VMware HCX is an workloa mobility platform that is designed for simplifying workload migration, workload rebalancing, and business continuity across data centers and clouds.


VMware HCX use cases:

  • Rehosting application workloads

    You can schedule and migrate thousands of vSphere virtual machines within and across data centers without requiring a reboot. Use cases include data center consolidation, moving workloads for efficient host resource utilization, moving workloads from private to public cloud sites or from public to on-private cloud sites, and flexibility of migration options for managing large or small migration waves with the least disruption and greatest efficiency.

  • Upgrading and re-platforming applications and infrastructure

    With HCX, you can migrate workloads from vSphere and non-vSphere (KVM and Hyper-V) environments, within and across data centers or clouds, to current vSphere versions without requiring an upgrade. Use cases include moving applications to the latest VCF software and hardware environment, and performing platform maintenance without impacting application workloads.

  • Workload rebalancing

    HCX provides a multi-cloud mobility platform across cloud regions and cloud providers to allow customers to move applications and workloads at any time to meet scale, cost management, compliance, and vendor neutrality goals. Use cases include balancing application workloads across public and private clouds, moving workloads between cloud providers, and extending the networks serving those workloads between sites.