To maintain compatibility with OS Assisted Migration (OSAM) service appliances, update the HCX Sentinel agent software on guest virtual machines.

The OS Assisted Migration (OSAM) upgrade includes the HCX Sentinel agent, SGW, SDR, and SRG appliance software necessary for upgrade. This software is included with the HCX Manager upgrade bundle. This means you must upgrade to the latest HCX software to get the latest OSAM updates.

The OSAM upgrade has two versions depending on the HCX deployment: On-premise or cloud. When using OSAM in vSphere to vSphere environments, the Sentinel agent software is only available for downloaded with on-premise HCX deployment upgrades.

When using OSAM in non-vSphere to vSphere environments, the Sentinel agent software is available for download with either HCX on-premise or cloud managers.


The Sentinel appliances are updated to the latest version as described in Upgrade the HCX Service Mesh Appliances.


  1. Navigate to the HCX Dashboard, and select Interconnect > Service Mesh > Sentinel Management.
    The system displays the inventory of guest virtual machines. Each entry lists the current Sentinel software version and the available software version installed after upgrading the HCX Manager.
  2. Select the guest VMs to update:
    It is a best practice to update all guest virtual machines to the same version at the same time.
    • To update all guest VMs, check the box at the top of the Hostname column.
    • To update individual VMs, check the box next to each VM.
  3. Click Upgrade.

    The upgrade begins for the selected guest VMs. For the upgrade status, review the Task Details in the Sentinel Management page.

    Note: Sentinel upgrade is allowed only when the migration is not in the switchover phase for that guest virtual machine. An attempt to upgrade Sentinel on a guest virtual machine that has a switchover in progress results in an upgrade request failure.