The HCX OS Assisted Migration (OSAM) service automatically uninstalls the Sentinel software from the guest system after a successful migration. Alternatively, you can manually remove the software using the Sentinel Management interface.

Following a successful migration, the OSAM service automatically sends instructions to the guest virtual machine to power off and uninstall the Sentinel agent software upon reboot. The OSAM service then removes the VM from the inventory of non-vSphere virtual machines on the HCX.

You can manually uninstall the software from a source VM using the Uninstall button in the Sentinel Management interface. The action taken by the OSAM service to uninstall the Sentinel software depends on whether the service has access to the source system:

  • OSAM service has a connection to the source VM—OSAM uninstalls the Sentinel software from the source VM. Also, OSAM removes the source VM from the inventory of non-vSphere virtual machines on the HCX.

  • OSAM service has no connection to the source VM—OSAM removes the source VM from the inventory of non-vSphere virtual machines on the HCX, but the Sentinel software remains installed on the source VM. In this case, if a connection to the source VM is reestablished with the OSAM service, the source VM reappears in the inventory of non-vSphere virtual machines on the HCX. To remove the Sentinel agent software and delete the source VM from the inventory, repeat the uninstall the procedure.


The OSAM service prevents you from uninstalling the HCX Sentinel software during the source VM migration.

To uninstall the Sentinel agent software manually, use the following procedure .


  1. Go to Interconnect > Service Mesh > Sentinel Management.

    The system displays the list of source VMs installed with the Sentinel agent software.

  2. Select the source systems.
  3. Click Uninstall.

    The system prompts you to verify the action.

  4. Click Yes.

    The OSAM service begins the process of uninstalling the software from the source VM.

  5. In the Sentinel Management interface, verify that the entry is removed from the inventory of non-vSphere virtual machines.