This topic provides guidance on migrating partition maintenance scripts that you may have written for Greenplum 6 to use the new partitioning system catalogs in Greenplum 7.
The following partitioning-related catalog tables, views, and functions available in Greenplum 6 are removed in Greenplum 7:
Greenplum 7 adds the following new catalog table and functions:
Because partitioning-related system catalog, view, and function definitions have changed in Greenplum 7, you must update any partition maintenance scripts that you have been using in Greenplum 6.
The following sections identify, for each Greenplum 6 partitioning catalog column, how to obtain similar information in Greenplum 7. These mappings should help ease your partition maintenance migration effort.
In some cases, there is an equivalent field in, or query of, a Greenplum 7 system catalog or view. In other cases, there may be no direct mapping because Greenplum 7 no longer stores the information in the catalog.
The Greenplum 6 pg_partitions view displays all leaf partitions in the current database.
Column Name | Greenplum 6 Description | Greenplum 7 Equivalent |
schemaname | The name of the schema in which the root partitioned table resides. | Use pg_partition_root() to obtain the root object identifier, and then query pg_namespace. |
tablename | The name of the root partitioned table. | Use pg_partition_root() to obtain the root object identifier, and then query pg_class. |
partitionschemaname | The namespace of the leaf partition. | pg_namespace |
partitiontablename | The table name of the leaf partition (the table name you use to access the partition directly). | pg_class |
partitionname | The partition name of the leaf partition (the name you use to refer to the partition in an ALTER TABLE command). |
N/A |
parentpartitiontablename | The table name of the parent table of this partition. | Get the parent object identifier via pg_inherits and then query pg_class. |
parentpartitionname | The partition name of the parent table of this partition. | N/A |
partitiontype | The type of partition (range or list). | Get the parent object identifier via pg_inherits and then query pg_partitioned_table. |
partitionlevel | The level of this partition in the partition hierarchy. | Get the level from pg_partition_tree() using the root object identifier.Note that the level differs in Greenplum 6 and 7. In Greenplum 6, the level of the immediate child of a partitioned table is 0. In Greenplum 7, the level of the partitioned table itself is 0, and the level of its immediate child is 1. |
partitionrank | For range partitions, the rank of the partition compared to other partitions at the same level. | N/A |
partitionposition | The rule order position of this partition. | N/A |
partitionlistvalues | For list partitions, the list value(s) associated with this partition. | Get the partition boundary via pg_get_expr() and then filter the text. |
partitionrangestart | For range partitions, the start value of this partition. | Get the partition boundary via pg_get_expr() and then filter the text. |
partitionstartinclusive | Whether or not the start value is included in this partition. true if the start value is included. |
always inclusive |
partitionrangeend | For range partitions, the end value of this partition. | Get the partition boundary via pg_get_expr() and then filter the text. |
partitionendinclusive | Whether or not the end value is included in this partition. true if the end value is included. |
always exclusive |
partitioneveryclause | The EVERY clause (interval) of this partition. |
N/A |
partitionisdefault | Whether or not this is a default partition. true if this is the default, otherwise false . |
Get the partition boundary via pg_get_expr() and check if it is DEFAULT . Alternatively, use pg_partitioned_table.partdefid . |
partitionboundary | The entire partition specification for this partition. | pg_get_expr() , but note that it is returned in modern syntax. |
parenttablespace | The tablespace of the parent table of this partition. | Get the parent object identifier via pg_inherits and then query pg_tablespace. |
partitiontablespace | The tablespace of this partition. | pg_tablespace |
Some of the information is quite trivial to retrieve in Greenplum 7, while other information is not. The following sections provide examples for specific Greenplum 6 system catalog columns.
