You can monitor or restart the HCX services from the HCX Manager Appliance Management interface.


There are several HCX Manager services critical for VMware HCX operations. Two key services to observe are the Application Service and the Web Service.

When working with a support team at VMware, you might have to confirm that these services are running or might have to restart them. You can view and restart the HCX Manager services in several places.


Do not restart services unless directed to do so by VMware Global Support Services.


  1. Log in to the HCX Manager Appliance Management interface: https://hcx-ip-or-fqdn:9443.
  2. Navigate to Appliance Summary.
  3. You can find all services and can monitor or restart them. The only service that is optional is SSH service. All others must always be running.
    HCX Manager Appliance Summary: HCX Services (Web and Application), System Level Services (Appliance Management, HTTPD, and SSH), and service status.