Greenplum 7 uses the built-in gp_exttable_fdw foreign-data wrapper module to internally convert an external table that you define with the CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE command to a foreign table.

In the foreign data paradigm, a foreign-data wrapper (FDW) provides access to an external data source. A foreign server object associated with a specific FDW defines the connection details to a particular remote data source. A foreign table specifies the foreign server with which to access the remote data source. The foreign table also defines the structure of the remote data, just as you would define with an external table. Refer to Accessing External Data with Foreign Tables for more information about how to manage external data with FDWs.

Greenplum internally maps the information that you provide in the CREATE [WRITABLE] EXTERNAL TABLE command to foreign data objects as follows:

Foreign Data Object Name/Value Comments
foreign-data wrapper gp_exttable_fdw Greenplum maps all external tables that you create with the CREATE [WRITABLE] EXTERNAL TABLE command to the gp_exttable_fdw FDW. This FDW handles the external to foreign table conversion.
foreign server gp_exttable_server Greenplum maps all external tables that you create with the CREATE [WRITABLE] EXTERNAL TABLE command to the gp_exttable_server server.
foreign table <external_table_name> Greenplum maps an external table that you create with the CREATE [WRITABLE] EXTERNAL TABLE command to a foreign table of the same name.

When gp_exttable_fdw internally creates the foreign table, it maps the clauses and keywords that you provide in the CREATE [WRITABLE] EXTERNAL TABLE command to specific FDW options. In cases where no direct mapping exists, or where there is no equivalent external table clause, default FDW option values are provided.

The external table clause to foreign table option mapping follows:

CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE Clause FDW Option(s) and Value(s) Description
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE is_writable 'false' Readable external tables are not writable.
CREATE WRITABLE EXTERNAL TABLE is_writable 'true' Writable external tables are writable and alterable.
LOCATION ('<location>' [, ...]) location_uris '<location>' The location of the external data. gp_exttable_fdw uses a pipe (|) character to separate locations when you provide more than one.
FORMAT 'TEXT' format 'text' The external data is text format.
FORMAT 'CSV' format 'csv' The external data is comma-separated value format.
FORMAT 'CUSTOM' format 'custom' formatter '<name>' The external data is of a custom format, and Greenplum uses the specified formatter to parse the data.
formatting options delimiter <value>
escape <value>
"null" <value>
<option1> <value>
Format-dependent formatting options.
OPTIONS <key> '<value>' [, ...] <key> <value>
The data access protocol-specific options.
ENCODING <encoding> encoding '<encoding_str>' The table encoding (string).
LOG ERRORS log_errors 'enable' Log errors to an error log. gp_exttable_fdw sets this FDW option to log_errors 'disable' when the LOG ERRORS clause is not provided.
LOG ERRORS PERSISTENTLY log_errors 'persistently' Log errors to a persistent error log. gp_exttable_fdw sets this FDW option to log_errors 'disable' when the LOG ERRORS clause is not provided.
SEGMENT REJECT LIMIT <num_or_pct> reject_limit '<num>' reject_limit_type '<type>' The number of errored rows (<type> is rows) or the errored row percentage (<type> is percentage) allowed.
n/a execute_on 'ALL_SEGMENTS' Utilize the parallel processing inherent in Greenplum Database.


Because Greenplum 7 converts an external table to a foreign table and uses foreign table structures and catalogs to internally represent external tables:

  • External tables are included in the foreign table catalogs. Use the pg_foreign_table system catalog table and the ftoptions column to view external table definitions.
  • Certain command output and error, detail, and notice messages about external tables refer to the table as a foreign table.
  • External tables are included when you list or examine foreign tables (for example, the \det psql meta-command).


Given the following external table definition:

CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE ext_expenses ( name text, date date, amount float4, category text, desc1 varchar )
  LOCATION ('gpfdist://etlhost-1:8081/*.txt', 'gpfdist://etlhost-2:8082/*.txt')

gp_exttable_fdw creates a foreign table whose psql \d+ output follows:

\d+ ext_expenses
                                         Foreign table "public.ext_expenses"
  Column  |       Type        | Collation | Nullable | Default | FDW options | Storage  | Stats target | Description 
 name     | text              |           |          |         |             | extended |              | 
 date     | date              |           |          |         |             | plain    |              | 
 amount   | real              |           |          |         |             | plain    |              | 
 category | text              |           |          |         |             | extended |              | 
 desc1    | character varying |           |          |         |             | extended |              | 
FDW options: (format 'text', delimiter '|', "null" ' ', escape E'\\', location_uris 'gpfdist://etlhost-1:8081/\*.txt|'gpfdist://etlhost-2:8082/\*.txt', execute_on 'ALL_SEGMENTS', reject_limit '5', reject_limit_type 'rows', log_errors 'enable', encoding 'UTF8', is_writable 'false')
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