The partitionname
and parentpartitionname
columns provide the Greenplum 6 "partition name" in constrast to the actual table name. Because Greenplum 7 no longer stores the partition name in the catalog (previously in pg_partition_rule
), it cannot retrieve that information now. Use the table names directly to refer to the partitions. However, if you really need the partition name, you can achieve that via some text massaging:
c.relname AS table_name,
split_part(substr(c.relname, position(inh.inhparent::regclass::text in c.relname) + length(inh.inhparent::regclass::text)), '_', 4) AS partition_name
pg_class c
pg_inherits inh ON inh.inhrelid = c.oid
c.relname LIKE concat(inh.inhparent::regclass::text, '%')
AND c.relname LIKE '<your_partition_name>';
This query is valid only if the table name is implicitly generated by Greenplum from the partition name and is in the form of <parent_tablename>_prt_<level>_<partition_name>
. This query will not work for a partitioned table created with modern syntax (where you always specify the table name when adding a partition) or for a partitioned table created with classic syntax where you explicitly specify the table name in a WITH
clause for the partition.
The partitionposition
and partitionrank
columns in the Greenplum 6 pg_partitions
view are based on the "order" number for each partition in the pg_partition_rule
catalog, but that catalog is removed in Greenplum 7. However, if you are simply interested in retrieving the sorted order for range partitions, you can order the range value. For example, if the Greenplum 6 query below provides the highest rank partition:
WHEN partitionstartinclusive THEN partitionrangestart
ELSE partitionrangeend
END AS old_part_value
pg_catalog.pg_partitions p
p.schemaname = '" + cfg.schema + "'
AND p.tablename = '" + cfg.table + "'
AND p.partitiontype = 'range'
AND p.partitionlevel = " + str(cfg.partition_level) + "
AND " + chk + "
A similar query in Greenplum 7 follows:
rank() OVER (
(regexp_matches(pg_get_expr(c.relpartbound, c.oid), 'FOR VALUES FROM \(([0-9]+)\) TO \(([0-9]+)\)'))[1]
) AS rank,
(regexp_matches(pg_get_expr(c.relpartbound, c.oid), 'FOR VALUES FROM \(([0-9]+)\) TO \(([0-9]+)\)'))[1] AS old_part_value
pg_class c
pg_inherits inh ON inh.inhrelid = c.oid
pg_partitioned_table pt ON inh.inhparent = pt.partrelid
pg_class pc ON pc.oid = pt.partrelid
c.relispartition = 't' AND pc.relname LIKE ('<partition_root_schema>.<partition_root_name>')
Assuming that the partitioning method for the partitioned table is RANGE
, the above query calculates the ranks for each child partition, and prints the range START
value (which is always inclusive) with the highest rank.
You cannot retrieve the order number for list partitions with this query, however, because the order is based on the time the partition is added, and Greenplum 7 does not store that information. A query for list partitions must not be dependent on order information.
Because Greenplum 7 does not store the use of the EVERY
clause in the catalog, it can not discern if a partition was created with the clause. The main use of this column is to reconstruct a partition definition clause using the classic-syntax for display or pg_dump
purposes. No mapping is provided at this time.
Greenplum 7 supports the classic syntax INCLUSIVE
clauses through the adjustment of START
and END
values. It dos not record whether a range START
or END
is inclusive or not, because the START
is always inclusive and the END
is always exclusive. So the partitionstartinclusive
and partitionendinclusive
columns are simply redundant.
You can retrieve the partition boundary definition in Greenplum 7 via the pg_get_expr()
pg_get_expr(relpartbound, oid)
relispartition = 't';
An approximate pg_partitions
view follows. This view, given all limitations addressed above, prints the information that is possible to retrieve in Greenplum 7.
CautionThis example is for illustrative purposes only, not for practical use.
