
The postgres_fdw module is a foreign-data wrapper (FDW) that you can use to access data stored in a remote PostgreSQL or Greenplum database.

The Greenplum Database postgres_fdw module is a modified version of the PostgreSQL postgres_fdw module. The module behaves as described in the PostgreSQL postgres_fdw documentation when you use it to access a single remote PostgreSQL database. The Greenplum postgres_fdw module also includes enhancements that allow you to access multiple remote PostgreSQL servers from a single foreign table.


There are some restrictions and limitations when you use this foreign-data wrapper module, described below.

Installing and Registering the Module

The postgres_fdw module is installed when you install Greenplum Database. Before you can use the foreign-data wrapper, you must register the postgres_fdw extension in each database in which you want to use the foreign-data wrapper. Refer to Installing Additional Supplied Modules for more information.

Using postgres_fdw to Access Multiple Remote PostgreSQL Servers

Before you create a foreign table using the postgres_fdw foreign-data wrapper, you must configure a server with the CREATE SERVER command. You can use a postgres_fdw foreign table to access data that is distributed across multiple remote PostgreSQL servers when you set certain Greenplum and postgres_fdw-specific options on the CREATE SERVER command:

Option Name Description Value
mpp_execute Greenplum Database option that identifies the host(s) from which postgres_fdw reads or writes data. Set to 'all segments', which, when specified for postgres_fdw, translates to all remote PostgreSQL servers specified in multi_hosts.
num_segments1 Greenplum Database option that identifies the number of query executors that Greenplum spawns on the source Greenplum cluster. Set to the number of remote PostgreSQL servers. If this option is not set, defaults to the number of segments in the local Greenplum cluster.
multi_hosts Space-separated list of remote PostgreSQL server host names. You must specify exactly num_segments number of hosts in the list.
multi_ports Space-separated list of port numbers for the PostgreSQL servers. You must specify exactly one port number for each host specified in multi_hosts, in order.

1 The Greenplum query optimizer (GPORCA) can plan and optimize queries only when num_segments is equal to the number of segments in the local Greenplum cluster. When num_segments is any other value, a query always falls back to the Postgres-based planner.

Setting these options instructs postgres_fdw to treat a foreign table that you create that specifes this SERVER as a distributed foreign table. That is, a foreign table whose underlying data is stored on multiple remote PostgreSQL servers. postgres_fdw directs a query on such a foreign table to each PostgreSQL server specified in multi_hosts.

An example CREATE SERVER command that configures access to PostgreSQL servers running on pghost1 and pghost2 follows:

CREATE SERVER dist_pgserver
OPTIONS (multi_hosts 'pghost1 pghost2', multi_ports '5432 5555', num_segments '2', mpp_execute 'all segments');

About Aggregate Pushdown Support

postgres_fdw supports partial aggregate pushdown for a distributed query under the following conditions:

  • The aggregate contains no DISTINCT or ORDER BY clauses.
  • The aggregate does not contain HAVING clause.
  • The aggregate function is not array_agg().
  • The query contains no LIMIT or JOIN clauses.

postgres_fdw does not support partial aggregate pushdown when the Greenplum query optimizer (GPORCA) is enabled for a query.

About Limit Pushdown Support

postgres_fdw supports limit pushdown for a distributed query under the following conditions:

  • The query contains no OFFSET clause.
  • The query contains no aggregates.

Distributed postgres_fdw Limitations

When you use the foreign-data wrapper to access multiple remote PostgreSQL servers, Greenplum Database postgres_fdw has the following limitations:

  • You must set the gp_enable_minmax_optimization server configuration parameter to off to enable partial aggregate pushdown.
  • INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations on distributed foreign tables are not supported.
  • IMPORT FOREIGN SCHEMA is not supported.

Greenplum Database Limitations

When you use the foreign-data wrapper to access Greenplum Database, postgres_fdw has the following limitations:

  • The ctid is not guaranteed to uniquely identify the physical location of a row within its table. For example, the following statements may return incorrect results when the foreign table references a Greenplum Database table:

    INSERT INTO rem1(f2) VALUES ('test') RETURNING ctid;
    SELECT * FROM ft1, t1 WHERE t1.ctid = '(0,2)'; 
  • postgres_fdw does not support local or remote triggers when you use it to access a foreign table that references a Greenplum Database table.

  • UPDATE or DELETE operations on a foreign table that references a Greenplum table are not guaranteed to work correctly.

Additional Module Documentation

For more information about using foreign tables in Greenplum Database, see Accessing External Data with Foreign Tables.

For detailed information about this module, refer to the postgres_fdw PostgreSQL documentation.

The postgres_fdw foreign-data wrapper is included in the Greenplum Database open source github repository. You can view the source code for the module which is located in the contrib/ directory.

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