The Service Mesh is the effective HCX service configuration between a source and a destination site, and it must be kept updated between the pair following changes in the Compute Profile, Network Profile, or Service Mesh itself.

When there is an update to the Compute Profile, Network Profile, or Service Mesh, it can have an impact on the system configuration, including possible downtime. The HCX Manager UI provides two operations for addressing Service Mesh changes: Edit and Resync. Which operation is required depends on the change. The Edit operation edits the Service Mesh. The Resync operation takes changes to the Compute Profile and applies them to the Service Mesh.

If the Service Mesh configuration includes Network Extension High Availability (HA) groups, a Resync or Edit operation redeploys all Network Extension appliances in the HA group.

To perform an Edit operation, go to Interconnect > Service Mesh > Edit, click Edit and make any necessary changes. When done, click Update Service Mesh.

To perform a Resync operation, go to Interconnect > Service Mesh > Resync. Click Resync to confirm the operation.
Note: Resync is intended for use only in healthy Service Mesh environments. Resync is not for troubleshooting a Service Mesh in an error state.

Editing and synchronizing the Service Mesh is available from the source site HCX Manager UI where the Service Mesh was created. These update operations are not available at the destination site.

Note: For information about updating the Service Mesh appliances, see Upgrade the HCX Service Mesh Appliances.