(SELECT relnamespace::regnamespace FROM pg_class WHERE oid = pg_partition_root(c.oid)) AS schemaname,
(SELECT pg_partition_root(c.oid)::regclass) AS tablename,
n.nspname AS partitionschemaname,
c.relname AS partitiontablename,
-- assuming the table name is implicitly generated like <parent>_prt_<id>_<partition>
substr(c.relname, position(pc.relname in c.relname) + length(pc.relname)),
) AS partitionname,
pc.relname AS parentpartitiontablename,
-- same assumption as above
substr(pc.relname, position(ppc.relname in pc.relname) + length(ppc.relname)),
) AS parentpartitionname,
WHEN pt.partstrat = 'r' THEN 'range'
ELSE 'list'
END AS partitiontype,
(SELECT level FROM pg_partition_tree(pg_partition_root(c.oid)) WHERE relid = c.oid) AS partitionlevel,
-- can be calculated like a previous example
NULL AS partitionrank,
-- cannot be trusted because no real order for list partitions
NULL AS partitionposition,
(regexp_matches(pg_get_expr(c.relpartbound, c.oid), 'FOR VALUES IN \((.*?)\)'))[1] AS partitionlistvalues,
-- assuming range values are normal integers instead of expressions which Greenplum 7 supports
(regexp_matches(pg_get_expr(c.relpartbound, c.oid), 'FOR VALUES FROM \(([0-9]+)\) TO \(([0-9]+)\)'))[1] AS partitionrangestart,
't' AS partitionstartinclusive,
(regexp_matches(pg_get_expr(c.relpartbound, c.oid), 'FOR VALUES FROM \(([0-9]+)\) TO \(([0-9]+)\)'))[2] AS partitionrangeend,
'f' AS partitionendinclusive,
-- information cannot be retrieved
NULL AS partitioneveryclause,
WHEN pg_get_expr(c.relpartbound, c.oid) = 'DEFAULT' THEN 't'
ELSE 'f'
END AS partitionisdefault,
(regexp_matches(pg_get_expr(c.relpartbound, c.oid), '.+'))[1] AS partitionboundary,
WHEN pc.reltablespace = 0 THEN 'pg_default'
ELSE (SELECT spcname FROM pg_tablespace WHERE oid = pc.reltablespace)
END AS parenttablespace,
WHEN c.reltablespace = 0 THEN 'pg_default'
ELSE (SELECT spcname FROM pg_tablespace WHERE oid = c.reltablespace)
END AS partitiontablespace
pg_class c
pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace
pg_inherits inh ON inh.inhrelid = c.oid
pg_partitioned_table pt ON inh.inhparent = pt.partrelid
pg_class pc ON pc.oid = pt.partrelid
pg_inherits pinh ON pinh.inhrelid = pc.oid
pg_partitioned_table ppt ON pinh.inhparent = ppt.partrelid
pg_class ppc ON ppc.oid = ppt.partrelid
c.relispartition = 't';
The Greenplum 6 pg_partition_columns view displays the partition key columns of a partitioned table.
Column Name | Greenplum 6 Description | Greenplum 7 Equivalent |
schemaname | The name of the schema in which the partitioned table resides. | Get the root partitioned table object identifier via pg_partition_root() and then query pg_namespace. |
tablename | The table name of the partitioned table. | pg_class |
columnname | The name of the partition key column. | pg_attribute |
partitionlevel | The level of this subpartition in the partition hierarchy. | Get the level from pg_partition_tree() using the parent object identifier. |
position_in_partition_key | List partitions can have a composite (multi-column) partition key. This attribute identifies the position of the column in a composite key. | always 1 |
The position_in_partition_key
column is no longer relevant in Greenplum 7. Greenplum 7 supports a multi-column partition key via multi-column type, so the relative position of the column in the partition key will always be one. Another reason that this no longer holds true in Greenplum 7: the pg_partition_columnns
view assumes a homogenous partition structure, while Greenplum 7 also supports heterogenous partition structures.
