-ip
  • ips <IP1> <IP2>: Set the static IPs of the gp-virtual-external network. If the Greenplum deployment type is mirrorless, you only need one IP address. If the Greenplum deployment type is mirrored, you need two IP addresses. For example: gpv config set network gp-virtual-external ips
  • ntp-servers <NTP server1> <NTP server2>: Set the NTP servers of the gp-virtual-external network. For example: gpv config set network gp-virtual-external ntp-servers

network gp-virtual-internal

Configure the network settings for the internal communications network among Greenplum virtual machines.

gpv config set network gp-virtual-internal cidr <CIDR>

Set the CIDR to be used by the gp-virtual-internal network. For example: gpv config set network gp-virtual-internal cidr


Configure individual settings for all virtual machines in the cluster.

gpv config set vm <setting>

Where setting can be one of the following:

base-name <base_VM_name>
Set the name of the base virtual machine to use during configuring and deploying Greenplum on vSphere.
Set the guest operating system password for gpadmin user. The utility prompts you to enter a password when you enter this command.
primary-segment-vm-count <number_of_segment_vms>
Set the number of virtual machines to house primary segments. For example: gpv config set vm primary-segment-vm-count 64.
Set the guest operating system password for root user. The utility prompts you to enter a password when you enter this command.


Configure the settings for vSphere.

gpv config set vsphere <setting>

Where setting can be one of the following:

Set the password for the vCenter administrator. The utility prompts you to enter a password when you enter this command.
admin-username <user_name>
Set the username of the vCenter administrator.
compute-cluster-name <compute_cluster_name>
Set the name of the compute cluster to use.
datacenter-name <datacenter_name>
Set the name of the datacenter to use.
storage-name <storage_name>
Set the name of the vSphere datastore or datastore cluster. Specify the name of the storage layer to use within vCenter. For vSAN, specify the datastore name; for Dell PowerFlex, specify the datastore cluster name.
storage-policy <storage_policy>
Set the virtual machine storage policy for the storage layer, if applicable. This setting is required for vSAN only. When specifying the policy, ensure that it is surrounded by quotation marks if the policy's name contains whitespace. For example: gpv config set vsphere storage-policy "this policy contains spaces".
storage-type <storage_type>
Set the type of storage layer to use. Possible values are powerflex and vsan.
vcenter-address <vcenter_address>
Set the address of the target vCenter. Do not include the protocol prefix in the address (http://, https://). For example: gpv config set vsphere vcenter-address
vsphere-distributed-switch-mtu <mtu_size>
Specify the Maximum Transfer Unit (MTU) for the vSphere distributed switch, in bytes. Valid values range from 1500 to 9000.
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