As long as these two assumptions hold:
A query to generate a comparable view in Greenplum 7 follows:
c.relnamespace::regnamespace AS schemaname,
c.relname AS tablename,
att.attname AS columnname,
SELECT level
FROM pg_partition_tree(pg_partition_root(c.oid))
WHERE relid = c.oid
) AS partitionlevel,
1 AS position_in_partition_key
pg_partitioned_table pt
pg_class c ON c.oid = pt.partrelid
pg_attribute att ON c.oid = att.attrelid AND att.attnum = pt.partattrs[0];
The Greenplum 6 pg_partition_rule table tracks partitioned tables, their check constraints, and their data containment rules.
Column Name | Greenplum 6 Description | Greenplum 7 Equivalent |
paroid | The row identifier of the partitioning level (from pg_partition ) to which this partition belongs. In the case of a branch partition, the corresponding table (identified by pg_partition_rule ) is an empty container table. In the case of a leaf partition, the table contains the rows for that partition containment rule. |
N/A (removed object) |
parchildrelid | The table identifier of the partition. | pg_class |
parparentrule | The row identifier of the rule associated with the parent table of this partition. | N/A (removed object) |
parname | The given name of this partition. | pg_class |
parisdefault | Specifies whether or not this partition is a default partition. | See pg_partitions.partitionisdefault. |
parruleord | For range partitioned tables, the rank of this partition in this level of the partition hierarchy. | N/A (See the explanation for the partitionposition /partitionrank columns in pg_partitions.) |
parrangestartincl | For range partitioned tables, specifies whether or not the starting value is inclusive. | always inclusive |
parrangeendincl | For range partitioned tables, specifies whether or not the ending value is inclusive. | always exclusive |
parrangestart | For range partitioned tables, the starting value of the range. | See pg_partitions.partitionrangestart. |
parrangeend | For range partitioned tables, the ending value of the range. | See pg_partitions.partitionrangeend. |
parrangeevery | For range partitioned tables, the interval value of the EVERY clause. |
N/A (See pg_partitions.partitioneveryclause.) |
parlistvalues | For list partitioned tables, the list of values assigned to this partition. | See pg_partitions.partitionlistvalues. |
parreloptions | An array describing the storage characteristics of the particular partition. | pg_class.reloptions |
The Greenplum 6 pg_partition system catalog table tracks partitioned tables and their inheritance level relationships.
The majority of this information resides in pg_partitioned_table in Greenplum 7.
Column Name | Greenplum 6 Description | Greenplum 7 Equivalent |
parrelid | The object identifier of the table. | pg_partitioned_table.partrelid |
parkind | The partition type - R for range or L for list. | pg_partitioned_table.partstrat |
parlevel | The partition level of this row: 0 for the top-level parent table, 1 for the first level under the parent table, 2 for the second level, and so on. | Cross-check pg_partitioned_table and pg_partition_root()/pg_partition_tree() , similar to how you retrieve pg_partitions.partitionlevel. |
paristemplate | Whether or not this row represents a subpartition template definition (true ) or an actual partitioning level (false ). |
Cross-check pg_partitioned_table.partrelid with gp_partition_template. |
parnatts | The number of attributes that define this level. | pg_partitioned_table.partnatts |
paratts | An array of the attribute numbers (as in pg_attribute.attnum ) of the attributes that participate in defining this level. |
pg_partitioned_table.partattrs |
parclass | The operator class identifier(s) of the partition columns. | pg_partitioned_table.partclass |
The Greenplum 6 pg_partition_templates view displays the subpartitions that were created using a subpartition template.
While the information is same as that of the pg_partitions
view, pg_partition_templates
displays only those subpartitions created by a subpartition template (cross-check with pg_partition.paristemplate
of the root partitioned table).
NoteGreenplum 6 assumes that if the root partitioned table has a subpartition template, then all of its subpartitions are created by this subpartition template. In Greenplum 7 this assumption no longer holds true - you can add any table to a partitioned table with
. Ensure that you take this into account when you rewrite your scripts.
Column Name | Greenplum 6 Description | Greenplum 7 Equivalent |
schemaname | The name of the schema in which the partitioned table resides. | See pg_partitions.schemaname. |
tablename | The table name of the top-level parent table. | See pg_partitions.tablename. |
partitionname | The name of the subpartition (this is the name to use if referring to the partition in an ALTER TABLE command). NULL if the partition was not given a name at create time or generated by an EVERY clause. |
See pg_partitions.partitionname. |
partitiontype | The type of subpartition (range or list). | See pg_partitions.partitiontype. |
partitionlevel | The level of this subpartition in the hierarchy. | See pg_partitions.partitionlevel. |
partitionrank | For range partitions, the rank of the partition compared to other partitions of the same level. | See pg_partitions.partitionrank. |
partitionposition | The rule order position of this subpartition. | See pg_partitions.partitionposition. |
partitionlistvalues | For list partitions, the list value(s) associated with this subpartition. | See pg_partitions.partitionlistvalues. |
partitionrangestart | For range partitions, the start value of this subpartition. | See pg_partitions.partitionrangestart. |
partitionstartinclusive | Whether or not the start value is included in this partition. true if the start value is included. false if it is excluded. |
See pg_partitions.partitionstartinclusive. |
partitionrangeend | For range partitions, the end value of this subpartition. | See pg_partitions.partitionrangend. |
partitionendinclusive | Whether or not the end value is included in this partition. true if the end value is included. false if it is excluded. |
See pg_partitions.partitionendinclusive. |
partitioneveryclause | The EVERY clause (interval) of this subpartition. |
See pg_partitions.partitioneveryclause. |
partitionisdefault | Whether or not this is a default subpartition. true if this is the default, otherwise false . |
See pg_partitions.partitionisdefault. |
partitionboundary | The entire partition specification for this subpartition. | See pg_partitions.partitionboundary. |
The Greenplum 6 pg_partition_encoding table describes the available column compression options for a subpartition template. This information is stored in gp_partition_template in Greenplum 7.
You must perform some text filtering to retrieve the per-column encoding information in Greenplum 7 in the same format as that of pg_partition_encoding
Column Name | Greenplum 6 Description | Greenplum 7 Equivalent |
parencoid | The object identifier of the parent partition of this subpartition template. | gp_partition_template |
parencattnum | The attribute number of the column for which the encoding option applies. | pg_get_expr(template, <root_partition_oid>) |
parencattoptions | The storage option of this column. | pg_get_expr(template, <root_partition_oid>) |
You can retrieve a one-line definition of the template using pg_get_expr()
as follows:
SELECT level, pg_get_expr(template, relid) from gp_partition_template where relid::regclass::text = '<tablename>';
level | pg_get_expr
1 | SUBPARTITION TEMPLATE(SUBPARTITION sp1 VALUES (1, 2, 3, 4, 5), COLUMN i ENCODING (compresstype=zlib), COLUMN j ENCODING (compresstype=rle_type), COLUMN k ENCODING (compresstype=zlib), COLUMN l ENCODING (compresstype=zlib))
The Greenplum 6 pg_stat_partition_operations view displays details about the last operation performed on a partitioned table.
The view displays the same information as pg_stat_operations, but only for the partitioned table and its child partitions. You can retrieve similar information in Greenplum 7 with a query such as:
(SELECT level FROM pg_partition_tree(pg_partition_root(c.oid)) WHERE relid = c.oid) AS partitionlevel,
pc.relname AS parentpartitiontablename,
pc.relnamespace::regnamespace AS parentschemaname,
pc.oid AS parent_relid
pg_stat_operations so
pg_class c ON so.objid = c.oid
pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace
pg_inherits inh ON inh.inhrelid = c.oid
pg_partitioned_table pt ON inh.inhparent = pt.partrelid
pg_class pc ON pc.oid = pt.partrelid
c.relispartition = 't' OR c.oid IN (SELECT partrelid FROM pg_partitioned_table);